karlaunderbrink's reviews
131 reviews

On Tour by Zoe Sugg

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Even though I love Zoe I still feel like this book's mindset is very childish, the main character is supposed to be 16 but at times I thought she was 12. I can see why the writing style was that way, but I still believe it should have been different. A thing that I really appreciated about this book was that the plot was not as obvious as the last one. I kind of started to like the main character more and more but I don't know how I feel about the ending. I'm still thinking about it and I don't know if it was a good ending or a bad ending. But in all this book did have good parts that made my laugh and it was a very fun easy read and I did not have to try as hard in this book as others.
Frostbite by Richelle Mead

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This book was a lot better than the last book and I manly believe that because it was out of the high school drama. A thing that really made me turn away from the first book at times was the whole drama with Mia and I just thought it was pointless. But in this book the drama goes away and I find a lot of character development and not just from our main character Rose, but also from other characters in this book like Mia or Lissa and sometimes even Dimitri. I loved how this book did not have a second book slump and I actually thought it was better than the first one. A thing that really annoyed me about the book was how obvious the plot was and how sometimes the main character did not see how obvious some things where. I think the best part about this book where the fighting scenes, Richelle Mead is amazing at writing a fight scene and I appreciated that. So many things where great about this book but I think this book deserves a 4 stars out of 5 because I feel like it still needed something else to really hit the jackpot.
The One by Kiera Cass

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I loved how the series ended and the mutual love between Maxon and America. In the second book I got so annoyed by the stupid stuff she did, but now I understand why Kiera Cass wrote it. It was to make their bond stronger at the end. I am sad how she killed Celeste and the Queen (don't really mind she killed the king) plus what did Anne do to deserve to be killed??? But in the end I loved the whole series and I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars.
Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

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OKAY WHO IS THE BEST DETECTIVE IN THE LAND OF THE MUNDANES, MEEE! (okay maybe not better than Ty, but still pretty good)
I guessed all along that Kit was the lost Herondale (I read the novelas) and omg since the first page I KNEW that it was him. When he said, "the sight runs in the family" I was like, "YOU ARE A FREAKING HERONDALE!!"
Anyways a more detailed review will be up my channel, theavidreader, probably Tuesday so be in the lookout for that :)