jaysteady's reviews
212 reviews

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

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I really didn't enjoy my reading experience with this book.

I bought it at a thrift store because I was almost ashamed that Gone Girl was still on my TBR all these years later. I had read Sharp Objects and devoured it, a solid 4 star read.

However, I thought Gone Girl could benefit from better pacing. Pacing was my biggest issue with the book, causing me to be bored for the first half of the story and last 100 pages or so; Reading this book turned out to feel like a chore.

I am also not a fan of the ending, but to each their own. I recognize that a lot of my qualms with this novel could be matter of opinion so I settled with a 3 star rating. Would probably recommend to readers who like slow burn thrillers, just not for me.