justmevictoria's reviews
472 reviews

More Than Clickbait by Philippa Young

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This book was kindly sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

A fresh start on a cruise ship leads to some unforgettable experiences…

After being given the extreme villain edit on a reality dating show, Gemma Harvey has escaped to cruise ship crew life alongside her brother Oscar and his girlfriend Eliza. It’s world’s away from her life as an influencer and she hopes that none of the guests recognise and expose her. Plus, being on the Neptune finally puts her in the path of Eliza’s friend Tom Parks, who she’s been crushing on since the moment he popped up in Oscar’s photo stream. Delaying his return to the ship, Tom is immediately drawn to Gemma - or Megan - and after an unforgettable first night together in the most unexpected place, he knows this is a women he needs to get to know.  When Harvey offers Gemma’s social media services to Tom, who is trying to maintain a comedy presence on TikTok while on the ship, it’s the perfect chance to spend quality time with her. But Gemma, rightfully, has some walls up, and Oscar isn’t afraid to tell Tom to not hook up with his sister. No matter the obstacles though, Tom knows that Gemma is it for him, he just has to prove that to her, no matter what anyone says. 

When the first chapter features an orgy, you know damn well you’re in for an unputdownable read! I absolutely ADORED More Than Shipmates and the swoony and spicy crewmate shenanigans that Philippa put the characters through, and she followed all that up with another fabulous romp on what has to be the horniest ship sailing the high seas! THIS is what cruiseships need to be using as advertisements to get people to apply to be crewmates, because they’d be inundated with applications in the blink of an eye!

After everything that Tom went through in book one, I was very excited to see him get the happily ever after he deserves. And as we got to learn about Gemma and her backstory, it was clear that she too deserved the love and HEA just as much as Tom. Both had intense chemistry from the get-go, spurred on by Gemma finally having a chance to explore her sexuality and experiences with Tom. There was so much love and care between them, especially on Tom’s part from the beginning, and the spice only intensified that. And yes, the spice was spicing real damn good - I did say this whole thing started with an orgy, and it only got better from there! 

Once again, I ADORED the setting of a cruise ship, which is the perfect fodder for the forced proximity trope. And again, I was VERY close to uprooting my entire life and embarking on a new journey working on a cruise shop, despite the fact that I’m an introvert and my social battery would NEVER be able to handle it! While we didn’t get to see as much of the crew activities like we did with the previous book (the scavenger hunt still lives rent-free in my head), we got to explore more off-shore locations. And while there was also less focus on the larger friend groups, there was strong focus on the stronger friendships, like between Tom and Jack. 

Not going to lie, I was lowkey VERY invested in a potential throuple situation, and I would have been very satisfied if that was the route Philippa had taken with Tom and Gemma. But the group activities that we did get with these two were *chefs kiss* and I definitely could have done with more! And although Philippa ended the book with Jack seemingly getting his happy ending, I do kind of want to see him get his own book so we can explore that more - he was such a great inclusion in this story, and I loved his friendship with Tom, and eventually Gemma, so it would be so fun to follow his own HEA after everything he’s been through. 

If you love Below Deck and want to experience all the drama that comes with living on a cruise ship for six months, this book and this series NEEDS to be at the top of your TBR! You’ll 100% be itching to apply for cruiseship jobs the moment you start reading, and you’ll be packing your bags by the time you reach the final page! 
You're The Boss by Emma Hart

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This book was kindly sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Falling for the boss was never on the cards, but here we are I guess…

