lalazu's reviews
207 reviews

Luck in the Shadows by Lynn Flewelling

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I spent my Denmark holiday crying about these two and I think that's beautiful.
Yurei Attack!: The Japanese Ghost Survival Guide by Hiroko Yoda, Matt Alt

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Yes, welcome, tonight on the 'It is 6 am and I have just spent a whole night binge-reading a book on Japanese ghosts because I have no impulse control and love ghost stories too much': Yurei Attack!

My profile: A love so strong it rivals 3 whole suns for the supernatural. Currently living in Japan. Majoring in Japanese studies.
The enemy: This book.

Good things: Loved the illustrations. And funny anecdotes. The rituals chapter was A+. The design of the whole book was outstanding. Sources were actually given.

Bad things: Useless facts 101. There were no actual ghosts in there you could be attacked by today so it was not a guide at all. 'For more info, check Yokai Attack!' if I really liked your book I'd read it anyway without you telling me to every 2 pages. Several typos.

This book was made for my supernatural loving self. Not the Japanese studies one.
Gena/Finn by Kat Helgeson, Hannah Moskowitz

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This was.... not what I expected at all. And not in a good way.

The first half or so went how I wanted to read a book about online friends and their relationships formed over fandom and how it affects their real lives. And then suddenly? I was reading a trauma story? Which by itself wouldn't be so bad. I liked the use of poems, I liked the representation of mental illnesses. But it did not work in a book like this.

SpoilerI was fine with Zack dying but then suddenly Gena was so broken and the whole story broke with it. It was not pleasing to read in the least. The conclusion was also kind of weak and, yes, trauma, PTSD, all of that is a long, long process. But in the fiction I'm reading, this was too real. Much too real. It left me with a bitter aftertaste and I don't like it.
Earth's End by Elise Kova

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This was SO HECKING AWFUL. I mean at least it was better than the second book, but it was still awful.
Aldrik und Vhalla both turn into complete MANIACS. DUMB maniacs. If I have to read 'My Vhalla, my lady, my love' even one more time in my life it will still be too early.
Vhalla continues to mistreat everyone in her life, Aldrik is an emotional annoying baby and they're both being praised for it. Bah.

Again, this read as a second or third draft and not as a finished book.
The only thing keeping me going is the fact that I paid for all of the books already and I don't like wasting money on books I won't even read. Otherwise I would have dropped this ages ago.

You know, this book has everything. PoC, gay people, eating disorders, alcoholism, mental disorders, self-harm, it's all there. But the PoC are either Oh So Sad Victims or Bad Religious Lunatics, the gay guy is a token character, the eating disorder is suddenly healed when you're with your loved one, the alcoholism is a sad excuse and the self-harm isn't even mentioned again. Why. just. Why. I know the author was going in a good direction here, the ideas are there.
But this needed at least 4 more rounds of editing.
Water's Wrath by Elise Kova

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2.5 Stars
Okay, now let me start by saying that this was a LOT better than I expected. After the huge disappointments that were the first three books, this felt like a treat.
But let's be real, I binged this series so far and by now my expectations are SO low, I'd be happy about anything not completely awful.

Vhalla actually gets to be SMART and she's there for other people for once! GASP!
Aldrik is even worse than before but at least this time he has a reason to be an emotional mess.
There's less focus on romance, and more on general interpersonal relationship and even a little plot. Thank GOD.
Daniel and Fritz exist and I'm glad.

SpoilerBUT THEN BALDAIRS.... THING HAPPENED AND I CANNOT FORGIVE THIS. I knew it was going to happen but STILL I cannot forgive. Nope.

It still reads like a draft and not a finished product.
Again, magically disappearing wounds that are never mentioned again, HUGE plot holes, yknow the whole package.
SpoilerFrom 'Oh Aldrik, you're not allowed into Baldair's room because his blood is gonna make you sick'
to 'Let's cuddle in blood-stained clothes and sleep in them together for a whole night, suddenly we forgot you could get sick from the same disease that just KILLED YOUR BROTHER

Also, PoC characters seen as weirdos, women as weak, the gay gay became even more of a token character. Stop.

