jlreadstoperpetuity's reviews
309 reviews

King of Wrath by Ana Huang

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My first Anna Huang novel and I have mixed feelings
Broken Bonds by J. Bree

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Okay so let me point it out that I am really trying not to curse while writing this review (unlike this book that's so full of it). While the premise is really promising and intriguing for a reverse harem PNR novel, this first book is just so full of the FMC POV (and plot premise) that can be summed up into two sentences:

a. FMC lives in a world where one person can have multiple bonded mates and said bond needs to be sealed by archaic actions if mating
b. FMC has this deep dark secret about her extreme powers that made her run from her bonds (mates) and in turn, her bonds treat her like sh*t about it

Filling in the above sentences will comprise of testosterones being a super dick heads and the FMC being compliant about it - although, some would argue FMC is not all that but she is. At least 3 out her bonds are modicum tolerable, 1 is an outright a-hole and 1 seems to be this cool headed Councilman put in as a character to serve as a mediator for the rest.

I badly needed to like this one as a lot of other people do but I just find it full of nonsensical theatrics. Seems like I just read a typical college life of a seemingly powerful female lodged with overbearing alphas. I am going to pace myself before I read the second book as I don’t want to be continuously disappointed by the lack of baselines for the plot.

At least the cover is pretty neat, lovely.
Twisted Love by Ana Huang

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After King of Wrath, I have a little bit of a preview on a running theme for Ana Huang's novels. MC could either be a CEO, powerful and rich but is depicted as brooding, semi heartless and set on his ways. FMC is a little tricky to categorize but she would have had hints of variable sense of independence. This book, however, had some twists I least expected.

[Blurb @storygraph]
"Theirs is a love that was never supposed to happen—but when it does, it unleashes secrets that could destroy them both…and everything they hold dear."

Sure, the same characterization was observed and the plot twists were a little bit underwhelming but the aftermath of said twists more than made up for it.I was so happy that for a romance novel, the "I made a mistake, forgive me" phase did not came easy for the MC, and for a good reason too. The groveling left me satistfied a little, made the situation somewhat realistic and relatable. MC is still an as**ole but at least he is a loveable a-hole
Savage Bonds by J. Bree

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[NOTE: This is the second book to The Bonds That Tie]

I am still reeling from this one. I almost DNF'd this series after the first book but dang, the second book was way way much better. I mean, I hated Oleander lesser this time, lol. The characters are more developed and the plot is now more constructed. A little bit of spice was also introduced but it is a functional steamy scene. Functional meaning it served as an introduction to another explanation of what bonded mates means.

FMC is still surrounded egotistic Alpha Males but she was also given more backbone on this book. I am really curious about the role of the "Resistance" and why they torture the "Gifted" people. That being said, moving onto book three.
Wizard's Masquerade by Jay Pellegrin

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It took me 5days to read this. 5days. In a timeline where I can read a book in a day or two, 5days is a tell tale sign that I needed some time to compose myself because I am darn frustrated and at the verge of DNF'ing a book.

I really liked the side characters, especially the Jester (and then I didn't). I liked the concept of wizards protecting the royalty (fantasy book that includes magic, yes!). I liked the air of mystery, secret organizations, betrayal and uncovering the traitors part. What I did not like, the FMC; which is rather ironic since this book was told on the POV of the FMC and the underwhelming twists on how the book ended (Yeah, I know there is a second book but given the premise of this one, rather unnecessary)

The FMC has to be the most self absorbed, pretentiously self righteous and irritatingly st*pidest cast in this book (I am really so sorry for the lack of of a better term) It took her 30pages before the book ended to uncover the real villain behind the betrayals. The author tried portraying her as this intelligent and fierce badass FMC but truly, she is just a spineless lap dog unable to do sh*t for her friends. Stickler for rules even if the truth is right in front of her. As a reader, I find it sometimes offensive if authors brands their casts this way just to illicit emotions and extend the story. Who would want a lame as*s character all the way to the end?

The ending. My goodness. So each character has this secret on whatever lives they led before meeting the very oblivious FMC, which is all and great. Explanations were done at the ending, albeit not really helpful. A twist was mentioned which I think was an attempt to have a premise for the second book.

I'll end the review there are there's not much more that I can share that isn't a replication of the boorish repetitions from the book itself.
Twisted Games by Ana Huang

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[Twisted Games is a slow to medium burn contemporary royal bodyguard romance. It’s book two of the Twisted series but can be read as a standalone.]

3rd Ana Huang book and I was just a tad happy that the book did not center around a brooding, Alpha male CEO again
Death Knells and Wedding Bells by Eva Gates

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[Dramatic Sigh]
I am so glad I gathered the strength to finish reading this book. Took me a couple of days but I got through it. And I am talking about the process of me going through it because there's not much to tell about this book.

[Blurb @goodreads]
Lucy and Connor planned for the perfect Outer Banks wedding—and that’s exactly what they got. Aside from typical rumblings of familial tensions, the late spring weather allowed for a beautiful day, the food was delicious, and everyone had a good time, until one of the guests goes missing.

Somewhat catchy premise right? Factor in some supposed family drama, FMC is a librarian, throw in some Edgar Allan Poe references here and there and voila - sleuthing and deduction at its finest. BUT wonk wonk, didn't get any thrills, overly descriptive family drama that did not contribute to the story at all, 17 Chapters of overly explaining the house and the characters (some were just plain boring and did nkt amount to anything on the story) and one big flat twist
The Curse of the Blessed by C. Tarkington

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[Blurb @goodreads]
Lady Maela Llewelyn loves her family and her land. Every year she sees her people growing weaker and sicker as the kingdom demands more and more resources from them. All the while, she hides inside her a magical power in fear she will be taken away by the High Holy Council.

After saving a young girl working in one of the orchards, she is seen using her power by her uncle, who sits on the High Holy Councile and other priests with him. Her uncle convinces her to go to the palace to participate in an event meant to find the crown prince’s bride and the next queen of the kingdom. Mae has no desire to wed the prince, but she sees a chance to speak to the king about her land’s problems and train with her mystical powers.