jenniferspainter's reviews
321 reviews

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

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I listened to this as an audible book and LOVED it! Listening was such a neat experience since the audible version as different narrators for the various characters. I was so swept into the story that I laughed out loud at times and cried at others. This is a fantastic book with a wonderful flow that kept me interested the whole way through.
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

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I really did like this book. It has all the things that I would normally love in a old house, intrigue, mystery and a twist, but I couldn't love the book. It felt very slow. I did love the language and can definitely say that Ms. Setterfield has a talent for flowery writing. I also loved the vintage feel of the the writing and the story. I felt lost in time (and at times, just plain in this book, but for me the story just didn't come together in the right places at the right times.

All that said, I would still wholeheartedly recommend the book to be read by others because it was a good story and very interesting.

Spoiler: I was very confused at the end when Margaret talked about her sister coming to her...that read very weird to me and just didn't seem to gel with the feel of the rest of the book. After all the twists in the story I was left wondering..."is she saying her sister was alive all this time? did she come back from the dead? What is going on?"
Bid Time Return (aka Somewhere in Time) by Richard Matheson

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This has been one of my favorite books since I was young. I think I read it first when I was 11 or 12. It is a romantic story...maybe not the most literary book in the world, but I love the story. There was a movie made in the 80's and I have seen that too, many times. (my husband likes to make fun of me for this since the movie is Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymour and does not do the book justice). I have always wanted to visit the Hotel Del Coronado because of this book...I guess I am just a sappy romantic at
Somewhere In Time by Richard Matheson

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This has been one of my favorite books since I was young. I think I read it first when I was 11 or 12. It is a romantic story...maybe not the most literary book in the world, but I love the story. There was a movie made in the 80's and I have seen that too, many times. (my husband likes to make fun of me for this since the movie is Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymour and does not do the book justice). I have always wanted to visit the Hotel Del Coronado because of this book...I guess I am just a sappy romantic at
Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane

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I LOVED this book! I loved the mystery, the suspense, the sinister mysterious setting...and then I was blown away by the end. I listened to this book and became so wrapped up in the story and what was going to happen next that I couldn't turn off my Ipod. After I finished it, I dragged a close friend to a the late showing of the movie just so I could show her how great it was (and because I wanted to see it on the big screen) :) I would reccommend it to anyone...and I can't say anymore without giving it away!
Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen

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I read this for the first time one year ago and I wondered why I had never read it before. I loved the romantic story and cried with the emotion that I felt when these two fictional characters finally came together. I beautiful romantic classic.
Reclaim Your Life - Your Guide to Aid Healing of Endometriosis by Carolyn Levett

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This book gave me a lot of insight into endometriosis, the possible causes, and ways to alleviate some of the problems caused by it. I would recommend it to anyone who has just learned that they have endo because it offers many useful tips. I do think she goes a little overboard in places with her remedies, but overall she offers good advice and insight.
Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

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I do love the Twilight series and I liked Eclipse a lot. It is my least favorite out of the series though. I just kept waiting for Bella to get over herself and quit whining. My word, the girl is a little morose and moody for my taste. Otherwise, I love the romance and totally was caught up in it. :)
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

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I was so excited to read this book that I ran out to the store to buy it the minute I finished Twilight. I read all the way through the night until I finished it. I ended up getting two hours of sleep that night but that didn't stop me from running out to the store to buy Eclipse. I didn't love this one as much as I loved Twilight, but I love it just the same. :)