josiethompson's reviews
93 reviews

True Colors by Kristin Hannah

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Overall, GREAT story of love and loss and family. It's seriously such a good read, but I say that about just about every book I have ever read. But this story unravels family issues, marriage issues, hurt and reconciliation, growing up, loving and learning. I'll admit, the dialog felt cheesy at the beginning. It was kind of tough to get past at first, I almost researched it to make sure it wasn't a book meant for the younger audience. But then a few f bombs were dropped and some sex scenes were thrown in there (nothing graphic, just was present) so I figured it was okay aha. But overall, very emotional and real story. I cried. I haven't truly cried at a book in a while. This one brought the tears to my eyes without a doubt (though they didn't fall). Totally recommend this, I couldn't stop reading once I started.
The War Outside by Monica Hesse

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Honestly didn't really love this book. I'd probably give it a 2.5 if there were half stars on this thing. I was really excited for it to begin with because I read so many WWII novels that the premise of this one was one I hadn't seen before. But it was just kinda weird. The relationship between the girls was never outright romantic but it eluded to it a little bit and I didn't love that. But i guess it was still an educational novel for me regardless. It just became another fluff book for me.
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

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This book is outside of my usual genre so take my review with a grain of salt.

The mystery kept you going. It kept you on the edge of your seat and the pages turning. However, the lives of the characters were so screwed up. Their minds were messed up and that truly is what bothers me about mysteries. It's bothers me the same in crime TV shows and movies, like how does a human being have that psychologically screwed up thought process. But its intriguing at the same time.

I started and finished the book within 2 days, so it definitely keeps you roped in and the style of the writing and how the story is told is unique to me so I enjoyed that as well. I just think this will be the first and last mystery/thriller novel I read for a while. There was a twist at the end, because I swore I thought I knew how it was gonna end about 4 chapters in. I was just waiting for it to be confirmed. But the twist was nice:).

HOWEVER. I didn't LOVE it. Not a book that I'd recommend to someone and say "Yes read this one, this one was REALLY good". I honestly did not want to keep reading it after a few chapters. But I also was too curious as to how it truly ends, whether I was right or not, to stop and start something else. So that's all it really had to keep me going - my own curiosity.

Anyway, it was a good story. Not my typical cup of tea but a good story by the end of it. I'm headed back to my historical fiction and WWII novels now :)
The Help by Kathryn Stockett

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There are a MILLION reviews for this book, but I don't care. This book was amazing. It was written beautifully. I was touched by the kind souls that came to life through the beautiful ink on a page and honestly through the ugly souls, who remind me of who I never want to be. If Skeeter was considered a hippie for believing in kindness to everyone, no matter the world's bias and prejudices against them, then law, I'm a hippie too, and proud of it.

Such a great read, and it only keeps you wanting more. You don't dare skip a single chapter for fear of missing emotion or important details that just make the story come alive. 10/10.
The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles

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I loved this story. It was a perfect mixture of the history of a harsh time and the softness of the characters and their own stories. A lot of times with WWII novels, you get so lost in the events of the war that you don't necessarily get to bond with these characters as much as you would like, but this novel keeps you learning more about the characters and feeling the love and guilt and fear that they feel. The story brought you through loss and love and excitement and mystery all at the same time, while not making me sick to my stomach with the deep gorey details of the war experiences at the time. It taught you valuable lessons and inspired you to be better. I loved it. Would totally recommend.
Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah

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I knew once I started crying on page like 78 that this was gonna be a good one. Totally loved the different style of telling this story compared to most of the WWII novels that I've read.

However, this book still totally broke my heart. I hated it and loved it at the same time for that reason alone. I totally recommend, it's a book that really gets you to realize the blessings and great loves of your life.
Bridge to Haven by Francine Rivers

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I read a review that criticized this book for the characters. However, I think that human must've failed to read the note from the author that explained the inspiration behind them. Sure, the men are unrealistic and near perfect. But she strived to make them like Jesus. Abra was representative of us, who fall short of the glory of God daily. I love that we can use story telling to convey his love and his message for humanity.

Now, aside from all that, this was a great story. It had me hooked from page 1. I'm a sucker for romance, which was never absent in this book, whether the characters realized it or not. A good scandal always has you on the edge of your seat too, but also the feel good Redemption story is hard to pass up, especially when it's flooding your mind with reminders of how God redeems you.

It was predictable. So if you don't like predictable books, maybe this isn't the one for you. But I do so I loved it. I love the feel good stories that move me to tears of happiness and bring warmth to my heart.

This book was very Francine Rivers. It was very similar to Redeeming Love, which is a top 5 book for me easily, but took on different characters and personalities and more modern circumstances to relate to. It was a very well written book, although very predictable, and I don't care if everyone else thought Joshua was too perfect and that there was a lack of consequences for Abras actions because that was the whole point. But also just enjoy the story. Don't over think it. These books are an escape, something to learn from, a way to see a different world or reality. But that's just my 2 cents.
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

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I've obviously heard of this book years before I finally decided to read it (and no I have not yet seen the movie either). So I did not know what to expect going into it. But I was very happy with the refreshingly new perspective that came w a world War II novel being told by a 9 year old. It was innocent and sweet and caused you to use those context clues that your teachers in school always honed in on. I loved realizing what things were and knowing what was happening even if he didn't, because he was a sweet and innocent little kid. Innocence is bliss as they say.

Very good, simple book.
The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd

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This was a very good book. Definitely a slow start but it really helped you to invest in the characters and who they were and not just the plot. I loved the characters, I just wish I could have seen the official result of the last chapter. But all in all, I enjoyed it.
The Rose Code by Kate Quinn

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I loved this book. It gave me anxiety and that's always a sign of a well written novel for me aha. Loved everything that went into this story: the romance, the mystery, the action. It had it all and kept you on your toes. I loved the time it took to get to know the characters and let the mystery develop. It was a fantastic novel in my opinion.