For a month now, Chloe St James has been trying to hand in her resignation to her boss Theodore Black, Vice President of Black Ink Corporation and future Duke of Ruxleigh. And for a month now, Theodore has refused to accept it, truly emphasising why she wants to quit in the first place. Theodore may be passionate about his job, but he’s an ice-cold boss and Chloe is sick of being at his beck-and-call 24/7. Just when she thinks she’s going to be stuck as Theodore’s assistant for the rest of her life, she’s finally handed her out. But it comes at a cost - her resignation will be processed after she returns from a six week business trip with Theodore as they establish a new branch of the company. Oh and to top it all off, they’ll be living together in one of his family’s cottages. It’s not the most ideal of situations, but Chloe takes it in her stride. Living in such close quarters, Chloe starts to see a completely different side of Theodore as he begins to show her that he’s not just the cold-hearted boss she comes to know. But whatever happens between them at the cottage isn’t necessarily going to translate to life back in London…

Y’all know I can’t say no to another romp in Emma’s Aristoverse! And while I always say to read companion series/universes in publication order, Emma has made it really easy to dive into any of the books (outside the original trilogy) without feeling totally lost about the world she’s created. In fact, this installment feels the least connected to the previous books because there are very few mentions and references to previous characters. And to be honest, I totally forget it was part of the Aristoverse until I started reading it! 

I’ll admit, it took me a little bit to get into Chloe and Theodore in terms of their feelings towards one another and their boss/employee dynamic - it kind of felt like Emma threw us in the deep end and didn’t throw the life ring out quiet far enough for us to reach. But once I got into the flow of things, I really enjoyed following these two break down each other’s walls and getting to know one another outside the office. They had really great chemistry from the get-go, and once they were stuck in each other’s orbits 24/7, that sexual tension and flirty banter increased tenfold, although it was a bit of a slow burn. 

One of the things I always love about Emma’s rom-coms is the inclusion of a quirky/fun/nosey grandparent, and here we had Theordore’s grandfather, the Duke of Ruxleigh, who was an absolute riot! The dynamic between Theodore, his father and his grandfather was really fun, and I loved how invested the Duke was at playing matchmaker to officially have Chloe as part of the family. Nosey and slightly overbearing parents/grandparents can sometimes ruin the flow of a good romance, but Emma always finds a balance with these characters, and they’re always a joy to get to know. 

While I’m 100% still in my yeehaw era, I’m very much enjoying entering a mini-era of workplace boss/employee romances! It’d be a HR nightmare IRL, but I am LIVING for them when it comes to the world of fiction! The forced proximity, the tension, the subtle flirty banter, the underlying attraction - it’s all here in spades! 

If you’re ready to dive into the world of the British aristocracy, you won’t want to miss out on the world that Emma has crafted! Whether you start here or back at the very beginning, you’ll love every minute of the upper class drama and swoony dukes/future dukes that we are introduced to. 
Swift and Saddled by Lyla Sage

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Finding heart and home in the place you least expect… 

The night before her biggest design gig yet that will finally get her out of California, Ada Hart finds herself at Meadowlarks’ dive bar - the Devil's Boot - and making out with the gorgeous cowboy who just walked through the door. But before their heated moment gets too physical, they’re interrupted and reality kicks in, leading to Ada leaving behind her bag and leaving her unprepared for her first meeting at Rebel Blue Ranch. Weston Ryder hasn’t been able to stop thinking about the mysterious woman from the bar, and is very surprised to find out that she is the woman he’s been conversing with for months about his renovation project, and she will be living on Rebel Blue Ranch for a few months to oversee the project. Despite their chemistry and mutual attraction, Ada has drawn a line in the sand - nothing can happen between them. Coming off the back of a short-lived marriage and not wanting to rely on a man, Ada puts up walls and locks her feelings for Wes away. But as Wes chips away at those walls, and she begins to feel at home at Rebel Blue and in Meadowlark, it becomes harder and harder for her to deny her attraction and fight her urge to run. 

Book one? Fabulous! Book two? Fabulous! Again, the hype around this series is very real, and Lyla has once again delivered on all fronts when it comes to the setting, the characters, the chemistry, and the spice! The Ryder family are quickly becoming my favourite romance novel families, and I LOVED getting to dive back into the lives of the Rebel Blue family!

