krissiebentley's reviews
70 reviews

The Wisdom of Not Knowing: Discovering a Life of Wonder by Embracing Uncertainty by Estelle Frankel

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I bought this for a friend and intended to skim it first to make sure it was a good fit. I loved this book. Encouraged spiritual curiosity with stories from familiar traditions. I loved it. Lots of notes.
Modern Tarot: Connecting with Your Higher Self Through the Wisdom of the Cards by Michelle Tea

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I love this book as a resource. Very approachable to the beginner, but also not a light and airy interpretation of the tarot. I fond myself in this book more than the guidebooks for my decks. I look forward to marking this up with my own interpretations.
Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead by Tosha Silver

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This one is a giant “meh” for me. After being told that I HAD TO read it by a valued spiritual friend, I had high hopes. It read like someone’s Instagram feed. Little snippets of lessons learned without the depth of self-exploration I look for in a book.

What I enjoyed:
• The specific language of the prayers she uses.
• Specific steps for her rituals for forgivenesses, uncertainty, frustration.

What I didn’t enjoy:
• Even though she argues against it, there is a strong “God is your magician!” message.
• Lots of causal astrology talk that she just assumes I understand.

I will not be recommending this book.
One Simple Thing: A New Look at the Science of Yoga and How It Can Transform Your Life by Eddie Stern

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I found this book so inspiring. It gave me the framework to discuss yogic concepts with both my yoga students and my therapy clients. Highly recommended!