ktc8's reviews
172 reviews

Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

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“One flesh, one end”


the writing style is so unique and this was def not like anything ive ever read. funny clever and cerebral, and then wholeheartedly surprisingly HEARTBREAKING right at the end. losing my mind. one of my new favorites. god i wish this was a tv show it would be SO GOOD

i had literally no idea any of the plot of this before i began it so heres my summary:

frenemies, a small grumpy religious space necromancer and her fighting lesbian himbo cavalier, team up to go to a gothic palace with other house necs/cavaliers and undergo several confusing and seemingly random tests (opening doors) to become a Lyctor (a righthand man of their God, the Emperor of Space) but end up wound into an elaborate murder mystery, trying to find out what they’re really there to do and/or up against.
Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas

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goddamn can sjm do battle scenes. honestly very helm's deep esque and honestly i just kept imagining orynth as half helm's deep half minas tirith

i loved this series!! wish i had read it first bc i loved it a lot but acotar has me in a nostalgic grip. this ones definitely the best tho i just like acotar the best idk. anyways wowowow

i cried so much, mostly out of joy. but sobs for the thirteen that did me in
Realm Breaker by Victoria Aveyard

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Okay I think I got the vision by the end of it. I really would not have finished this without the audiobook and kudos to the audiobook person for sounding hot bc i would not have even gotten this far without you queen.

The things she did right were good: really a beautiful world and expansive and a host of super varying characters and places. I feel like if you enjoyed when the avatar gaang travelled around to different places in the world you would enjoy this one. Erida?? Bad bitch incoming I'm so into her just going dark side like wow okay that's hot and so plot twisty. I thought she was gonna marry Andry lmfao.

The things that I don't think she did well is a longer list but I'm mostly just being picky. Aveyard set the scene well enough and the first chapter was really great, I love the premise, but the execution was kinda lacking. The pace!! was soooo slow. I feel like YA authors who try their hand at NA/Adult really struggle with pacing. Just because its an "older" genre doesn't mean it has to go slow!!! Nothing gripping or interesting really happened until like 300 pages in and then not again until the end I was really just hanging out, waiting. That's the biggest issue. I don't think I really cared for any of the characters until maybe the end, liked Dom a lot and Sarasa was cool, but until they actually did stuff, aka in the end, they were all just so boring. The worldbuilding was a good, she loves to describe cities my goodness but thats cool I like when a setting is explained well to imagine it, but I'm not sure it needed to be 500 pages of describing stuff. Also wtf is a spindle we literally never get this explanation sldkjfskl. Final thought is that I never really got the WHY. Why did any of them choose to do this. They don't even know what they were setting out to do. There was no point for any of them to put their lives on the line for something they didn't even know of.

Also Sarasa is just Inej if she was Kaz. Change my mind.
Dom is Matthias. Cute of him.

I liked it enough to finish it! I think I'm also coming off of the Throne of Glass high, of extreme stakes and great characters, to a slower paced book and that didn't help at all lol. Still, I like what she's doing here and I might read the next one, we'll see!!
A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson

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beautiful, savage, and a love letter to obsession, love, found family, and evil
Delilah Green Doesn't Care by Ashley Herring Blake

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i loved it!! so cute and well written and gay
Hall of Smoke by H.M. Long

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i wish i hadn't taken so long to read this bc i wouldve given it an actual 5, but its def a 4.5 from me rn

this was really fun and different!! about questioning belief (in religion and what you've been taught and told), vengeance, grief, war, and gods, lots of gods. cool to see the vikings/gauls/goths/romans influence on the different peoples here and a new type of fantasy story. recommended if you like percy jackson, the poppy war, or any viking media.

i think my only complaint is that its a little predictable, if thats a good word to use, until the end. but delving into the world and hessa's predicament and hard decisions took some really beautiful time to unfold so really its my own problem that i took so long. i hate my job for many reasons but rn bc it took up too much of my time so i couldnt read!

not sure what the second book could be about but this is a cool world, can't wait to see!!
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg

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i'm not sure i have all of the words to describe what this book means to me but im so glad i read it finally. i havent delved much into learning gay and transgender history as i want yet but this was such an important start for me. honestly at first i put it down after a few chapters because it was too much and in disbelief. but im so glad to have experienced it and leslie was such a writer. its so powerful to see where we were compared to where we are. hopeful and sad all at once. lots of feelings in general that ive just been crying out. thats all for now.
Greywaren by Maggie Stiefvater

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i am so sad to say goodbye to all these characters im sobbing i loved this series and i love ronan and god im so sad its over
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

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such a cute, easy and intriguing read!! I listened to it all day on the spotify audiobook and i didnt wanna stop! i love these characters and im excited to keep reading the series :)

also reading this while its been a couple of cold, rainy, spooky October days, listening to In the Woods Somewhere by Hozier…. perfect spooky fall vibes
Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater

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“You are made of dreams and the world is not for you”
“He deserved a place here, too.”

“Tamquam—alter idem” <3

Okay I didn’t even KNOW she had written a companion series and I love Ronan so much that I was/am so happy about this.

Very cool and interesting and couldve been me but the pacing was a little off for me so it took awhile. Until I remembered audiobooks exist again and then work shifts got this done in days lol. Anyways maybe it was a me problem? Maybe making it more new adult slowed it? idk, but enjoyed it a lot!

I loved Jordan and want to see more of Declan! I want him to have just a Whole ass meltdown. James Norrington from POTC yk.

I really love how she can describe a setting and also nature its always so much more than just. Here are trees its dark and gloomy. Her writing in that way makes everything just a Little more imaginable and also atmospheric and wonderful.