iisrobot's reviews
125 reviews

Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson

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I struggled so much to care enough to keep track of everything going on. 
Bright Dead Things: Poems by Ada Limón

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The poems were mostly duds :(

I read it over a month so it's hard to pinpoint everything, but my main gripe is with the language used. It never felt pertinent. For example, her mom was dying and she said like "the machine turned off". It felt really out of place... Also the rythm was weird. The poet always cut the verses at awkward spots...
Empire of Silence by Christopher Ruocchio

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dark inspiring reflective slow-paced


I really enjoyed this book. There's a lot going on in terms of names and concepts to learn, but I stopped hanging on these tiny details. I loved how grand it felt and it reflected in how the maim character is. He felt and acted like an educated noble and he was really well written. It takes a while to get started, but when we get to Emesh, there's very interesting events that unfold. My favourite being Hadrian's friendship with Cat who's from the streets. 
Final Girls by Riley Sager

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mysterious tense fast-paced


Popcorn literature at its finest I couldnt put it down. Resolution is a little underwhelming but still satisfying enough. 
Un samedi soir entre amis: roman by Anthony Bussonnais

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tense fast-paced


Run of the mill. The twist, that i called, was engaging. A bit sad with the resolution :0
Golden Son by Pierce Brown

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It's better than book one but can't get myself to give Golden Son three stars. It's stupid the world is so stupid. Darrow and the characters (especially Ragnar who arrives pretty late) still kept me hooked. Starts with an annoying time jump. Ares reveal is stupid...
La vengeance m'appartient by Marie NDiaye

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mysterious tense medium-paced


La fin n'est pas satisfaisante. J'ai l'impression qu'elle esquive le mystère. Mais sinon c'est vraiment excellent et tendu sans qu'on sache vraiment pourquoi.
La Dictatrice by Diane Ducret

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dark reflective fast-paced


Ça commence super bien puis ça déraille puis ça revient bon! Mais ça redéraille un peu. Aurore était un personne trop intéressant à suivre. J'ai apprécié un détail : Aurore se dit féministe mais elle s'entoure d'hommes qui finissent par la contrôler et la manipuler. Ça m'a un peu glacé le sang quand je m'en suis rendu compte. J'aurais bien aimé un retour du personnahe d'Helen. Bon j'ai assez parlé.