jillx08's reviews
193 reviews

The Women by Kristin Hannah

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So good. Very emotional and tough to read at times. Chaotic. But this author does such a good job of getting you attached to the characters and needing to stick with them. Loved everything about this one. 
Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano

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I really struggled to get through this and found myself skimming to the end. The little end twist was interested. But overall the story was just very unbelievable. Just bored me 
Beyond the Blue by TJ O’Shea

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This author is so great at building up tension, as well as getting you truly invested in characters. Great book  
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli

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I loved so much about this book. I connected with the main character’s story - learning about yourself as an adult and having those “oh, that’s why I wanted to be such good friends with her” moments. Also, the discourse (holy buzzword in this book) around queerdom and who is allowed, etc, was phenomenal. 
Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead by Emily Austin

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This one was a bit harder for me to be engrossed in, compared to “interesting facts about space”. I think that’s due to the main character not being as easily likable, not as charming or funny. But it was still amazing writing. Emily’s ability to put the reader in the mind of the character is impressive. I felt like I was living the anxious and jumbled thoughts right with her. It’s really a great job at giving a glimpse into what is happening in the mind of someone with anxiety and depression. 
Interesting Facts About Space by Emily Austin

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This was one of the most intriguing books I’ve read in a while. It was written as if the main character was just adhd word-vomiting thoughts, which can be tough to get into but it was so well done. You really got to know the characters, through just minute details and glances. It honestly made me feel like I was going a little insane right along with Enid. Such a ride. The inner monologue style of writing reminded me a lot of Perks of Being a Wallflower. Had me sobbing at the end, in the best way.