lauralovesreading21's reviews
352 reviews

The Bullet That Missed by Richard Osman

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This book was just as good as the first book, however there are a two points to note

* in my opinion Joyce is slightly starting to get on my nerves - in the first book she is sweet and she still is in the third, but her focus on this man and that man and how gorgeous they all are is starting to grate on me. i think it is because she claims Gerry is the only man for her and the love of her life (enough to base the books she is starting to write with the main character based off Gerry) but all she does is think about getting in a relationship with each man the club comes across. Or maybe that isn't the case but it is the impression i get.

* Elizabeth - her character never really progresses? what i mean by that is most characters progress and their character develops over books but hers literally never changes and she knows that stephen is getting worse and if it was me i would want to spend way more time with him rather than galavanting around sticking my nose in business it doesn't belong in.

However i read it in a day so these issues didn't bother me that much to stop reading it was just a little niggle in the back of my head throughout the book. As overall the plot was great, Mr Osman was able to keep my eyes glued to the page and kept me wanting to turn the page over and over again. It was good, very good and i will most likely be purchasing the fourth when it comes out
Two Stories by Sally Rooney

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This was my first book by Sally Rooney and it was okay, it wasn’t spectacular or amazing it was just okay. I was confused at first because I could not tell if this was abridged or unabridged but I eventually understood the format. I listened to this on my walk home so listened o half an hour then another half an hour splitting the audio directly in two

The first story was a bit confusing for me in terms of following allowing with the story and characters and what was happening however I caught the gist of it . Nathan was quite aloof in his character and I am not really sure he made much of a difference to the story as it mainly focused on the daughter father relationship. I much preferred story two with Pauline and Aidan - this one I found more interesting and more dramatic than the first story, at one point I actually stopped walking just because I didn’t want to miss what was going on.

I would listen to the second story again and this is what brought it up to a four if I am honest, if it was based off the first book it would have been a two
Hope: My Inspirational Life by Tom Parker

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I borrowed this book off my mum who ordered it this year, I have wanted to read it since his passing to get an insight into his life and how his cancer affected and inspired him. This book definitely did that, the sections (part one and two) helped to distinguish his story and think it really shows how people with cancer and also their families view the persons life before and after cancer - whether this is what he intended I am not sure.

The reason it isn’t a five is because in my opinion it really centred around his time in the wanted, the writing style wasn’t my favourite in terms of how it was written (not the parts as I already said I like this). Just more of it being about the wanted I wish there was a bit more detail in the book but as a man writing this with a brain tumour I think he did really well and it was a brave thing to do
The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman

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I really really enjoyed this book, it was soooo much better than the thirda one in my opinion it just had more depth and twists that the third book didn't have. I did still have the irritation that the third one had surrounding joyce however so much has now been put in to place that baffled me in the third book. Really i should have read them in order but alas mistakes were made and i didn't realise when i started it that the third was not in fact the second in the series.

i will admit i did get confused at the start when Penny was mentioned, however i quickly remembered who she was and the relevance she had in the story. I loved how bogdan came out his shell in this book and the display of concern they all think but don't mention surrounding stephen. I loved Connie's character, even though she is a bit batty she was very lovable.

overall crackin' book
When in Rome by Sarah Adams

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When in Rome is about Amelia Rose, also known as Rea Rose who ups in the middle of the night to escape her fame and to get a break. Once in Rome her car breaks down outside Noah Walkers house, When in Rome follows Amelia's journey of discovery as well as her journey to her impending departure of Rome and those in it.

Okay to start off with this book was so stinking cute, in the beginning i was very skeptical that it was going to be something i would enjoy even though i really love a good romance.

I loved this book, really really loved it - with Amelia's upping and leaving to Noah's grumpy moods they were the perfect opposites but fit so well together. There was just something, and i cant put my finger on it, that i didn't like. i can't tell you what it is, and most would say there probably is nothing if you can't think of it, but something was holding me back from loving it to the full 5 stars. Whether it was because i think i knew where is was going and it was a bit predictable or scenes just became a bit repetitive? I really don't know but it still was very enjoyable and got me out of the reading slump i have been in these past two weeks and that is a great thing.

It is definitely a book I would recommend but just not one i personally would read again - hence the four stars.