honeybeatslibrary's reviews
494 reviews

Get Your Sh*t Together by Sarah Knight

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This is much better than her first book. The tips are useful. The language is less foul. And overall the book is less annoying. I actually liked this one.
The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-sufficient Living in the Heart of the City (Process Self-Reliance Series) by Erik Knutzen, Kelly Coyne

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I'm starting to get into more sustainable living, and I really want to have my only little squad of chickens so I picked this book up because I'm not a country girl like at all. I liked a lot of the tips in this book. It gives you all sorts of options for planting gardens (goals) in the city-like real legit gardens. Also for having animals (i will have my chickens and my farm fresh eggs) in the city. And even foraging in the city- not my ministry but it was cool to learn about. On the whole I'm glad I read it. It's like sort of a how to guide so it's not the most interesting read, but it's an excellent resource. I might pick this one up to have and refer back to-but for now I'm going to return it to the library to let it help someone else :)
Clean and Lean: 30 Days, 30 Foods, a New You! by Ian K. Smith

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I really liked this book! I'm doing this challenge right now and I'm really enjoying it. It had a ton of awesome tips for healthier eating and it did a great job explaining time restricted eating (limiting your eating to certain times of day) which was new to me, but something I'm really loving! I think this is a worth it book because even if you don't follow the whole challenge it offers some fun and easy recipes for eating healthier meals, and it was short, easy and a nice read overall. I hope I see some good results with this, I definitely am noticing I feel better lately :)
More Than Enough: Claiming Space for Who You Are (No Matter What They Say) by Elaine Welteroth

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Wow. This book. I have no words and so many words about why I loved this book so much. Elaine Welteroth is truly an inspiration for so many reasons, and getting to read her story in her beautifully written words- I am thankful for the experience. Her rise to Editor-In-Chief of Vogue is extraordinary. She even says in the book that people are often interested in the results and the firsts, but now the hustle it takes to get there. For me as a young black woman professional reading about her ups and downs gave me another boost I didn't know I needed. Elaine really has a beautiful way with words (this is not shocking because she's a journalist duh) and reading her book was equal parts page turner and inspirational. I laughed and cried with her. I feel like a better person for having read this book. She gave me a boost and I'm just so grateful. What a beautiful reminder that I am...MORE THAN ENOUGH <3
A Hot Glue Gun Mess: Funny Stories, Pretty DIY Projects by Mr. Kate

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I've been watching Mr. Kate videos for over a year now, and I jumped at the chance to read a book by Kate in hopes of getting some fun DIY tips and learning a little bit more about her. This book provided both- I learned a lot about her background (her dad was CEO of HBO for a hot minute who knew) and she added in some really fun DIYs (I want to try the watercolor curtains one day). The book starts off with a disclaimer letting you know from jump that it's not your standard DIY book and it's definitely not. I enjoyed it, it's a fun read. It's not the greatest book I've ever read but it was still a fun book by one of my favorite youtubers :)
The Curated Closet: A Simple System for Discovering Your Personal Style and Building Your Dream Wardrobe by Anuschka Rees

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Obviously I'm deep in style books because I'm really working on finding my niche. I loved this book. I checked it out from the library but this is a book I might actually purchase. The book has a lot of really spectacular information and graphics which as a visual learner I really appreciate. More than that it has guiding quizzes that help you skip different portions of the book (I didn't skip any) but they also help you really get to down the nitty gritty of defining your style. Like other style books I've read the key to figuring out your wardrobe is understanding your style (not just choosing things you like with no rhyme or reason like I do haha). The other plus of this book is that it offers an update schedule which I rarely see in style books. The fact that this focuses on establishing and maintaining your closet is great. I definitely recommend this book if you're a style novice like me!
Own Your Everyday: Overcome the Pressure to Prove and Show Up for What You Were Made to Do by Jordan Lee Dooley

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First things first, I don’t actually know who the author of this book is, I liked what the book was supposed to be about so I decided to check it out. It wasn’t until I started reading it that I saw she is an instagrammer which I think is pretty rad! When I started the book I was a little turned off, it wasn’t anything new and it highlighted how much privilege she had going into her small shop. HOWEVER this book took a turn for the better when she started talking about perfectionism. As a long time perfectionist I was so happy to hear someone naming it. Being a perfectionist is something i’m learning has done far more harm than good in my life and she talked about the not so positive impacts of it- i’m grateful. Then she shared something that I know will be a game changer— the 10/10/10 rule. She heard this from a friend of hers and the concept outlines thinking about how something will impact you 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years from now. Thinking about the long term impacts of your choices can help you be a little more precious with your time and what you say yes and no to—as a people pleaser i needed this. On the whole I left this book feeling inspired to really evaluate where I am in life right now—and appreciate my strengths and weaknesses. There is a spiritual component to this book because Mrs. Dooley is Christian. I am too so this was relatable to me, but if Jesus isn’t your jam there is plenty of information in this book that can be helpful and valuable. I think I will read this book again to take some notes on the tips I want to try to implement in my life, but on the whole I really enjoyed this book and i’m better for having read it.
The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

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This is my second attempt reading this book and I am truly so thankful I gave it a second change. The concept is so cool. Our lead character relives the same moments as a different person until he can solve the Murder. That's all I'll say. What a concept! I loved it. I did take me a little bit to get into it but by the 5th chapter I was completely sucked in and totally riveted. The twists and turns of the story were so cool, and somewhat unexpected. It's like a choose your own adventure, but you don't choose and it's awesome. I just loved this book and definitely recommend it.