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Beneath the Burn by Pam Godwin

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This book is hot hot hot hot !!!! If you want darkness and a twisted plot this is for you:

Jay and Charlee are two messed up folk who are trying to love the faults in each other. They meet when he bribes her in putting a tattoo on him. Little did he know thats not all he got:

“Whatever your reason for wanting them covered, you should ask yourself, really think about it.” She shifted behind him, leaned over his shoulder, and spoke low in his ear. “Would the veil work?” Thought provoking him from the beginning with her unconventional reaction to his scars

What’s your name?” Her smile faltered then resurrected into a blinding vision. “Charlee. With two e’s.” Charlee. His future had a name. Christ, she had navigated his freakishness with the patience and experience of an old soul. Perhaps she was the missing element of his soul.

Charlee has a dark past of her own on the run from Roy her captor who killed her love Noah. Roy her captor who won her from her father in a trade to pay off his debts has found her and forces her back into his BDSM lifetysle as a slave: "She got off on brutality and not on tenderness? She was damaged. So fucking broken."

This story is deep man like I literally felt her pain in my bones !!! The author is graphic as f**k..

She knew, in that moment, the absence of fear was not synonymous with courage. She wasn’t brave. She was numb

She gets captured again and gets broken out by Nathan her ex-lovers brother who protects her, Nathan risked everything to save her...guilt from Noah's passing........ Still she thinks of Jay and seeks him out.a run in with Jay: "You showed me beauty in survival. I’ll show you strength in healing.”

They begin their crazy roller coaster relationship with him unable to bear someones touch and her unable to orgasm unless being abused.

-“To be trusted by you is the greatest compliment I’ve ever received.”

-When you have to hide to live, you’re ready for anything.”

-“I don’t just want to be where you need me.” His tone was deep, sharp. “I want to be what you need.”

-“I want you to touch me inside and out."

-"Her intent seemed to be shoving, scolding, and seducing him toward happiness, no matter how fucked up he was. A token of her effort was permanently outlined on his back."

They continued on sharing secrets and then of course the shit had to hit the fan and Roy got to them in a sick plot that ended with someones elses mouth on his cock !!@

Then theres her kidnapping while on tour and then ultimately her "death" and pain as Roy shoots himself in grief. I don't really think the ending was practical? Making Jay and Nathan inherit his fortune?

Love Is Crazy by Abby Brooks

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Ok so Dakota apparently knows how to pick them as it begins with her purse being stolen by her supposed date followed by a bash session from her sisters. (I can totally relate to the bash session)

While they bail her out at the restaurant they go total big sister on her criticizing her lifestyle and choice in men lol they make her promise to find guys who match a checklist and who she does not meet at the bad apple where she works

So obviously she had to go and meet a guy who does not meet any of the criteria aka Dominic Kane instagram hottie and traveller extraordinaire who tries to make her see the beauty in the small things in life

She's a typical country mouse who wants to get out and see the big city compared to dom who's seen it all and basically lives his life through a lens.

Of course she melts into a puddle for Dom and they end up st her house " I won't use you baby, but I promise to take you placed you've never been before" how hot !!!!

After some serious romping he propositions her to accompany him on his upcoming trips because he doesn't want to part with her.

Ko- he sees all there is to me and like and encourages me. I feel like the best version of myself around him "keeper"

Of course they join the mile high club because why not ? They hit the Grand Canyon for some camping and sight seeing but Dakota gets more than she bargains for when she slips and falls injuring herself and its game over !

It's gets sketchy where they keep in contact and then he comes back on his down time and they declare their love " I love you for all the things that make you who you are with all the things that make me who I am "

Of course now that she has gotten a taste of the outside world she craves it but dom doesn't want to risk loosing her because of his past. Then shit gets really crazy where she sees him with another woman and the old " I told you so " feelings resurface

In the end it all works out when they whisk off to vegas to get hitched and start a blog

Fav line: Life is for living not for planting
Fugly by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

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"When it comes to your looks, the only opinion in this world that matters is yours." This should have been the opening line !

