iamnotacentipede's reviews
125 reviews

Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz

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This was a very fast paced and quirky book but in the best way. 
The main character is loveable and I found myself consistently drawn to pick up the book or to never put it down to begin with.

The writing style reminds me a little of Joe Hill or Richard Kadrey who have written some of my most favorite horror or thriller style books.

I'm ending this on a 4.5 star read because near the end it seemed to have fallen off with it's charm and it took a more somber feel. 

But I will say that I would recommend this book to others and I can't wait to keep reading the series.
Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter

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This was a very cute read. The book was easy to get through and a perfect palette cleanser after a few heavy books. I find myself wanting to pick it up, it totally is a teenage rom-com movie but in print form.

3.5 star read for sure (rounding down to 3 for GoodReads)- it's a very simple premise and you can tell right away what's going to happen but that's ok because the banter totally makes you smile along the way. 
Don't Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel

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This book totally made me tear up in a few parts, specifically at the end. I will say that I was gripped the whole time wondering what was going to happen to Luke.

The reason this book wasn't a killer 5 stars was because I felt like it was too short and many things were rushed. A lot of the background characters had very basic personalities, and there were moments where it just didn't seem accurate to a cancer treatment regime. 

In the end it's a 3.75 star read, and I will probably still read more of the authors works.
The Women by Kristin Hannah

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This book started off with a bang! It was gripping, it was raw, it felt so real. I was instantly absorbed and couldn't put it down.

Then for me things started falling flat around the halfway mark. It fizzled.
I was less invested in her coming home section and it seemed like the book went into this lull stage. About the 60-70% mark things took a very strange turn. The main character was completely not herself and it put me off. I know the author was trying to show how PTSD and trauma to that scale can effect people...how their lives were forever changed because of the war, but it really felt like 2 short stories were mashed together. It was jarring the turn, and not in a moving way, but in an unpleasant drag.

I love the fact that she was able to work through her problems, become strong, become more into her self and help herself heal in a way that was not available for her originally. But ultimately it felt like a stark contrast to the beginning of the book, and you only got snippets of that same gripping rawness.

Another complaint is that the love life of Frankie is very... limited. We really only see her cycle through these same 3 men in some variation and it made the love aspect of her life seem cheap because of it. 

Ultimately I'm giving this a 4.25 stars because it really was an amazing read, but for me personally it felt like more things needed to be tweaked to get more of the power that this book has to offer.
Choosing Theo by Victoria Aveline

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If cozy smut is a genre (which it might be, since I don't read a lot of smutty books) then this book fits the bill.

Do not go into this thinking it's going to have a killer plot because you're not going to find it. The writing of the world building and plot are all lazy in the fact there really isn't much conflict or development into the world.

But if you are wanting a light, easy to read book that gives you a happily ever after with spice then that's exactly what you are going to get.

I'm giving this a 3 stars because I had a fun time with it, but it's by no means very established.
The Age of Witches by Louisa Morgan

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This was a fun little read that was nice and airy in its feel. There wasn't an overabundance of issues, and much of the plot focused on relatively normal situations that the characters had to navigate. 

I do feel like this book could have been half the size that it is, just because of the lack of extreme conflict in it. Most of the suspense of "what will happen next" died out about halfway through the book and the ending wasn't a page turner of excitement that kept me guessing on what was going to happen next.

The happy ending was pretty standard, and honestly most of the book felt the same. A pretty average book, but it was a fun read
Solo Leveling, Vol. 2 by Chugong

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I will say that this was not as gripping as the first book, but I still had a good time. I like where the story plot is going and seeing how Jinwoo is going down this path of becoming less in touch with his humanity so he can work the system of the game and become stronger. It's still giving me Sword Art vibes, but I'm having an amazing time and it's been so entertaining
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

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2.75 stars, I feel like if Elizabeth was how she was in the last 10% of the book I would have liked her so much more than I really did. Most of the book just fell flat for me, and honestly most of the way through I couldn't really find myself caring about them as characters. And also, for having such a huge role as Calvin did it bothered me that he wasn't really there. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't amazing either. 
The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

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For being a comic this story touches on so many heavy topics. It's wonderful to see life through the eyes of an Iranian woman and all the struggles that went along with growing up and maturing that we as people experience all over the world.

This was a solid 4 star read and I appreciate the author's approach to something that can be sensitive.
Red Winter by Annette Marie

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I'm giving this a solid 3 stars, it was an average read but I did have lots of fun with it.

I couldn't help getting flashbacks of Inuyasha while reading this which was kinda fun if the author did indeed take inspiration from the anime.
I feel like Emi didn't really have a strong motivation, and some of her internal points were very repetitive. The characters didn't really have strong personalities, but the story itself was a fun journey. I'll totally be continuing on the series.