leclerc's reviews
147 reviews

How We Fall Apart by Katie Zhao

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Honestly, that's one of the few instances where it's me and not the book. I think I set my expectations too high.

I wouldn't call the book a complete letdown, since I enjoyed most of it. The characters were very interesting, as well as the story. Even though I can't identify with the story at all, I still think that the author did an amazing job of showing the high expectations of the school and sociality as an American Asian, and it's this kind of representation that makes the novel worth reading.

The revelation was a small surprise to me, I didn't think they would be the protector, so I was quite happy that it wasn't the one that I had on my mind. And like I said, the book wasn't bad, but I would have liked to see more murder and mystery.

Since the end was an open end, I hope that we can get a second book because I would honestly love to see more of the story.

Tokyo Dreaming by Emiko Jean

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After reading Tokyo Ever After, I was so excited to read the second book and ordered it immediately. I prefer TEA over this one, but it was still a cute and light-hearted story.

I loved the messages trying to fit in and learning you're
good just the way you're, dealing with family pressures, and not judging others. Also, the tropes were amazing. I'm a sucker for fake dating and love triangles.

When Akio and Izumi broke up I was heartbroken, it felt like he broke up with me as well, but I got over it REALLY fast when Eriku came into the picture like hello ? Fake dating ? That is my thing. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't upset that Izumi didn't choose Eriku in the ending but whatever makes my girl happy. And Akio is lovely, so I understand why she chose him. "You have me. You always had me." this line made me giggle and kicking my feet. Akio I'm sorry that I got into Eriku's ban.

Hanako, I felt so bad for her. At one point I thought that she would stop everything for her morals and I would have blindly supported her, but I'm also happy that she chose Mak. One thing I disliked about the storyline was how fast she changed her mind, I wish that the author would have made it a more detailed.

Also, I never thought that I would have loved the Twins as much as I do now, but here we are. I adore the character development and the friendship they formed with Izumi.

I'm happy that Izumi stayed true to herself in the end, and I'm sure that she will do amazing.

Even though I prefer the first book, I still liked it and I really hope that we might get a new volume in the future. Because I'm in LOVE with these books.

"Life is a poem. I'm going to write it."
Nick and Charlie by Alice Oseman

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This version of Nick and Charlie wasn't wholesome and feel-good material it was real and sad.

I loved this further insight into their relationship and I also liked that the story showed how one little thing, taken out of context and blown out of proportion, can so easily knock what seemed to be a rock-solid relationship off the hill.

The whole fight was so frustrating for me since as the reader, you obviously know how much they love each other, and you couldn't do anything but sit there and watch.

"You're... it's hard to explain. It's like, if you had to
provide evidence for soul mates, everyone would pick
you two."
This Winter by Alice Oseman

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This is my one of my favourite novellas of Alice's so far.

I loved seeing the dynamics and relationships between the Spring siblings in this novel. It was really beautiful to see, how they got each other's backs.

Once again Alice portrayed Charlie's struggles in a good and real way which made it more enjoyable to read. He is very relatable, and I feel a lot with him, so it's comforting to see your mental illness being careful but real portrayed. And I loved that Alice acknowledged that inpatient care can be both harmful and necessary depending on the circumstances.

One quote that stuck with me and reminded me of my own relationship with my mum was.

"Half of the time you refuse to even acknowledge that I have a fucking mental illness and the other half you try as hard as possible to make me feel like I'm the last person you ever wanted as a child." This hit way to close to home.
Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi

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I wish someone would love me this much that he would be crying, shaking and throwing up just about the thought of forever loosing me.

This novella was amazing, it showed Aaron's feelings in such a good way. My heart literally hurt through the whole reading session.
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

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This literally SHATTERED me.

I don't even know where to start.

First I have so much respect for all the people that fight for their lives to survive in that world, no matter if they are Rebels, Soldiers or Citizens. Personally, I couldn't imagine living in a world like this and still keeping my sanity.

I loved how this book gave more depth to all the characters. And we also got the meet Omega Point.

I really liked the point of Omega Point and it was so sweet to see how happy Juliette got because she finally realized that she isn't alone and that she definitely isn't a MONSTER. But Juliette still struggled a lot which is totally understandable. People think that she is selfish and in one way she was, I won't even deny it but as I already said that was understandable as well. I don't think that she did it on purpose, in her mind she was still a monster which doesn't deserve any basic human needs/love. Thank God Kenji said what she had to hear, I think that was her wake-up call.

Adam and Juliette's relationship. As I already said in my first review Juliette loved him because he was the first boy to ever recognize her as a human and not a monster. Also, she hasn't seen a man in years plus he isn't bad looking so of course she would fall for him. Their love isn't real, and I stand by that.

