leclerc's reviews
147 reviews

One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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"We loved each other and we lost each other. And now, even though we still love each other, the pieces don't fit like they used to."

Wow. This book was indeed amazing. I didn't think that I would like it since the beginning was really slow but after a few pages it had me hooked.

The book really made me wonder what I would have done in Emma's Position, it made me question who I would choose and how I would handle everything. But I loved that this book was more than a simple love triangle, it was about Emma's Journey and her self discovery of the person she wanted to be.

Page after Page you recognize the struggles of each character and I couldn't help but understand all three of them. Emma, Jesse and Sam. All of them were hurt, confused and just wanted their old lives back, but it's never that simple. Life has his ups and downs and Taylor Jenkins Reid showed with this book, that you are destined to have more than one true love and "Just because something isn't meant to last a lifetime, doesn't mean it wasn't meant to be."

I loved the writing, I loved the story, and I'm glad that I picked it up. This is definitely joining my favourite books by her.

PS. I'm so happy with the choice Emma made in the end.
Forever, Interrupted by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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It pains me to say that I didn't really like this book even though Taylor Jenkins Reid is one of my all-time favourite authors.

For me the book was too fast. I couldn't really sympathize with Elise and Ben's relationship since everything went by so fast like why would you marry someone after 6 months? Kinda seems crazy to me (but maybe that's just me).

When Ben died I didn't feel as sad as I probably was supposed to feel, but it was due the lack of their relationship growth.

Honestly, I get that Elsie lost her husband, but she was so mean to Ana and everyone around her that it made me go :(. And that she thought that a Person that she only knew for 6 months is the love of her life … (maybe I'm just too single to understand it) but I'm glad that she had Susan to humbled her.

Another point where I couldn't take Elise seriously was when she got mad at Ana for having a boyfriend and having a strong connection with him because apparently it's "Elsie and Ben's thing" YOU AREN'T ALONE ON THIS WORLD.

I liked the use of now and then, but the writing was bad, and it didn't even feel like a book of hers.

Overall I found it okay, but it's definitely one of her weakest books.
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

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I have no idea what to say. I feel bad that I didn't say "I loved this book so much" after finishing it. Maybe it's my fault because I went into this with so many exceptions, and I was so excited for this because I'm a big fan of the Multiverse, but it felt incomplete to me.

Nora was relatable. I, struggle from depression and found myself relating to her in many aspects. But even though I deeply related to her, I disliked her. She had such a big privilege, that she didn't even consider. The way she always thought that in her new life she would be happy and without problems BUT that's not how life works, life isn't perfect, and you will encounter many shitty things and nothing is easy, so her being mad about this was annoying to me. Nora could have been so much.

The whole book felt like a self-help post on Instagram that has 100k likes from people that don't even go through anything and just like + repost it to make themselves be seen in a good light. "The only way to learn is to live." this line especially.

The Midnight Library wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. I'm glad that the chapters were so short, it was an easy read.
Beach Read by Emily Henry

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This is definitely my favourite romance book that I have read so far in 2022. 

I didn't except to love this book as much as I did, but I couldn't put it down. I wanted to read an easy, light and summery book perfect for July, so when I saw the book in my local library, I had to get it. Beach Read really gave me ALL that and even more. 

From the first sentence on, I was hooked. It was like the book pulled me into it's story and I couldn't put it down. I took it everywhere with me. I cried, I laughed and most of all I enjoyed it. 

January was very relatable to me, from the cheating Dad to her having trouble to process her emotions and from trust in new people. It was like looking into a mirror and that's a big reason why I loved her so much.

Gus, God… He made me giggle and kick my feet. I loved how real and raw his character was, his backstory also made me relate a lot to him.

Not to say that both of them were very me BUT I have to say it. 

The Tension. TENSION. It literally made me grip my chair while reading. They went from friends to lovers, and it wasn't forced or rushed, everything came perfectly together. The way both of them realized over the book how much they have in common made me feel even more in awe with their developing relationship. 

