kaylannwatson's reviews
46 reviews

The Red by Tiffany Reisz

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This was actually so good. The spice was spicingšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸŒ¶šŸŒ¶šŸŒ¶ I was thoroughly entertained by each encounter they had but my onlyyyy wish is that the ending couldā€™ve been expanded on. If you want a good smut book this is for you šŸ„µ 
Swallowing Water by Siggy Shade

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SIGGY PLEASEšŸ’€ I read this for my TikTok but I have to say Siggy is always so creative. I wish I knew how theyā€™re able to come up with this stuff. 

Siggy really popped off with this quote ngl ā€œYou are a queen. A woman worthy of worship, and you will bow to no manā€”not even me.ā€ PERIOD. 

But then this quote happened. ā€œI love the way your insides undulate around my cock.ā€ Heā€™s talking about peristalsisā€”muscle contractions the digestive system makes as food moves through its tract. My asshole clenches. Shit. Am I trying to digest his penis?ā€ And now I need grippy sock therapy. 
Toxic Love by Blood Bound Books, Kristopher Triana

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I only read this for my tiktok but was honestly laughing the whole book. Itā€™s meant to gross you out and they definitely do the nastiest shit together. 

The second this man inserted his dingdong into her 2 bullet wounds I was on the floor laughing my ass off. 
Santa Steps Out: A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups by Robert Devereaux

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I only read this for my tiktok. Iā€™m convinced this author just played cards against humanity to create the events of this story. You might think you know what this is about but you donā€™t. 

Jizz candy canes
A tooth fairy that shits out coins
SAā€™ing a reindeer 
A sex addict rapist Easter bunny 
An unfaithful child grooming Santa
Mrs Claus getting an elf train on her
SA God as a baby????

These all had to have come from night terrors. 
Dead Love by Audrey Rush

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Iā€™m sorry what in the hell did I just read? I hate to be this person but I have to rant. First off her mom? Crazy. I understand being sheltered but youā€™re telling me kora only spoke to two men her entire life? She doesnā€™t let her out of her sight ever. Itā€™s just not believable to me. Sheā€™s an adult. Canā€™t go hangout with her ONE friend, has to wear matching clothes with her mom, not allowed to go to college she got a full scholarship to, had to be home schooled, doesnā€™t know how to use the computer, her mom picks what she watches, the list goes on. Her mom also tried to say that she shouldnā€™t go to her best friends funeral. ā€œI donā€™t know if we can go honestly. Weā€™ve been so busyā€œ itā€™s her best friends funeral what???? Her mom is like actually a psycho robot. Iā€™m surprised Kora can shit in peace tbh. When she comes back after being kidnapped and has short hair her mom even goes and cuts HER hair to be short too. Terrifying. Kora even loses her ā€œphone privilegesā€ AT 21 YEARS OLD. Her dad is just as bad since he turns out to be a psycho power hungry corrupt sheriff murderer. 

Vincent is also fucked in the head too. His motivations for all the shit he does is just ā€œ???ā€ His brothers trying to overdose and this mf decided well since heā€™s already trying to off himself I might as well justā€¦. PEW PEW him in the head and cut up his arms. HUH???? And the shit he did to Kora? Weird. Wrapping her in plastic wrap like a mummy? Such a romantic guy I tell ya. Pretending sheā€™s dead and fucking her in a casket? What a charmer. Making paintings using peoples cremated ashes? What an artist. 

There is literally zero redeeming characters in the story. I hate them all. I barely even like Kora. I had to keep telling myself itā€™s not her fault that she was brainwashed by her mom but like damn girl GROW A SPINE. Theyā€™re also pretty stupid too and all just piss me off. The fact that Vincent literally called her and said ā€œthe person who almost killed me last night was Andrew and youā€™re in dangerā€ and miss girl just ignored it and went on a date with him anyway?????? I HATE THIS. Then her mom and Andrew concoct a plan to get Kora married to Andrew WITHOUT HER CONSENT?! He just signs the marriage license without her even knowing???? ā€œAll we need is her signature but I can sign it for herā€ NOT HOW THAT WORKS I HATE THIS SO MUCH. 