Jesus Christ. Just one more book. One more. I can do this. Pray for me.
Crystal Crowned by Elise Kova

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Regret. I'm finally fuckin' finished though.

This was a massive waste of time and resources and I cringed myself through the whole book.
Also there were more spelling and grammar mistakes than ever. Aldrik doesn't even remotely resemble his original character anymore. He's just a completely different person, one who does not exist beyond 'my lady, my love'.

The only good thing about this was the feeling of finally having finished it so I never have to look at it again.

They even ruined Fritz. I loved him but no, now he's just useless.

Spoiler Also what the FUCK was that ending. Cringes through baby talk. Cringes through Fritz and Roan being assigned head posts despite having NO experience. There is literally no closure with Egmun or whatever his name was.
I skipped the whole final fight basically because it was so messily written. Also Vhalla survived 'because magic', Jesus Christ.
Without Baldair everything is bad.
The Paper Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg

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It wasn't bad. It also wasn't good.
The parts were there, I like the setting, I loved the idea of the heart.
Other parts weren't so great. Ceony literally fell in love with Em- Magician Thane after two weeks, of which he was gone one. And then risks her life for him. Why. Cringe.

Also I cannot stand Ceony anyway. She's just a girl with a hero complex. Who's also perfect at everything she does. Couldn't make this up even if I tried.
Emery is okay. But his laughing eyes? That's not how it works. Come on.
I don't think I'll be reading the next two books, this let me down and is a story in and of itself so I don't need the rest.
It's a good read for when you want to relax and not think. The writing is very simple, you don't need to use your head. But don't expect more than that.
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

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Everyone: Lazu, you will love this!
Me: Yay!
Me (now): Nay!

This is the book everyone is hyping so much? That I've been told to read for such a long time?
I get it, my expectations were too high. But it also just wasn't that great. It wasn't bad - but it needed more time if you ask me. Reads like a draft. There were no twists, no cliffhangers. It never actually made me want to read more except for the sake of completion.

Celaena, the most feared assassin - but she spends almost 90% of her time complaining. We don't see any of her apparently so great skills, except rushed fighting sequences that I can barely follow.

But Dorian and Chaol - those are some sweethearts right there. Love those guys, brightened up my day considerably. Make them fuse into one so it doesn't turn into a weird 2 guys love 1 girl novel from now on.

2 out of 5 for plot, writing, enjoyment, Celaena, 'the King is the bad dude'
4 out of 5 for Dorian and Chaol
3 out of 5 in total
Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

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I just don't know what to say. The first 70% were useless and only had a few hints to the story, but other than that it was dumb teenager feelings and problems. I almost dropped it, I'd have given it maybe 0.5 stars, but then the last 30% happened and the plot twists were BRILLIANT.
I am now intrigued enough to want to read the next one but I'm afraid it will follow the same pattern...

Also Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Chaol SUFFERED. he became nothing more than Love I. Nterest. No more personality, no own thoughts. Suddenly he just LIVES for Celaena. Wake me up when September ends, man.

Also the thing revealed at the VERY VERY end? I thought it would happen but I hoped it wouldn't with all my heart. Why. Unnecessary.
Uprooted by Naomi Novik

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This is more like. 2.2 stars but I have far worse books with 2 stars too.

Okay, so, I hate all of the characters. All of them. The whole book was so underwhelming. There was promise but Nieshka was JUST SO ANNOYING. AND OF COURSE SHE WOULD FALL FOR THE J E R K THAT MISTREATED HER FOR HALF A YEAR. DON'T EVEN BREATHE IN MY GENERAL DIRECTION

Aside from that, there were those awkward moments where Nieshka thinks about something - and then someone responds to her thoughts. It happened at least three times and it destroyed my reading experience immensely.

Also that fucking prince Marek. Fuck that guy. So at first he's a bad guy, then you're lead to think he's maybe not all that bad, then he's a bad guy again, then suddenly Nieshka calls him a king and shining and also pure like a child. His whole fucking character was striking me as DISGUSTING and I want nothing to do with it.

If you like idiot girls and jerks and EVIL WOODS THAT KILL THINGS FOR REASONS then by all means, have fun. Otherwise don't even bother.