kazters's reviews
54 reviews

You Be Mother by Meg Mason

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I loved this book from start to finish. Abi I just felt for her and though stu was a typical man . I found the relationship between abi and Phil really special. I think through her abi found herself and became the woman & mum she always wanted to be
The Book of Form and Emptiness by Ruth Ozeki

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I found this book interesting. I found jt hard to get into at first but once I was I couldn’t put it down.
Benny and Annabelle oh are struggling with grief. Benny starts to hear voices but not just random voices. He hearts the voices of the objects around him from his shoes to his books. Annabelle has let herself go since her husband passed. She has issues with hording things and her whole life is her job and her son. She just wants what’s best for benny. What ozeki has given us is a beautiful bin from different perspectives. Hearing voices dosnt make you mad but by the end I was left with a warm feeling that benny and Annabelle are going to be ok
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman

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Finished Eleanor oliphant. I really loved this book from start to finish. Yes the plot was easy to work out. But that wasn’t important. Eleanor felt alone in the world, she eats the same food, wears the same clothes has no friends, no family goes to work every day regardless. She never used up any sick days or her holiday entitlement. Spends the weekend in a cheep vodka induced haze. But little does she know this is all about to change. I wonder if Eleanor is on the autistic spectrum regardless of what happened to her as a child. Which was horrific. But small kindness a smile on the bus, asking if someone is ok when they look sad. As we go through the book Gail honeyman peels the layers of Eleanor back like an onion. Sometimes you have to go back to the start to begin again. Can’t recommend this book enough. Go read it
The Seven Imperfect Rules of Elvira Carr by Frances Maynard

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I really loved this book. It gave off similar vibes to the curious incident of the dog and Elinor oliphant books. But I can’t recommend this book enough. Especially if you have any interest in autistic spectrum dissorders
Maggsie McNaughtons Second Chance by Frances Maynard, Frances Maynard

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This book ended leaving me wanting more. I wanted to know what was going to happen to maggsie. I also knew that she was going to be just fine. This book was funny and heart breaking but also shows what determination and stream goth can do. To remind those who have issues with reading and writing and dyslexia you can still do all the things everyone else can it just means you have to problem solve more.
Hope frances Maynard writes a 3rd book
Ginger and Me by Elissa Soave

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Wendy is alone in the world, she is the product of her childhood. She is clearly on the asd spectrum and is trying to make changes in her life. I felt for ginger I just wanted someone to realise she really needed help. She was just a child and was clearly abused and neglected. This is a story of obsession, friendship and things going to far but also not learning from mistakes
Can’t recommend this book enough