The INSTANT chemistry between Wes and Ada was exactly what I was looking for, and I was immediately hooked on their story from the get-go. I really enjoyed following their relationship develop, from both agreeing to keep things professional, to Wes slowly helping Ada open up to him and showing her how serious he was about forever. Both had been denied loving relationships in the past, and together they had everything they wanted and so much more. For Ada in particular, Rebel Blue meant not only finding love but also finding friends and family that she had been without for so long. 

Once again, Lyla had some fantastic mental health rep when it came to Wes and his depression. It was amazing to see her give Wes a very open discussion on his mental health and his journey with managing his depression, which is something you don’t always see from male characters. As someone who’s grown up and lives in a small farming town where men, particularly farmers, genuinely struggle to open up about their mental health struggles, Lyla’s positive portrayal was really refreshing to see explored. On top of that, Ada had her own issues to deal with and overcome in terms of having been in a manipulative marriage that forced her to set boundaries and ideals when it came to any form of relationship, whether romantic or platonic. 

PSA: Amos Ryder is a freaking LEGEND! This man is all-knowing about the lives of his children, despite their best efforts at keeping secrets, and he isn’t afraid to play matchmaker - give this man his own book so he can have a second chance of love! Also, I’d just love to get inside his head and see first-hand his thoughts on all his children and the relationships they’ve gotten themselves into. 

Once again, I ended up listening to a majority of this as an audiobook (yay for a 4-hour round roadtrip!) Teddy Hamilton and Vanessa Edwin were fabulous as Weston and Ada, and I am VERY excited to keep listening to this series if the first two sets of narrators are anything to go by! I definitely recommend checking the audiobooks out if you’re looking to listen on-the-go! 

Now that Lyla has officially confirmed that Cam is getting her own book, I’m really excited to see more of her in the next two books. She seems like such a fun character and a great part of the Rebel Blue family, and I’m excited to see where Lyla takes her story - the little teaser of her connection with Dusty alone has me hooked! Not only that, but I am VERY keen for the enemies-to-lovers that is Gus and Teddy in the next book! Is it November yet? 

Absolutely ADORE this series so far, so make sure you dive into some swoony small-town cowboy romance before book three drops later this year! There’s a reason you’ve seen these books all over your feed, so believe the hype and jump on board the Rebel Blue Ranch bandwagon!
Love Coach Caught Off-Guard by Liz Willow

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Sometimes all you need is a second-chance…

Two years after leaving Elle broken-hearted after he revealed he wasn’t the marrying type, Darren is back in town with a favour to ask - Elle has to pretend to be his fiance during a dinner with the Senator to help him secure a business deal. It’s a slap in the face and the last thing Elle wants to do, but with $10,000 riding on her attendance, she’s not really in the position to turn down a much-needed cash injection. Despite the two years, Elle’s heart still beats for Darren, but she knows even now his view on marriage hasn’t changed. 

This was a nice quick and spicy read to fill the gap between books! I hadn’t read anything by Liz before, but I quiet enjoyed her writing style and characterisations - if only this was a full-length novel!

Obviously, I knew this was only 61 pages going into the book, but I desperately wanted it to be longer! There was actually so much potential for this story and these characters, and it’s a real shame it was condensed down into such a short story. Liz had to cram a lot of backstory and character development into such a short space, and it really didn’t do the overall story as favours. 

Yes, the spice is good, and that’s obviously the main focus of the book, but both Darren and Elle were interesting characters with intriguing backstories. Both deserved to have that explored rather than info-dumped in a such a short novella. If Liz was to ever revisit these characters, I would be VERY excited! In the meantime, I’m definitely going to check out her other stuff and hope it has a balance between the spice and the storytelling.  