So Lily is interviewed by Maxwell for a position at CC cosmetics and he turns out to be a big asshole! She may not be aesthetically pleasing but she had a beautiful heart. She handled herself pretty good though:- “You’re a f-fucking asshole.” I threw my résumé in front of him, my hands shaking half with fear, half with anger, and half with adrenaline. That’s right. Three halves! I’m a dangerous woman! "I’d worked my ass off to have the right experience for a job like this. Okay, yes, I had other options besides C.C.—but those other companies weren’t Cole Cosmetics. They weren’t companies I related to and believed in. Those other companies didn’t tell the world you were beautiful for who you were on the inside and to buy their products simply because you enjoyed pampering yourself. "

Of course in true diva style she storms out only to see him the next day to offer her a job. Then he admits he has cacophobia, a fear of ugly things is messed up.... seriously? I didn't want to believe this shit at first and then did some research on it and as the story progressed I realized it really was a mental sickness to him.

Of course missy tries to get revenge by hitting him where it hurts : “Fine. I’ll come work for you, Mr. Cole. If you sleep with me. You can be my first fuck. Because I won’t have surgery. I won’t ever be beautiful. And I will never have a hot piece of dick like you in my bed. So if your terms require me to do something I find morally repugnant, then it will be quid pro quo. All the fucking way, buddy.” WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT .... So confusing and then she accepts the job?

After this challenge he throws down the gauntlet and told her to meet him at his house for "therapy" RIGHTTTT Any-who a quick run later and then bam they are on a plane to Milan where she sucked his dick as therapy? (what psychiatrist is she reading lol?)

It got really emotionally intense when he started battling the sickness: "There was this strange hollowness in my chest when he looked at me. I guess you could call it a sadness or an emptiness. And the look in his cold, hard eyes made me all too aware that he felt the same. But not about me. About himself—his inability to get past this boat anchor around his neck. At least, that’s what I guessed. "

He really gave her a harsh time though:

- “How is it possible that the only person in the world who really sees me, can’t stand to look at me? Really profound !!

-"So you think because you find me disgusting to look at, that it’s impossible for anyone to want me. I’m sure you’ll find this shocking,” I said, “but I wasn’t doing the hitting tonight; they were. Not everyone is hung up on my face or is trying to push me down for something I can’t help. It is possible for men to actually like me.” WOWWWW this man is such a dick !

-"You have no clue what it’s like to be me or what it feels like to want things you’ll never have or to get a thrill from a little attention because I know in my heart that’s all I’ll ever get. So yeah, I wouldn’t mind a good-looking guy like Patricio taking me back to his place for a night of cheap sex.”

This poor girl is finally getting some male attention and Max is just ruining it for her because he wants her? Then he takes her virginity on the wall of a hotel room and she loves it? Did he get over his phobia so easily? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Then she comes all : "I would never be beautiful in his eyes. He would always be beautiful in mine. You now realized this girl ? Seriously ?

Then of course they battle through their difficulties and they get all sweet:- “I think it’s because when I look at you, I see us. And we’re beautiful together.”

Fast forward some hot sex and an accident and then boom broken up. “Because I honestly didn’t believe someone like you could really ever love someone like me. It’s just like you’d said; I didn’t feel I deserved it. I wasn’t good enough. Not for you or anything.”

After all this she is still insecure ??????????????????????

Her parents are super sweet though and perfect with their undying love and affection and they really added a sweet element to the book about loving what you are.

"I received two entertaining texts from John damning me to hell because my mother had shown up the night before and wouldn’t leave. She’d cleaned his apartment, tidied his underwear drawer, and started organizing his porn. “My fucking porn, Lily! Mom put her hands on my porn. Spoiled forever! ”

This is an excellent read and I look forward to more form this author

King by T.M. Frazier

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Warning: this book has a cliff-hanger ending that will leave you thinking WTFFFFF

Ok so from the top there is Brantley King and Samuel Clearwater aka Preppy who have some serious kid issues growing up. King has no father but a barrage of men passing through his life and a mother that won't stand up for him and preppy has no mother but a dead beat step dad (match made in messed up kiddy friendom).