KENJI KISHIMOTO, god how much I love this man. He brings so much joy into this book and makes me laugh so much. After all the depressive things that happen there it's nice to have someone that makes you laugh, but I think that's his coping mechanism … and to think like that makes me very sad because in the end of the day Kenji is as broken as them, but he hides it better. "Hello, sir. My Name is Kenji Kishimoto, and I'm nine years old. It's very nice to meet you." head into my hands — sobbing — shaking — crying.

Aaron being the love of my life as always. I love how there were subtle changes of his and Juliette's relationship. ALSO, the dog scene had me in tears, I'm so down bad for this man, it is embarrassing I have to admit that.
Fracture Me by Tahereh Mafi

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My smile dropped when I saw that this is from Adam's POV. I really don't give a f about him.
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

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I will forever be glad that I picked this series up. I got it from my local library and after a few pages I was already hooked.

In my opinion this is one of the darkest books in the whole series. It shows how much Juliette suffered, and it makes you empathize with her by a lot. I know that a lot of people don't like her in the first books, but I have to say that I love her, she shows perfectly how trauma makes you different and of course Juliette cries, gets aggressive and doesn't trust anyone like you tell me that you wouldn't be like that? After being locked up and treated like a monster your whole life? She isn't annoying. She is broken. Juliette get behind me! I will protect her from the haters.

Adam. He annoys me so much, and I don't say that because I prefer Aaron over him, I just don't like him. He always gave me vibes that I didn't like, and I still can't really get behind the "why" but maybe I will see it in the later books. Whenever he opens his mouth, all I hear is BLA BLA BLA. Adam thinks he is Juliette's saviour and that is so embarrassing. He was the first man Juliette ever saw in all those years so OF COURSE, she would fall for him. I stand for Adam Kent slander.

Aaron Warner, the love of my life. He isn't very likeable in the first book and I totally get how people prefer Adam in the first books.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the series holds, I'm so happy to take this Journey with Juliette, Aaron, Kenji and well … Adam.
Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

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My favourite book forever. This is my comfort read, I will never get tired of it. NEVER. It holds a special place in my heart.

This is by far my favourite book of the series, and it will be hard to be topped.

I'm so proud of Juliette, her development is amazing. If you compare her to the other books you can see how she finally stands up, recognizes her power and accepts herself. It is so beautiful to see. She is definitely one of my favourite MCs. I can't wait for her to continue shining.

Not going to lie the things that Adam said to Juliette even hurt me, and he wasn't even talking to me. Am I surprised? No. I saw it coming, it was like I had a sixth sense for it. Adam wasn't even mad because Juliette found her way to Warner and trusted him, Adam didn't like how she changed he couldn't accept it, he liked her so much because he liked the feeling that she is the shy and broken girl that he has to protect. Their love wasn't real. And I'm glad that Juliette realized this, and I know deep down that Adam did too.

Aaron Warner is my book boyfriend not a single man can ever compare, I don't think that I will love another book character as much as him. The love he has for Juliette is so beautiful. Aaron is a broken human, and he was right with when he said that he understands Juliette the most. This is why I love their relationship so much. So many things that he told her made me hold my breath,"They were my birthday presents." I FELT SO SICK. The way he is the same age as me but had to go through so many horrible things makes my heart ache. He made me giggle and blush through the whole book it was so bad that my mother looked at me and asked in a concerned look if I was having a fever because my whole face was read. No Mum, it wasn't a fever that's the Aaron Warner effect. 

I love Kenji so much. No words could ever explain how much I do. His and Juliette's friendship makes me so happy, I'm glad to have something like this in real life too (shoutout to my Kenji, Em).

And last but not the least FUCK YOU Anderson. I hope you rot in hell.
Tokyo Ever After by Emiko Jean

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Princess Diaries meets Crazy Rich Asians.

I found this book in my local library: Princess and Bodyguard Trope?! Forbidden Love?! I was sold.

Izumi is such a likeable character. It was interesting to learn about the Japanese culture alongside with her and the way she handled everything was amazing. She came to terms that she is her own person and doesn't need to put herself into categories and I loved that. Also, I'm a person that decides with their heart as well, so it was refreshing to see a protagonist that does the same.

I loved her relationship with her mom. They've been a unit, and while her mom has secrets she has never not supported her daughter. They've always been close, even though Izzy is beginning to push away and find her own independence.

Izumi's friends. I care them all so bad, they are the type of friends that you NEED in your life. The way they supported each other during everything, beautiful. I just wish they had more parts in the book like maybe a bonus chapter.

I was kinda scared how the story with her father would go, but I wasn't disappointed. It wasn't awkward and showed their father-daughter relationship development in a good way.

Akio. Oh, my. He is so lovely. I love enemies to lovers and their relationship had that sweet taste of forbidden romance. Plus, their chemistry was fantastic.

The writing was amazing. It was fast-paced (just how I like my books because I'm a lazy person …) and it had such a light flow reading wise, I couldn't put it down. I literally devoured it in four days!

Overall this book was wonderful and easy to read. 5/5 I really recommend. The next book is already in my shopping cart.