If you’re looking for a quick steamy read, this is definitely one to check out, but if you’re looking for a bit more story substance, this probably isn’t the book for you. 
Matchmaking The Silver Fox by Ava Wakefield

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This book was kindly sent to me by BookSprout in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
A second chance at love with the first person you fell in love with…

Henry Carter’s daughter Gemma has said it’s about time he starts dating again. And while he agrees, he’s a little overwhelmed when she starts talking about dating apps and swiping. Cue the return of high school bestie Rose Taylor, who hasn’t been back in Sugar Plum for ages. What Henry doesn’t realise is the Rose’s life is kind of falling apart after uncovering her husband is having an affair, and that he wants to take over her half of their successful matchmaking company. Sugar Plum is her escape, and reconnecting with Henry is just bringing her high school crush on him to the forefront. So when Gemma asks Rose to use her matchmaking magic on Henry, Rose is torn between helping a friend and worrying about her jealously rearing it’s ugly head. When she fills in as Henry’s date to their 30 year high school reunion, emotions come to a head and she confides in Henry about everything happening in her life. Then she runs into him freshly showered and only wearing a towel - if she wasn’t feeling romantic feelings for him before, she certainly is now. As the two reconnect, the sparks that have been buried for over 30 years start to bubble beneath the surface, but both are apprehensive because of the fear of destroying their friendship and experiencing even more heartbreak. 

After Gemma and Asher’s story in book one, I was very excited about the prospect of returning to Sugar Plum! And while Henry wasn’t who I was expecting to follow, I thoroughly enjoyed his story once I got into it. Plus it’s always fun to get to see previous main characters popping up - Gemma, Asher & Hazel are the CUTEST little family, and I loved seeing Henry part of that. Henry and his little Hazelnut? Freaking ADORABLE!

It took a little to get into both of the characters and their relationship with one another. I kind of which we got to see more of Rose in Dallas with her matchmaking company and her marriage before her life started crumbling around her and she hightailed it back to Sugar Plum - yes, we got her talking through her city life with Henry, but I definitely would have connected with her running back home had we had the chance to see what she was actually running from. We were just thrown headfirst into her life falling to pieces with no understanding of what was actually falling to pieces. 

In saying that, once Henry and Rose reconnected, and their high school connection was reaffirmed, it was easy to feel the years of friendship and chemistry between them, as well as the apprehensions they both had about starting a relationship with the other. Both had experienced the heartbreak of a marriage ending - Henry becoming a widow and Rose heading down the divorce route - and there was a lot they had to consider and put on the line if they wanted to follow their hearts. In particular, I really enjoyed seeing Henry being venerable and putting himself out there to date again, getting the highs and lows of the experience as he figured out the type of woman he wanted to be with at this stage in his life. 

Ava’s pacing in this installment felt a little off and a little clunky compared to the previous book, especially at the beginning, and I kind of wish the book had been a little longer to help fine-tune that pacing. I think this was one of the reasons I struggled to fall into the lives of Henry and Rose, and in particular Rose. Ava definitely found her rhythm as the book progressed, but it definitely didn’t feel as smooth as the previous book. 

Kind of off-topic - do you know what REALLY threw me? When we get to the high school reunion and the banner said “Welcome Class of 1994”. Like, OBVIOUSLY 1994 was 30 years ago, but I was picturing 30 years being so much longer ago! And then it only ended up hammering home that I’M almost 30!! Talk about an existential crisis mid-book… 

Definitely interested to see if there will be more from Sugar Plum, and if so, who will be next to get their HEA!

Pack your bags for the nosiness of small-town life in Sugar Plum, and hang out with a swoony silver fox of a cowboy and the woman he’s loved since first grade. 
The Underdog by Kate Lauren

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It’s not about playing to win, it’s about playing to find your heart and home… 

After the death of her grandfather Ida, the only person in the family who seemed to understand her, Delaney Matthews is on a mission to keep a hold of the one thing her gramps adored - the Crawfield Football Team. But with her parents only seeing dollar signs, she urges them to let her work her PR magic on the team to make it worth keeping. And that’s how she finds herself moving from Houston, Texas to Crawley, England for the next three months. CFC coach Warren Park is dreading having a member of the Matthews family in the vicinity of the club - he may have looked up to Ida as a father figure, but his experience with Ida’s son has him worried about the fate of the team he holds so dear. So when the bubbly Delaney steps foot on the field, he knows he’s in trouble. Not only because the team all but fall over themselves to start flirting with her, but because she’s stunning. He doesn’t want anyone coming in distracting him or  upsetting the dynamic at Crawfield, but when she shows him how determined she is to help the team succeed, on and off the field, he’s entranced by how quickly she becomes part of the team. But when her three months are up, it’s crunch time for Delaney and any roots she was hoping to put down in the one place she finally feels like she belongs. 

Y’all know how much your girl LOVES sports romance, and Kate has served up a delectable one! And it’s set in the UK? Yes, sign me up, give me those British accents! It’s so refreshing to have a sports romance focusing on the coach rather than a player - give me more romances between members of the coaching staff/team employees rather than just the players! 

I absolutely ADORED the dynamic of CFC! One of the reasons I love sports romances so much, especially when they are part of companion novel series, is getting to see the dynamic between players and staff, and Crawfield had so much fun banter that has me so excited for future books in this series. Kate had a great balance between the fun team banter and the romance, especially since the romance isn’t actually involving a player, so there’s less opportunity to see that banter and those connections. 

I’ll admit, it took me a little to get into the romance between Delaney and Warren. Sure, they have a good bit of chemistry, but we didn’t really get to see that chemistry in action until about halfway through the book - talk about a slow burn! Don’t get me wrong, I knew this was going to be a bit of a slow burn going in, I just didn’t think it would be slow in giving us that initial chemistry between the main characters. Sure, each character referenced how they found the other attractive, but there wasn’t a lot of actual chemistry to work off, or at least the grumpy/sunshine chemistry that I’ve come to love. 

But once we really got into that Delaney/Warren dynamic? Oh boy was it good! They were so fun and sweet, and the bit of spice was a nice cherry on top! They really came into their characters when they were together, and I really enjoyed watching their relationship develop both in and out of the stadium. And the ending? It had so much heart and soul and was the perfect way to wrap up the story for these characters. 

Move over cowboy era, I need to get back to sweaty and swoony sports players! Get ready to journey across the pond to fall in love with the greatest football team ever! 
Done and Dusted by Lyla Sage

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Getting back in the saddle has never felt so wrong yet so right…

After a bad horse riding accident, Emmy has literally struggled to get back on the horse, suffering from a panic attack at every attempt. Returning to the family ranch - Rebel Blue - she is ready to hang up her boots and reconnect with the town she spent so long waiting to escape from. The last person she expects to have any connection with is her brother Gus’ bestie Luke, who has been a fixture in her life since forever. She’s still salty about him publicly turning down her crush in high school, and she’s sure he’s still the irresponsible teen from her childhood. Turns out, Luke has matured a lot in the time she’s been away from the ranch. When he witnesses one of her panic attacks, he offers to help her overcome her riding fears and return her to the place she belongs - in the saddle. Luke has no right to be lusting after his best friend’s little sister, and he’d be a dead man if Gus ever found out, but Emmy is no longer the annoying kid he grew up with. She’s now a stunning woman he can’t stop thinking about, friendships be damned. As they grow closer, they can’t help but cross that forbidden invisible line, no matter how Emmy’s family will react.

They hype? It’s REAL! There’s a reason you’re seeing this series all over your feed, because it is an absolute MUST-READ for romance lovers! The setting, the characters, the chemistry, the spice - Lyla absolutely DELIVERED on all fronts!!

I know I say this with every review and every trope, but brother’s best friend has got to be one of my faves! There is just something about long-held crushes and finally seeing that person as more than their relationship to your sibling/friend that always makes for such an enjoyable read. The chemistry between Emmy and Emmy was INSTANT, even when they didn’t initially like each other very much. Following them growing closer and closer, and their attraction to one another becoming stronger and stronger was absolutely fabulous. 

