julia11's reviews
197 reviews

The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum

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Horrifying. I was so unsettled the entire time, yet I couldn't stop.

I listened to this as an audiobook- Jack Ketchum actually narrated it and he did an amazing job. This story is so upsetting and anxiety-inducing and its made even worse by knowing it was based on true events. My first book by Jack was Offseason, so luckily I went in expecting to be disturbed.

The writing itself is immersive. Our main character toes the line of right and wrong, finding his place somewhere close to the middle (little more on the wrong side IMO). There were times that I think, if I would have been reading a physical copy, I would have skimmed through a couple pages to miss the full affect of the details. But alas, it was an audiobook and I let it play, feeling like an uncomfortable spectator.

I had a hard time rating this book because to say I 'enjoyed' it would not be correct. But I can't give it any less than 5 stars because of all the emotions the author evoked and the way he delivered this tragic story. This book is not for the faint of heart, and neither is the real story of Sylvia Likens. Please check trigger warnings before getting into this one.
Can't Look Away by Carola Lovering

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3.5 rounded up.

I really enjoyed a lot of things about this book. I'd put this in the domestic drama/suspense type of genre- so don't go in expecting a thriller! But I enjoyed all the different POV's.. it helps to better understand the characters feelings and thought processes. It was pretty romantic and tugged at my heartstrings on several occasions. Some parts of the plot were predictable but it was still an enjoyable read and I enjoyed the way the author laid it out, she really built a strong connections to the characters.

One of the main things that turned me off of the book is that the obsessed stalker in this book kind of screwed herself. I didn't fully understand the thought process there, but maybe that means I'm not insane (hahahah).

Overall, I'll be looking for more from this author in the future!

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and author for providing me a free digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. Publication Date: 6/14/22.
The Scampering by Alana K. Drex, Alana K. Drex, A.W. Mason

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What a creepy little book. for only 25 pages, it really serves on the extreme horror!
My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones

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I really had the highest hopes for this one. It seemed like it had all the right ingredients for me to love it. The first chapter took off running and I thought we'd keep going at that speed. Unfortunately, other than that first chapter, the first 75% of the book was so long and felt like a chore to pick up. The ending was good although it didn't wow me enough to make up for the long complex middle. I love horror/slasher movies and got some of the references, but it did get confusing at times. I was never sure if our main character, Jade, was talking about actual people or movie characters.

All that being said Stephen Graham Jones is an excellent writer. The writing itself was not the issue for me, it just felt too drawn out in the middle for me.
Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier

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I really enjoyed this book! I did not find the main character very likeable or relatable.. her decisions seemed constantly questionable (yes she was 16 for some of them, but come onnnn) BUT that's my only complaint about this book. The way the story was all woven together and how it all played out was beautifully done. The ending was one of the most messed up endings I think I've read. Some of it I figured out before hand but there was some major shock value added. I liked that there was some romance involved but it didn't overpower the story itself.

I can't wait to read more Jennifer Hillier!
Mindf*ck Series by S.T. Abby

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I didn't go in with much expectation for this one. A friend raved about it but I judged a book by the cover and thought it was just going to be a smutty F-fest (not that I was complaining, I mean, I started reading it haha). But it was so much more. It was disturbing, graphic, emotional, sexual, and totally addicting. Trigger Warnings for just about anything you can think of. I'll never stop recommending this now, everyone read it.. immediately.
In My Dreams I Hold a Knife by Ashley Winstead

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I read this one with the Killer Thriller Crew bookclub. I loved the writing style and enjoyed the story itself. The characters were so unlikeable.. basically all of them except for Coop and Caro for the most part. I think this is an unpopular opinion but I wasn't crazy about the setting.. it was my first storyline based at a university/college and I just found it kind of stereotypical and flat. But it really didn't change my feelings on the book. It was dark and kept me guessing. I liked seeing the story through the eyes of each character and getting a feel for their part in the whole thing.

I will 100% be picking up another Ashley Winstead book.
Wonderland by Jennifer Hillier

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First of all, I loved the setting of this book. It was so creepy and fun. I loved the way we got into all the characters heads and they became less 1 dimensional. Jennifer Hillier is the queen of twists. I've been binging her books lately and I'm honestly surprised at how often she surprises me. I think I thought every character was the killer at some point.
Another fantastic read with my KTC bookclub. Loved reading this on fable with them and getting everyones hot takes on the characters.
Give me ALLLL the Jennifer Hillier books!