ktc8's reviews
172 reviews

Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater

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"What is real? You make reality"

This took me a long time to pick up and then awhile to read but not bc it was bad, i simply couldnt get myself to get into it. its got a bit of a 2nd book syndrome, lots of setting up for a finale. im kinda scared tho ronan baby whats going onnnnnnnn
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

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"If we end here, it'll be just like.... a bad dream, won't it?"

"I've carried you, Warden. And I've carried your memory... I'd rather carry you."
Clack. "I cannot bear the thought of using you?
Pause. "Love and freedom don't coexist, Warden."
Clack. "This is all there is to love? Simply by being in your life, I have added indelibly to its weight?"
Pause. "Yes"
Clack. "Camilla, I mean it."
Pause. "I meant it too. You used to say it to me."
"We are one flesh. Clack.
"I am your end"

ive been crying for days. how can you grieve for characters that are still there but not?

muir does this thing of breaking down the walls that make up understanding. who decided a table was called a table, its just a thing what else is there to say? who is nona but a middle between a top and a bottom - i think i learned that just being there is enough to being a person - being 6 months old and slightly terrible was worth it. what is it that makes up being a person? what matters?

i loved this, definitely not the strongest in the series imo but honestly its because it makes the most sense.

i missed gideon so much i cried when she came on screen no joke. and its sickening that theyre never together again, her and harrow. the horror of realizing these characters only exist within minutes of each other and will kill themselves and the other if theyre together? why tf did this book make me sob over camilla and sex pal i cant take it i didnt know i could love them. also fuck ianthe and gideon having FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS tell me something so fucked up again muir and ill turn this ship around right now.
The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri

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I really liked this one and enjoyed sitting in its world, which was way easier to get into than the first one of course. It's not a book that you can put down and read slowly I will say i feel like im always forgetting little details of what happens, they dont stick in my brain well but its fun and awful and all the mixed feelings inbetween of starcrossed lovers and war and revolt and loss. im excited to see the world burn down in book 3!!

(lowkey spoilers:
ok also my fave character was bhumika bc i feel i could relate so when her chapters began to fade out i actually stopped picking it up to read as much lol i just realized)
Babel by R.F. Kuang

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ow. shes done it again (hurt me emotionally)

This is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone, Amal El-Mohtar

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let me start off by saying i understood so little but felt so so much. why would i need to understand anything about science when the letters about love were so profound and hard hitting. the writing, impeccable, delicious, scrumptious.

this book was good for a gay himbo such as myself. dont think too much just enjoy the ride. if you like gideon the ninth and all that lesbian scifi buffoonery (aka love so all consuming you wanna smack ur head into the wall and also cool scifi shit) then you'll like this.

"But if you hunger, I swell. You have me watch-
ing birds, and though I don't know their names
like you know them, I have seen small bright sing-
ers puff before they trill. That's how I feel. I sing
myself out to you, and my talons clutch the branch,
and I am wrung out until your next letter gives me
breath, fills me to bursting."

"Do you laugh, sea foam? Do you smile, ice,
and observe your triumph with an angels remove?
Sapphire-flamed phoenix, risen, do you command
me once again to look upon your works and
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

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“I wish you could be kissed, Jane,” he said. “Because I would beg just one off you. Under all this.” He flailed an arm towards the stars. “And then we’d never say anything about it ever again.”
That could’ve been the end of it.
I want something more.

a good story has a way of dragging me into the world in a way where i literally forget about the writing and dont even notice if there are imperfections and this series is doing that for me i love it, im so invested now

this series is literally the BEST to be reading right now… moody… atmospheric… spooky…

i cant believe i love two book series about black birds now. six of crows and raven boys ur rotting my my brain..

gay ronan my absolute beloved
but are we supposed to just gloss past the chp 40 dick pic i-
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater

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whewwww i’m so anxious to start book 4 this series has me in a serious chokehold and so much happened in this one AH

also her writing in this one *chefs kiss*. chp 19 about time? loved it
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater

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“The head is too wise. The heart is all fire”

“If you can’t be unafraid, be afraid and happy”

I will admit I cried, and I’m so glad they survived cause man I wouldn’t have lived if not.

The ending felt a bit like. unfulfilling compared the magic and grandeur of the rest of the books but I’ll give myself some time to think about it.

I loved this series!!!!! I need fanart

also pg 140: “focused most of the objects of Ronan’s worship into one downtown block” i SCREAMED and I cant tell you how ecstatic I am that ronan and adam end up together it makes me feel Crazy like. we really can have gay rep in books and theyre both amazing and integral and dont die???? it makes my heart so so full
The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake

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this was better than the first honestly

'Olympus was empty. The gods were already here.'
'What else was intimacy if not the memorization of her thoughts, her dreams, her fears?' Being seen and known and the deep, intimate knowledge of someone else was so crucial to this, and like this is what dark academia its about. being fucked up in a library, surrounded by others who know you more than you know you, where you think everything is about you.

i really loved how this one focused so much on how they saw each other rather than who they are individually and how theyre all tied up in each other, really gets that dark academia vibe going of wtf these people are all really fucked up and kinda awful and hate each other but intrinsically connected and cant exist outside of each other now. good.

the addition of belen's character was really crucial bc literally the book being another year in an infinite knowledge library where they just study and write a thesis is subpar, to expand it to a kind of anti-spiderman theme of these insane godlike characters who have the ultimate power and decide to further their own interests rather than the betterment of the world or humanity, but to look and create another world rather than fix your own is so very godly and also so very human, in that you cannot avoid your own history and beliefs that you continue to repeat it and look backwards or sideways rather than forward. lets pretend that made sense, basically the book is good and these characters are Good.

also i love ambiguous love stories like theyre all in love with each other or are they. but the gideon nico smooch at the end was so cute. libby polyam question mark. collum tristan love spat? we love to see it.