Lyla handled Emmy’s anxiety, PTSD, and panic attacks so well, and I ADORED seeing Luke instantly step up to help and support her, listening to what Emmy needed rather than forcing his own idea of help onto her. It was such a positive portrayal of being their to support someone, and helping them through at their own pace. There was so much trust and understanding between them, even before they truly started to develop feelings for one another. 

I also ended up listening to some of the audiobook for this, and let me just tell you that Stella Hunter and Aaron Shedlock were phenomenal as Emmy and Luke, and I’d highly recommend checking out the audiobook if you’re wanting to read on the go. I’m definitely going to be dipping into the audiobooks of the rest of the series.

Speaking of rest of the series, I am VERY excited to read about the rest of the Ryder family and see them get their own HEAs - they are all really interesting characters and have such a fun dynamic that I know Lyla is going to serve up even more fabulousness throughout the rest of the series. I’ve only read book one and I’m already dreading when the last book is released. 

If you’ve seen this book floating around your feed and wondered if it is actually any good, I can tell you now that it is 100% worth putting at the top of your TBR pile! 
My Off Limits Single Daddy by Anna Pierson

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This book was kindly sent to me by Reedsy Discovery in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The last thing you expect is to hook-up with your new boss the night before your first day…

The night before her new job as a PA to some rich CEO, Ashley Payne decides to a bit of rich people watching in a swanky bar. Never mind that she’s only twenty - that’s what her fake ID is for. With a bit of liquid courage, she ends up flirting with, and hooking up with, a gorgeous older man. After exchanging fake names, they agree to meet, same time same place next week. Except they end up meeting the following morning when Ashley arrives at her new job and finds that her one-night-stand is Tobias Ackerman, the CEO she’s working for. And to make matters worse, it turns out Toby is also her father’s best friend, who secretly got her this job to begin with. It’s a lot to digest all at once, but Ashley is certain about one thing - she’s attracted to Toby, his connection to her be damned. Toby is stuck between being a loyal friend and giving into his attraction to Ashley as he tries to reconcile their fifteen year age gap. As much as he tries to put distance between them, he can’t help put cross the lines he continually tries to draw. And Ashley is hellbent on crossing the line at every opportunity. 

When age-gap meets boss/employee, with a dash of sneaking behind your best friend’s back! Seriously, Anna has served up a delicious romance with equal parts swoon, sweet, and spice that really just hits the spot! Having never read anything by Anna before, I didn’t really know what to expect, but you guarantee that I’m going to devour the rest of her work now! 

Ashley and Toby have instant chemistry that was honestly oozing off the page from the get-go. Both have has their fair share of heartbreak and abandonment, so it made sense that they could both break down those walls with each other. And while their story would have been totally fine as an age-gap boss/employee relationship, the added twist and drama of Toby being best friends with Ashley’s father, Daniel, was just the cherry on top of a sweet and swoony romance. 

It was also really interesting to explore Ashley and Toby’s individual relationships with Daniel, particularly when it came to the past and Ashley’s mother, who abandoned them all. It was a whole extra layer of depth to the story as Anna explored how this romance would impact everyone and every relationship. There’s a lot of baggage for each character that they have to deal with if any of them want a real chance at love and happiness. 

If you’re looking to dip your toe in the forbidden pond, this is a pretty easy place to start that will have you ready to devour the entire age-gap and father’s best friend sub-genre! Romance girlies, this is one to add to your TBR ASAP!
The Single Dad: A Sweet Small Town Romantic Comedy by Abi Sabina

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Adding a little sunshine to the life of a grumpy single dad…

With Sara struggling to find a teaching job that doesn’t mean leaving the town of Sunshine Falls, she’s been working at her brother’s vet clinic to help with their boarding pets program. But when single dad, and chronic grump, Ryan is in need of a nanny for his daughter Sandy, Sara instantly offers her services. She’d be perfect for the job, but all Ryan sees is someone who is a little too fun and carefree to be looking after his daughter. But when he finds himself in a jam, he can’t not accept Sara’s offer. Especially when Sandy absolutely adores her. Sara makes it her goal to crack the grump, but what she’s not expecting is for her teeny tiny crush on Ryan to develop into something more. 