After King saves Prep he gets a blank page for their future:

- “Let’s make a mother fucking plan.”

-“ I’ll help you. We can do it together. You run the shit. I’ll help you run the shit. Then, we’ll buy a big ’ole Star Wars stilt home and live there, and no one will be able tell us what to fucking do ever again!”

So Prep and King bond for life especially over their hobby which is bitches?(HAHAHAHA.... who are these kids?)

Fastforward to King getting out of jail: "True to our words, we became our own men and answered to no one. We did what we wanted. I turned my drawing into tattooing. Preppy got bitches."

- "I fucked. I fought. I partied. I got wasted. I stole. I fucked. I tattooed. I sold dope. I sold guns. I stole. I fucked. I made fucking money. And I fucked."

Glad to see them making their dreams come true ? LOL

Then Doe comes into the picture having no recollection of her memories- "I don’t fucking know. Anything was possible.I don’t know where I came from.I don’t know how old I am.I don’t know my real name."

I really like T.M. Fraziers writing style. The characters are super vivid and relatable but not in a generic way that you always read about. Her characters have strong personalities and she doesn't hold back the punches in writing.

I don't even know how she ends up with Nikki the druggie/hooker who has a master plan of getting bikers to "protect" them in exchange for sex (nice gameplan *rolleyes*)

- “Well, I didn’t see you offering to suck his cock for a ride,” Nikki snapped. “So shut the fuck up about it. Besides, I got us here didn’t I?” Ms. Doe Judgey McJudgerpants.

So they are at King's party trying to hoe their way into someones bed in exchange for protection. Doe gets roped in by Bear the VP of the MC club to give a warming present to King. They immediately ummm "hit it off" I guess lol because he starts questioning her and for her to admit that she was no one had to be really heartbreaking.

Then of course the fiery Doe can't hold back "“I was thinking about what a shame it was that good looks are wasted on someone like you" (Foot in mouth disease girly). Then he leaves her without blowing his load in his room where Nikki (her "friend") steals the dudes cash and shoots her

This is where I get a little confused because I totally understand the King hating her thing but I can't pinpoint where it transitioned fully to him wanting her as his girl"

- "I’d never both hated and wanted something so much in my entire life." Cue Kings fascination?

- "Technically, you can say that I was caring for her. Technically, I wanted to face fuck her until she gagged. (how romantic?)

- “You’ll find out that I’m a lot of things, but I’m no fucking rapist. Before I fuck you—and I will fuck you, pup—you’ll be begging me for it,” he whispered against my neck. ?I believe that !!!!!!

Her perception of him was also confusing too because one minutes she's all like : "I didn’t dream about him; he was right about that. Because King wasn’t a dream. He was a nightmare." (should she be more grateful?) Then "This place was as confusing as King. Hard edges, unfinished and unrefined, yet mysterious and beautiful in it’s own way?" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

My fav of this book is the famous Preppy who is also a hoot with his comedic reliefs: "You thought I was a hooker, pleasuring her with my man meat and getting paid for it." Then preppy is on the Doe bandwagon also because he wants to take her out on a date. “Well, she’s not my property. She’ s my friend. So, if I can’t take her out, then you have to take her. I’m not doing this for me. I’m doing it for her. She’s been through some shit, and we both know what that’s like. The kid deserves a break. A little fucking fun.”

King tries to get Doe to realize its not "Her aka her past memories" and Doe fighting but they are one and the same person " Stop being alive and start living". Their relationship eventually progressed before the shit hit the fan. Some pretty graphic shit goes down and lives are lost (I don't want to ruin it by naming names).

They begin to pick up the pieces but King has a secret way to get "Max" back that just twists everything upside down !!!!!!!! The ending for me was THE BEST PART oft he entire book and I had to re-read a couple times to get my head wrapped around the situation.

I am going to close with this "With our sex we told each other we hate you, I want you and I don't want you to leave" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH