laiabrary's reviews
234 reviews

Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

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I thought I was prepared for the heartbreak. I thought wrong.

There is lots I want to say but I can’t even begin to gather my thoughts after this heart-wrenching of an ending. If I ever recover I might write an actual review (but don’t hold your breaths.)
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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Fourth read (June 17, 2023): 5/5
Third read (November 16, 2022): 5/5
Second read (April 14, 2022): 5/5
First read (November 21, 2021): 5/5

To say the truth, I cannot explain why I adore this book so much. Objectively, it's a romance like many others, with many flaws. But, this is the book that first gave me this inexplicable feeling every reader chases, what some call "the five star feeling". Is it because I am a woman in STEM and felt seen? Is it because Ali's humour is reminiscent of mine? Is it because I love broody grumps? Is it because I love the I-hate-everyone-but-you trope? Maybe. I could not pinpoint the exact reason(s) why this book means so much to me, but it does, and if something makes you happy, it doesn't have to make sense. So, I'll keep rereading this book until I turn to dust.
One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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I need this book injected into my veins.
The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

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“By you, I am forever undone.”

“I spent much of my life guarding my heart. I guarded it so well that I could behave as though I didn’t have one at all. Even now, it is a shabby, worm-eaten, and scabrous thing. But it is yours.”

“I knew little else, but I always knew you.”

Elfhame, Jude and Cardan forever stole a piece of my heart.
The Wicked King by Holly Black

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“Kiss me until I’m sick of it.”

“Sweet Jude. You are my dearest punishment.”

A masterpiece of a book. Kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. And the plot twists at the end, excuse me?????
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

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“Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It's disgusting, and I can't stop.”

I would give up my soul if it could afford me the pleasure of reading this for the first time again.

I could not bring myself to put the book down.