julisbookshelf's reviews
189 reviews

Weak Side by S.J. Sylvis

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Rare.. idk it was supposed to be fake dating but there was almost nothing of that, and then he just fell so hard in love with her like so quickly?? i was expecting something else tbh. it was okay tho but not what i was hopping to read
King of Wrath by Ana Huang

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This was okay, tbh i think i was expecting something more.. idk what exactly 

i liked it but it was really VERY similar to the twisted series, and it’s beginning to be exhausted how every male character in ana huang’s stories is almost like cut from the same tree as the others. it doesn’t surprised me so i can’t seem to love the book enough. even if Dante was just behind Rhys on my top favorites from this autor, i wish i could see something more
Glove Save by Teagan Hunter

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It was boring. i think we all agree on hating one specific scene.. and i almost dnf the book at 80% 

my favorite character was definitely Jacob’s mom.. and like.. that’s all you need to know that the story was absolute shit. i didn’t find myself liking neither of both main character’s. i honestly was waiting for more
Do You Take This Man by Denise Williams

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Honestly i don’t see how these two can match in any romantic way, they clearly don’t know each other at all (maybe some tiny little parts of each other’s life but really just like the surface of it), they don’t communicate at all, they just have sex every now and then and walk away from the other after it. i had a really hard time liking RJ’s character tbh and i even don’t think i liked her much at the end of it, but it was a cool trope i give you that
Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison

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This was such a cute story, short and quick reading. fake dating, friends to lovers in a small town. Luka is definitely hands down the man you would want to marry, such a nice, cute, protective, supportive, loving person (i honestly didn’t find a single flaw in the man 😂). Stella is quickly a relatable character, i think we all find ourselves not wanting to lose someone at some point in our lives and acted towards that scary thought someway, so it’s cute to see how she cared so much for her friendship with Luka 
Say You Swear by Meagan Brandy

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"Till forever falls apart - ashe, finneas" was playing non stop in my head in the last chapters of the book, i swear 

i don’t know how to start this. O M G. this book was definitely something else, it got me sobbing, screaming, laughing like i can’t even describe to you. i mostly don’t like love triangles but i wasn’t even expecting that when i started the book bc i didn’t even read what was this about, it shocked me tbh the twist of pretty much everything. ok let’s start: WHAT. A. MAN. honestly.. Noah Riley has officially made it into top 5 of male characters that i would want to marry immediately (he’s probably p2 or something). i SWEAR to you Chase? COULD NEVER, i really hated that guy more than once, even from the beginning of the story.. he was an asshole the whole time. Ari was such a strong character, so likable from the first pages.. Cameron was a really good best friend for our queen Ari, she put her first so many times above everyone else on that little group. Mason.. well he was a good (mostly blinded) brother, i believe he was how he was because of pure love for her twin so. BRADYY, my man Brady holy shit, i could use a friend like that one, the energy that he brought every time!? thank jesus for that man. and last but not least.. Noah’s mom, oh god that woman got me crying the last 50 pages non stop, i loved her character so much, really got me wishing she had a better ending to her story in the book. so that’s it, it’s a long story for real but it’s so worth the time, loved it
Happy Place by Emily Henry

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I loved the writing but this book really got me hurting, i felt pain tbh.. for both main characters, i felt their pain through the whole story and my heart broke for them. it’s a second chance romance but they barely talk about their relationship (or even talked to each other at all tbh) and got together again just at the very last of the book. there is so much sadness, depression and anxiety in this story that i think you should be prepared to read it, think you should get the warning.. i really didn’t know what was really the book about and just discovered as i read it, the cover seems funny, the summary doesn’t say much and it makes you think it’s going to be something else than it really is. the whole friendship story is really beautiful tho, it’s not just a “happy group of friends”, they discover they changed in their own lives, grow a bit apart of their friendship, and at the end they work things out together, exactly how it should be
Mr. Wrong Number by Lynn Painter

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3.8 ⭐️ it was funny and easy to read. lynn painter never disappoints me but i think this book wasn’t particularly for me. i loved the pace, the text’s and the chaos that was olivia.. BUT i didn’t liked her much tbh, she was very rude and when she blamed on Collin without evidence it was a completely hell no for me, like.. i know they didn’t liked each other their whole lives but they were kinda getting along pretty good and it was a little asshole coming from her. but anyways, it was funny and a very quick read
Secretly Yours by Tessa Bailey

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Okay first of all, i read the second book of the series first (the story of Natalie and August).. and i liked that one far too much more than this one, i can’t even compare them. 
this one had the potential, but didn’t even reached one quarter of it. it was entertaining for a bit but very VERY boring too. i believe it went all down very quickly from the middle to the end for me, at the beginning i was okay with it, but i must say that even if i tried i couldn’t find joy reading the second half of it. i also didn’t like at all the whole secret letters idea because they were introduced AFTER they already “re-met” and it was all absurd from my pov. the miscommunication really pissed me off a lot through the whole story, and the conflict at the end really seemed out of place. 
Julian pretty much carried the book and i have to say it.. the man it’s definitely not on my list of male characters that i liked at all, yes he had his moments, and it was pretty much what made me finish the book but i was hoping (and begging honestly) for MORE. 
Hallie just wasn’t for me.. i swear i just can’t take that much of immaturity from a grown up woman, it was the little things like her obsession for FIFTEEN YEARS over a man she really didn’t even knew?!? i mean, when the story begins it makes you think like something happened between them and that they knew each other somehow but they just almost shared a kiss one night at a party that he actually didn’t even remember.. i get the crush on the guy but comparing every single man on your life the last fifteen years over JUST a guy who you almost-kissed??! and her behavior really crossed the line of rational. so yes, it was a big no for me.
Sin Bin by Teagan Hunter

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FINALLY a book where the woman doesn’t give up on her dreams, career, etc.. and puts herself first, and the man is the one that chooses her over everything else. i wish we could have seen more about the depth of the characters, it would’ve been fun digging a little bit more into their pasts. on the other hand the pace was good. i’ve already read glove save and i actually didn’t like it (not even a little bit) and this one was very familiar (a lil better), and i suppose the rest of the series is pretty much the same.. but both of them were very very boring for me, nothing interesting really happened. i didn’t hated the characters of Smith and Emilia but i definitely didn’t love them either, they were simply okay.