Vincent saying ā€œMy blood boiled. Adrenaline surged through me, making my fingertips tingle. Visions filled my head: Sheas blood smeared on a white tiled floor. Sheriff Mike with a gunshot wound in his chest, the blood pulling out beneath him. Andrews head on a stick, his limbs chopped from his body. All of their flesh incinerating in the retorts until they were nothing but a pile of bones.ā€ SAME BITCH SAME!!!!!!! PERFECTLY SAID. The one thing Iā€™ve agreed with in this entire book. 

I am glad that the piece of shit murderers got what they deserved in the end but why the hell are they burning the bodies in a plain old fire when heā€™s literally the owner of a funeral home and has a crematory 5 feet away??? Nothing makes sense in this book. Everything that happened 98% of the book just enraged me to a point that I think I shouldā€™ve checked my blood pressure. 
Captain Rourke by Helena Newbury

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1,000,000,000ā­ļø I thought nothing could top Alaska Wild but Miss Helena did it again and now this is my NUMBER 1 FAV. There is so much adventure, danger, tension, romance I was on the edge of my seat!! My babies went through hell. Trying to find a sunken treasure in order to cure a mysterious illness in her bloodline. Not only did they have to face dangers under the sea but above as well. They werenā€™t the only ones after the treasure. It was life or death that she find the cure to this illness.

These characters have scars, they have trauma and have to to face their fears. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever cried in a book like I did for 2 specific scenes from this book. Those scenes were so raw and real and heartbreaking that I was sobbing. (There is a HEA donā€™t worry)! Rourke is the most grumpy of all grumpys and sheā€™s your ultimate sunshine. They would go through anything to get this cure. There is never a dull moment in this book. Their romance is so beautiful. Tension is off the chartsšŸ”„I suggest everyone reads this book because this author is a genius and this book is a masterpiece just like Alaska Wild. 

If Helena Newbury has a 1,000,000 fans I am one of them. If she has 1 fan that is me. If she has no fans then I am dead.

*warning: If you canā€™t handle reading about deep dark water be advised*
You Are Mine by Jenika Snow

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 I think this one was definitely better than the first one because what the first one lacked this one had which was conflict. It had more substance. There was a problem that needed a solution. They were absolutely dramatic about it though. Talking about ā€œWarā€šŸ’€ They acted like he was a serial killer 
Big Bad Wolf by Jenika Snow

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There needed to be a conflict. It needed to have more substance. 
Rock Chick by Kristen Ashley

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I forgot this series existed and distinctly remember the cover but couldnā€™t recall anything about it. Letā€™s just say it was definitelyā€¦interesting. Tbh idk what I saw in it? 

Sometimes the FMC said the most oddball things like ā€œgrrā€ and ā€œdone itttā€ which Iā€™m trying not to cringe at but itā€™s bringing middle school ptsd flashbacks. It did get good whenever we got to a scene with lee. I loved lee and would like him to be amazon shipped to me pronto. Possessive men āœ… Heā€™s probably what saved this book from a 2ā­ļø tbh.

I think the ā€œdangerā€ scenes shouldā€™ve been longer. They all happen too quickly and itā€™s just done and over with. Iā€™d like it better if they were stretched out. Blink and youā€™ll miss em. But this book is mainly just silly entertainment and not to be taken so seriously. 

If you took the book, removed the cringe and roughed it up Iā€™d probably like it a lot more. Most people who get kidnapped multiple times and shot at donā€™t go about their day suntanning and doing yard work as if itā€™s just a normal Sunday. 

The FMC got on my nerves quite frequently. Sheā€™s basically thing 1 and thing 2 meaning she neverrrrr listens. The whole time Iā€™m just yelling STAY IN THE CARRRRRR. Her intelligence is questionable after the choices she makes. Sheā€™s also pretty disrespectful towards Lee in regards to their relationship. Why are you flirting with other men in front of him?? Especially when heā€™s expressed how much he doesnā€™t like it.

But If you like reading a best friends brother romance with mildly cringy words and some pretty silly danger hereā€™s your book! 
Twisted King by Ria Wilde

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This duet was phenomenal. It reminds me of a ā€œtamerā€ version the cat and mouse duet but completely different at the same time. I was totally invested, it had be squealing and crying and wanting more. I feel like there needs to be a 3rd book, thereā€™s questions I still have and feel like itā€™s not done! 

I highlyyyy recommend this duet if you love possessive men, danger/violence, a bada$$ FMC, revenge, burn the world down for her, spicy booksšŸ”„