kelsbng's reviews
22 reviews

Miss Benson's Beetle by Rachel Joyce

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This book was everything I wanted it to be and more. I went into it blind, I simply found it in my local library and decided to give it a shot. It seemed slightly appealing and I was desperately looking for a book to keep me occupied at the lake house over the summer, and this book definitely did the trick. If you are looking for a heartfelt book with drama and mental anguish galore, you will love this story. Told beautifully, in a way that makes you absolutely adore the protagonists, it is something that I will suggest to my friends continuously.
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell

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I have never dog-eared a book so many times. Vanessa asks Henry if he knows what she means when she says the book is Hers, and that is how I feel about this novel. To all of the survivors who can relate to this beautifully and tragically written character, my heart goes out to you. You are valid, you are seen, and you are not what happened to you. Healing isn't linear. You're doing a wonderful job. Truly an amazing novel that I know I will reread at later dates in my recovery.
The Grace Year by Kim Liggett

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It's not bad. It was something I lost interest in and had to come back to finish, but it wasn't because it was poorly written or because it was particularly gross or anything of the sort. It was intriguing, the plot was interesting enough and the characters were decently developed. I don't know, it just wasn't something that stuck with me the way other books do. I like it, but I didn't love it, and it's not something I've gone to anyone and said, "Oh my God! You need to read this!" So, you know, read it if you want to.