julia11's reviews
197 reviews

Off the Deep End by Lucinda Berry

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I buddy read this with some friends and I really enjoyed the ride. I did not see a lot of the twists coming and it held my attention. The first bit was a little slow, and honestly both mothers in this got on my nerves. But once it picked up, I couldn't stop! We all finished the book early cause we had to know the ending.

I'd recommend checking trigger warnings, this does have a pretty heavy topic involved.
The Housekeeper by Joy Fielding

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3.5 rounded up.
Jodi has a full time job, 2 children, a dependent (annoying) husband, a mother with advanced Parkinson's, and an insufferable sister and father. What she doesn't have, is time to juggle all these things at once so she sets out to hire a in house-keeper to help care for her mother. Enter Elyse- She's perfect for the position.. but if something seems to good to be true, it usually is.

This is my first book by Joy Fielding but it won't be my last. Although the story was a bit predictable, her writing kept me intrigued. For such a dramatic, serious book, there were times I was laughing out loud. Some of the supporting characters were not likeable at first but grew on me (looking at you Tracey). Overall, I enjoyed this book and I'm looking forward to checking out more by this author!
Brother by Ania Ahlborn

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4.5 stars.
The Morrows are a poor family that 'live off the land'. But they're not hunting animals, they're hunting people. The youngest son, Micheal, is conditioned early on to believe this is the only way for survival, but unlike his family, he doesn't enjoy the hunt. Michael's life, as he knows it, is changed when his brother, Reb, introduces him to a girl and gives him a glimpse of normal life... But Reb only has revenge on his mind.

I've heard a lot about Ania Ahlborn from other horror readers and I hadn't checked her out until now and I can't wait to binge read more. It's brutal, horrifying and twisty. She does such a good job of making you root for a character that really shouldn't be likeable. Every time I thought for sure I had the twist figured out, some other piece of information would be thrown in and I'd be back at square 1. My only downfall was that it felt a little slow at times, which is a weird thing to say about a book about cannibals. I liked the character development but it felt like it was dragging at times. That's the only thing keeping it from being a 5 star read for me, otherwise I really enjoyed it!
Woom by Duncan Ralston

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Absolutely weird, gross, uncomfortable, nightmare fuel. Loved it.
Any Man by Amber Tamblyn

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I listened to this as an audiobook and absolutely devoured it- loved the different voices used, so well done.
I honestly don't think I can do it any justice in a review. Read this book! Its dark, twisted, relevant, interesting, the writing is phenomenal. It's just all around 5 stars.
Summer of Night by Dan Simmons

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This book is chunky! It's a big book but it was really good. I will admit it took me forever to read, but it had nothing to do with the book and everything to do with me committing to buddy reads and book clubs and having to read multiple books at once because I have no self control. But even when I was reading one of my other reads, I was still wondering what was going on with Duane, Mike, Dale and the boys. This had major Stephen King's "IT" vibes- Just something about children fighting an unseen evil.
I almost stopped reading at the first chapter as it took 3 pages explaining a school and I thought it was going to be too descriptive for me.. but then within 30 pages I was afraid to read it alone at night. Dan Simmons did such an amazing job creating an ominous vibe throughout this book. The suspense that was built up, the way everything unfolds and comes together.. it was amazing. He was so consistent in his descriptions, I think I could draw a map of Elm Haven right now. It was funny in some spots, super scary in others. It really felt like the way these kids would talk, think, act. I really have nothing negative to say about this book. I will 100% be reading more by Dan Simmons very soon.
Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak

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I read this with the Killer Thriller Crew book club and I loved it. The drawings were such a good addition and I felt myself so excited to get to the next one to see what it would reveal. I really liked the MC and how we got to see so much into her past and understand why she is the way she is. There was this overall creepy feel to the book. I really enjoyed it!
Always the First to Die by R.J. Jacobs

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This book was a TWISTER. I usually have a general idea as to who the bad guys is but every time I had a shred of confidence in my guess, it was ripped away and torn to pieces and I was left going 'what the F is going on?!'. I loved the horror movie references, it was a super fun read!

Thank you to @netgalley and @sourcebooks for the ARC! Books out September 13th!
Upgrade by Blake Crouch

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I absolutely loved this book. This is my third Blake Crouch book and he just never ceases to amaze me. This was such an interesting concept and so well done. An easy 5 star from me. Even if you’re not into science fiction, I think you could still easily be sucked into this one!
Because You Said by C.L. Menegon

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I will be thinking of Harmony and Asher for a long long time. I loved the characters, the way the music and lyrics were intertwined into the story. Typically, I mostly stick to horror and thrillers and yet this book had me hooked so fast. I was 60% in before I knew it and there was absolutely no putting it down from there. I found myself giggling, blushing and on the edge of my seat. I felt for all the characters and felt such a connection with them so quickly. I really just can't say enough good things about this one.
C really knocked this debut out of the park and I can't wait to see what else she comes out with.