kintara81's reviews
583 reviews

Sun of Endless Days: Progress Is Strength. Only the Worthy Are Rewarded by L. G. Jenkins

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This was both a classic dystopian world along with a very different element of being Sleep having been removed/limited. The population is split into the Worthy and Unworthy which means people can move up and down the Worthy selection however it is also possible to become an unworthy as well. This story is all based around a identity theft and how they react in this role and will they be successful. This was a fantastic start to a series and I can not wait to see where this goes in the future.
Dark Heart by Kat Turner

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I found this a bit hard to get into initially as I had not read the previous 5 books so I did not have the background of the characters and world. However once I got a few chapters into the story I had picked up these things and could not stop reading the book. I loved the interaction between the main characters and how the world is based on how everyone/animals have a bonded mate. I am intrigue in the world and characters that I want to go back and read the previous books to get the full story.
Kiko and the Coralline Crest by Nadine Holland

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This was such a beautifully written and illustrated book for children which can help them learn about anxiety and how to overcome this. We follow Kiko the Seahorse as she tries to overcome a big challenge in her life and the things she has to overcome to be able to achieve this even though she is feeling scared and frightened about the things that will try and stop her. This is certainly a book which should be added to all Nurseries; Schools and Libraries as this could be a valuable resource to be used with children suffering from anxiety.
Remedy by Emily Bridget Taylor

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I am not one for poetry however this was a very moving and beautifully written collection of poems which resonated with me. I think the reason for this was that many of the things that the poems illustrated were feeling that I had went through when I had gone through a messy breakup and then subsequently healed and moved on from that. Emily has put things into words that I think many people will feel at one point in their lives and this is what makes this a very powerful collection of poems to have on anyone's shelf.
The Florence Letter: Absolutely spellbinding and page-turning dual narrative fiction by Anita Chapman

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I loved this book ... thank you Anita Chapman. This has a dual timeline - we are witnessing Mags life during the war while Claire is investigating her life and the scandals which happened during this time. We are witness to Mags life and the changes that she had to go through and the sacrifices that she had to make for family and love. We then follow Claire investigating the history and putting this together for a exhibition. All I can tell you is that you need to read this beautiful story.
Second Glance by A.E. Bennett

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I loved this book so much, read it so quick and was sucked into the story of these two characters. This is one of the follow up books to Gathering The Four and I am so glad that I read that before this as it gave me the background knowledge that I needed. This was the Male to Male Spicy romance that I need but that I didn't know that I needed. The love story between these two characters and the trials that they go through to be together are mounting but love prevails. Read this if you need a feel good quick read.
Healing Magic & Playboys by Lauren Connolly

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I didnt know what to expect from this book as it is the 3rd on in the series - however this did not seem to make any difference to the enjoyment of the story. I am sure that you are able to read these books in any order. I loved our main characters of Ava and Sammy, watching them meet each other and go from acquaintances to being in a fully functional relationship. This has some very steamy scenes which flow naturally with the story that they have been included in. This has made me want to find out more about the other characters in the Casual Magic Series.
What You Are Looking For is in the Library by Michiko Aoyama

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This is one of the few translated works from Japan which I have read and I have to say I loved it. Books about Books is something that always appeals to me as a reader. This book is set out in 5 chapters which all center around the Library in the Community Center and we slowly find out that all of the characters in the chapters are interlinked in one way or another. This was a very profound book as it had a very strong lesson component to it which every reader can relate to their own life's. If you get the chance to read this book then you must.
The Fast Lane by Sharon M. Peterson

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this was a funny and moving story of healing from a break up and moving on with life. Our main character Ali is forced into a road trip with her long time crush and we get to follow the antics which happen on the trip. From finding long lost family, reuniting families together and attending a wedding where the ex is also attending. We get to see Ali's thoughts and feeling s her crush turns into a relationship which both parties have been wanting for a long time. This is a feel good read which is ideal for reading at anytime especially on a beach with a cocktail.
Under Her Roof by A.A. Chaudhuri

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This was a fantastic read with a triple perspective narrative of Adriana, Seb and 'Unreliable Narrator'. I love a multi perspective books as it allows me to see things from different angles for the same event being experienced. I really enjoyed the writing style and plot line which had me guessing all through the story who the killer was and I guessed wrong until the last chapter when it was revealed. I think that the author handle the traumatic events experiences that Adriana had in her young life and the mental health aspects which followed her into her adult life. This is a really good example of the landlord - lodger trope which personally was not one that I had not read before and is definitely one that I would read again. I have also added her previous novels onto my TBR as I want to read her other books