kbbroday's reviews
63 reviews

King of Immortal Tithe by Ben Alderson

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That one review by Anna that has 2 stars stole the words right from my mouth. I had to DNF. I feel that the author Has great potential and his descriptions were very good but it felt so rushed and choppy.
I was so excited to read a BL book of this retelling but I felt like I was reading a first draft not a finished novel.
I do hope that the author grows in his writing because I feel with more practice and time and maybe an experienced editor, he could write wonderful LGBTQ novels.
This sadly was just not one of them.
Wildfire by Shania Renaud

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Look, I saved this book because the cover reminded me of Jimin and it was LGBTQ, boy am I happy I did.
The cute banter, amazing descriptive world building, and wonderfully unique characters stole my heart. I will admit that, at first, I was was a bit impatient and wanted the story to pick up. But once I wished for it, the book delivered.
I loved that the author easily evoked my empathy and my laughter throughout the book. The characters even had a strong chemistry that enraptured me, making it quite easy to read the entire book, start to finish, in one sitting.
At points, it definitely felt like an incredibly well written fan fiction because, honestly, Jaemyun is a bit too closely written to fit Jimins characteristics. But I'm definitely not complaining.
This book more than earned 5 stars and I highly recommend it.
Never Ever Getting Back Together by Sophie Gonzales

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This book was one of the funniest books I have ever read. Following Maya and then Skye’s journey of revenge on their shitty Fuckboy ex Jordy was so satisfying especially since it was all done on a reality dating show where they had to pretend to be still in love with the guy on national television.
The witty dialogue, hilarious inner thoughts, and wonderful friendship building was perfect but Sophie went even further to create one of the most satisfying “why don’t we just date each other?” cheater tropes I have ever seen.
Because we all have thought, “why fight over a cheater when y’all could just date each other?”
Well, at least I have.
If you want to read all the spilt tea, laugh your ass off, and watch two bi girls fall in love, read this book.
Even if you don’t, just read it. It’s so good.
Too Wrong to Be Right by Melonie Johnson

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I have never been more frustrated with two main characters than I was with Kat and Mick. I wanted to shake them and tell them they were idiots. And honestly, I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Their chemistry was beautiful and so evident that if they were real, the sexual tension could but cut by a knife. It wasn’t just the witty banter that did it for me either, it was the loving friends and family, hilarious inner thoughts, and Jojo the hedgehog that really earned this book 4 stars.
If you enjoy the torture of watching two idiots fumbling their way into love, this is a must read.
Not Your Ex's Hexes by April Asher

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I love a good spooky rom com and this hit almost everything on my checklist.
Rose and Damian’s chemistry was undeniable from the start. And their denial of it made everything so much better. I love a romance full of angst. And the supernatural elements made it so much more fun to read.
I highly recommend reading this around Halloween to get into the season. I’m so happy I was able to read this.