ladymair's reviews
335 reviews

The Blood Stones by Tori Tecken

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 50%.
I tried. I really did but I had no drive to continue. I found the characters to be boring and if I’m honest I feel the author chose the wrong MC for this book. ||The traitors son and senna would have been far more interesting ||
Also I couldn’t see the point of this book? There was next to no plot and hardly any character development. Hardly anything had happened. And I get that Gehrin storyline you won’t get a lot but I would still expect to see more connection between the brothers instead of being told. And to go from one brother hating him to being fine the next minute is a bit jarring
But to have no threads of storylines woven throughout the book was a choice and one that isn’t for me. There was no hook to keep me going no questions and answers happening. 
Why was the kings son killed ? What is Master L plan? Why was he taking the kids to what purpose? Having his POV i feel we should have been told the why of things. 
We’re told a lot of the political manoeuvring and they feel very shallow and unbelievable. The author has obviously put a lot of thought into the worldbuilding but in some cases it doesn’t translate well to the page but I can see this being the strongest part of the story. 

I found the writing to be a bit jarring. It would repeat itself and meander on long sentences when it’s not needed. Towards the end I skimmed a lot to try to get to the point of each scene and chapter and yet I couldn’t seem to find one. 

Overall I find the story very shallow and it’s not for me. 

Age of War by Michael J. Sullivan

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
I can’t decide if I want to try reading this again. It’s an okay book but it could be my mood. Tentatively soft DNFing this for now. 
The graphic audio is good though. I do wish it would read the whole book with the added sound effects. But still a good production. 
In the Lives of Puppets by TJ Klune

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Never have I laughed so much in the first chapter of a book. 
This book started off in the best way. Rambo! Oh how I love him to death. The cutest character ever. All the characters were so well written with each complimenting the others. They all fit this story perfectly. 
There was humor throughout this book but it's underlying message was of love and friendship. Something cosy. 
T J Klune always writes some of the cosiest stories with a bit of a heavy conflict to them and do love them. I love all the oddities of the characters, how each have their quirks and fears and they all feel so real, even if they are robots. 
The world building lost me for a moment. I wasn't completely sold on how Victor was made but I didn't come to this book for excessive world building, I came for a good time, a story where I didn't have to think too much and In The Lives Of Puppets delivered. 
The romance side was a bit strange to me. in its essence it's sweet and wholesome but one party is a robot and I couldn't get passed that. Its just not my thing. 
There is little at fault with this book. it achieved what it set out to do and I had a good time reading. 
I highly recommend the audiobook the narrator really brings this book to life
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid

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I was surprised how much I enjoyed this book. The devil makes three vibes are strong. 
I loved the characters in this. Preston especially. Effy annoyed me in places but as the story continued, she grew on me. But Preston will forever have my heart. 
Everyone keeps saying his is the best book of the year and I can see why hey love it so much but while enjoyed it, it had some issues. 
Mainly the ending. I loved the last chapter, how Effy grew from the start of the book. But the ending before that, the fight for survival, the boss battle if you will. it felt cheep. it ended too quickly for my taste and I would have loved to see more of a struggle with the antagonist since they have been plaugines Effy from the start. 
My other issue is with the fantasy element. The Fae king. I believe the book would have been stronger if it was clear from the start that the fae king was real. Only Effy believes in the fae king and it left doubt is he was real. I had a feeling reading that it was going to toy with the is it real or inside Effy’s head. Not until the end did we get the answer. 
Now I loved the romance. it deep deep and meaningful. 
I loved the vibe. The vibe of this book nails. 
Overall I had a good time reading this.
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske

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This is the sweetest story. 
A romance that has equal plot, worldbuilding, and character development. 
I would die for them. They are my Joe to my ox. The Sam to Frodo. THE couple. 
The plot really enhances the romance in the best way. Edwin and Robbie both are well developed, interesting characters. I loved reading about them both. 
And Edwin is just the best. So awkward and book smart. I love him. 
It did surprise me this had spicy scenes in it but they worked well with the story and complimented both characters on their arcs. it was sweet and awkward. 
I did like how it ended. I have found alot of fantasy romance focus too much on the romance and net on the plot but it was int the case here. 
I highly enjoyed this book. I want more from this plot and characters.
The Witches of Vardø by Anya Bergman

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Where to begin my thoughts on this book. 
Its a mixture of historical and fiction but I do believe parts of this book is based on true events. 
The historical parts was nailed. it felt very believable. 
The characters. They were fleshed out and well written, but it was hard to read about their story. Women put against women in fear of being labeled a witch. The trials they went through. Especially the SA scene. 
And the men in this book. Knowing this is how they most likely were in real life, abusive, threating to put the skull on women is horrifying and makes me so angry. 
This book was hard for me to read because of the themes it covers, how angry it made me on behalf of the characters. it was beautifully written and a story everyone needs to read. 
A bittersweet ending but worked for the story. I was so happy to what happened to certain characters. 
A great story that had me thinking about women history and about how many were wrongly accused of being a witch and what happened to them.