Okay, I did the stupid thing of not reading the first book in a companion novel series first (not that it really matters, but it’s the principle of the thing…), but in my defense, I couldn’t not dive into this one when I saw it!  Single dad? Age gap? Grumpy/sunshine? Small town? This book has it ALL! Minus the spice, which is always refreshing. 

Ryan and Sara have INSTANT chemistry, and watching them get to know one another as Sara starts to chip away at Ryan’s wall was so enjoyable and swoony. And throwing Sandy into the mix added so much more to their story and relationship. Not to mention some of the more adorable moments ever! Grumpy single dads who only smile for their kids are the hottest MMC in romance, let’s be real!

Definitely keen to go back and read book one, following Sara’s veterinary brother Ivan - the small amount we got to see of him was enough to get excited to discover his story from the beginning! Not only that, but I’m really excited to read more about the rest of Ivan & Sara’s family in the rest of the series! 

If you’re looking from a break from the spice, or prefer your romance closed-door, this is definitely one to check out! 
Not On The Table by Chloe Peterson

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When you’ve given up on love and suddenly find yourself snowed-in with the one…

Taylor is the last of her friends to find ‘the one’, and after witnessing Mia & Cameron’s wedding she needs some time away from all the loved-up couples to reconfigure. As she sets off on a hike to check out the area for a potential new resort, the snowstorm she believed she could conquer ramps up and she soon finds herself rolling down an embankment and left for dead in the increasing snow. The snowstorm is nothing that Wyatt hasn’t experienced before. Her secluded cabin is well-stocked and it’s the perfect opportunity to hunker-down and write the final novel in her series. But when her beloved dog finds an injured and unconscious woman in the snow, her secluded life if thrown into disarray as she nurses her through her injuries and the snowstorm. Staying in Wyatt’s cabin is a world away from Taylor’s fast-paced life and she begins to enjoy the simplicity of the cabin as she gets to know Wyatt and her dog Mr Michael Keaton. Love has never seemed to be on the cards for either woman, but the tables seemed to have turned. But when the snowstorm lifts and Taylor can return to reality in New York, it could be make or break for the pair. 

And just like that, we’ve come to the end of a fabulously flirty and spicy sapphic romance series! Taylor and Wyatt’s story was the perfect ending to this series, once again proving that Chloe has just gotten better and better as this series has gone on. 

The moment I saw this book was going to be a snowed-in romance, I knew this was going to be good read, and Chloe 100% delivered on the sweet and swooniness of forced proximity, while also delving into the likes of anxiety and PTSD as Wyatt and Taylor bond and get to know one another. There was instantly so much love and care between these two, even when they were essentially still strangers, and I loved watching their chemistry intensify over the course of the book. 

The one thing I found disappointing was the length of the book - while it’s in keeping with the majority of the series, the previous book was almost 400 pages long which really allowed Chloe to explore these character separately and together, which would have added so much more depth to Wyatt and Taylor’s story. Not that the story was lacking depth, but the extra length would have allowed for more time with these characters as I did feel like the beginning dived into everything a little too quick. 

Again, like with the rest of the series, the age-gap doesn’t really become an issue in the relationship, which is fine, but I do sometimes like my age-gap romances to have a little age-difference anxiety. It’s actually so easy to forget how old these characters are meant to be and that, in Wyatt and Taylor’s case, there is 10 years between them. 

For my age-gap romance girlies looking to add more sapphic romances to their TBR, this is a book and series that is definitely worth checking out, especially now that the entire billionaires friend group has gotten their HEA!