jessicareadsit's reviews
1057 reviews

Me, Cinderella? by Aubrey Rose

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Gahhhh I was so underwhelmed by this book.

Forbidden love for teacher- Yes
Teacher knowing its wrong but feels its right- Yes
Circumstances for teacher-student relationship- Screwed

This book just took off really well for me then it peeked in the middle and I totally dropped off. Both of them are in Hungary but they are playing this feeble cat and mouse attempt. Their interactions were sorely lacking and I needed more to connect the two characters.
Taint by S.L. Jennings

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You suck at Sex and I'm going to teach you how to fuck your husband? seriouslyyyy

Tell me this is not the best opening for a book ever? This book is everything you wish other authors would say but don't ! This book is not for the faint at heart or the modest. Really intense scenes on how to lure your husband back.

I gave it three stars because I wanted more in the end but a definite read if you like is nasty !

The Cell Phone Swap by Lindsey Summers

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Keeley and Talon in the cell phone swap from hell. This book was bursting with witty banter which I love to read. therefore my review is going to be littered with it:

"I exercise, I surf the internet"

"Its not blackmail its creative parenting"

"Enhanced Genetic Obtuseness (EGO)"

" I cant believe out of the ten thousand sperm that you were the quickest"

So Talon and Keel switch phones and then the real fun starts. The dude bought condoms with her phone......priceless ! Then she retaliated saying he needed a penis pump.

He seems to really understand her "That would have hurt my feelings but I know its how you flirt....." he gives as good as he gets even for a bed wetter LOL

Ok so they meet up...he is gorgeous and then he runs away when he hears who her brother is? Classic I am your brothers competitor and we cant be friends. Then it gets really sketchy for me with the whole Claire situation. She doesn't forgive him then he won't forgive her (self-preservation?)

Overall it was pretty quirky and an awesome read. Can't wait to get more from Zach and Claire and even Talon's cuzzy.

Because of Him by Jessica Roe

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Definite must read..... This book had me laughing crying and really feeling it in the heart strings.
Seven Sons by Lili St. Germain

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The book begins with digging graves.....I am right on-board girly

Dornan Ross and his sons bleh have raped her till within an inch of death but shes back. Like a phoenix she rises from the ashes and is reborn into the vessel for her future revenge

When she relives the raping on the stage by Prez and his boys I literally feel sick inside. Lili knows how to write to get to you !

"You wanna dance first or fuck first?" Imagine having to hear this from the man who is the star of all your nightmares

“I want you to make me a star,” I say sweetly. I want to bury you alive, you murdering f**king ass**le. OH YESSS

Sweet elliot for saving her...knight like no other

After she heads to the clubhouse and literally gets fucked by Prez who is infatuated:

“Because,” I say playfully, tracing his lips with my finger, “I’m yours?”

He just f**king laughs. “What have I done to deserve you?” he breathes.

Now I am the one who laughs

Then she is being babysat by her past love Jase and being intro'd to her coked up mother. *sad*

My mantra, a chant that keeps me sane in times of trepidation.- Fuck Dornan over. Kill his sons. Send the rest to jail. Find that tape.

Six Brothers by Lili St. Germain

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" I didn’t have to sell Dornan Ross my soul. He already owned it. And once I’ve killed him, maybe I can get it back."

After going through the funeral for the eldest she begins her planning for the next murder.

"I’m doing this because I just want to be able to sleep at night without seeing his face.That’s not strength. That’s desperation."

Her relationship with Ross gets more serious with him contemplating children one minute then stabbing her the next.

With Jase it intensifies :" Jase breaks our stare-off and looks away, rubbing his temple. “She was my girl,” he says, and I can feel myself breaking apart inside under the weight of his words. “She was my everything."

It gets even sicker :

"I smirk as his action has the desired effect. By closing his eyes, two teardrops are squeezed from his eyes, falling onto his stubbled cheeks. I lean down, touching my lips to his right cheek. My tastebuds spring to life, assuaged by the sudden taste of salt water.The taste of victory."

"I see it all. I see through his facade, his control, into the blackness of his very soul. I see the scars I have left on his cold, dead heart, on the tiny part that has the capacity to care for his own offspring. A primal, human instinct that lives inside him despite his hatred, despite his abject twistedness. He pulls me down over him, filling me completely and to the point of pain, and I can’t help but moan"

This is not for the feint of heart. Lili really puts it all out there with every dirty thing you wish characters would say.

I laugh. “Don’t lie, bitch,” I echo his previous statement as I pull his head back and force more powder under his bleeding nose. “You love it when I f**k you.”

I’m aching inside, the utter desolation of my vengeful quest almost too much to bear.But I will bear it. Because I refuse to buckle. They will not break me. I’m a fighter, after all. And this fight’s only just begun.