"When I watch you sleep, I feel overwhelmed that you exist". I will NEVER get over that, this is all I need and want. 

This book made my shitty week so much better, and I will definitely get my own copy from the book store next week. 

Everybody says "Thank You, Emily Henry".
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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I wish I could say that I loved this book since everyone seems to love it, maybe it's just that I don't like popular books or the 16272 reason why I had to force myself through this book.

In my opinion Adam and Olive had NO chemistry, I don't know if I'm not able to see it or if others saw more than me, but I didn't like them together. I literally didn't care about them at all they could have not ended up together, and I wouldn't blink with an eye.

The miscommunication in this made me want to rip my hair out like how could she NOT notice him being absolutely head over heels for her. He even bought her that disgusting pumping latte (who in their right mind even likes something like that).

Also, they way they made Adam seem like an asshole when he literally wasn't one. He gave criticism and if you need your criticism to be wrapped in bubble wrap then you should get a new Major. Oh, how dare he save you from being the worst scientist IN THE WHOLE WORLD.

The height difference comments every two pages made me cry. It hated it so much like OKAY, we get it. Now stop.

Chapter 16 wasn't even all that. Like everyone made it seem like it was the most life changing thing, but I have read better smut.

ALSO, I'm not a big fan of Adam Driver and since he was literally described every two seconds, I couldn't even imagine another person as Adam because Adam Driver popped into my head like an intrusive thought every time.

I was literally held at gun point to finish this book (by myself because I hate dropping books). I'm just sad that I didn't like this book like everyone did.
Save Me by Mona Kasten

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Ich weiß gar nicht, wo ich anfangen soll, ich habe das Buch durch Booktok entdeckt und habe verschiedene Meinungen gesehen. Habe mich dann dazu entschieden es in meiner Bibliothek auszuleihen, ich muss sagen nach 200 Seiten wollte ich es eigentlich abbrechen, da ich wirklich KEIN Fan von diesem unnötigen Drama bin und das Buch wäre bestimmt 100 Seiten kürzer gewesen, wenn Ruby und James einfach mal wie normal Menschen kommuniziert hätten. Ruby konnte ich nicht nachvollziehen, sie war meiner Meinung nach einfach zu Navi und James fand ich einfach nur unsympathisch und die Entschuldigung für sein Verhalten war jetzt auch nicht unbedingt angemessen. Was mich am Ende davon abgehalten hat das Buch zur Seite zu legen war der Schreibstil, die Story ist wirklich nicht meins, aber dafür war sie gut geschrieben.
Save You by Mona Kasten

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Da mir das erste Buch nicht gefallen hat, dachte ich mir, ich versuche es einfach mit dem nächsten Teil, vielleicht gefällt mir das zweite Buch, aber da habe ich wohl falsch gedacht. Es tut mir wirklich leid, diese Reihe so schlecht zu bewerten, da ich Mona wirklich mag, das zweite Band war meiner Meinung nach noch schlechter als das erste. Normalerweise mag ich es, wenn Nebencharaktere eigene Kapitel aus ihrer Sicht bekommen, in diesem Fall fand ich es einfach nur unpassend, durch das ständige wechseln gelang Ruby und James Beziehung im Hintergrund und ich konnte mich gar nicht richtig auf die beiden konzentrieren. Außerdem bin ich auch kein Fan von Ember, sie ist meiner Meinung nach einfach nervig. Lydia hingegen fand ich interessant. Ich hätte mir mehr von Ruby und James gewünscht, nach diesem Band ist es mir gleichgültig, ob die beiden nun zusammenkommen oder nicht. Den dritten Band muss ich leider passen.
Heartstopper Volume 1 by Alice Oseman

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My comfort series.

There is nothing more precious than seeing Nick and Charlie's relationship developing. Heartstopper was actually the first Graphic Novel that I ever read, so it was new to me and I loved it from the beginning.

A silly little gay book that makes my silly little heart happy.
Heartstopper Volume 2 by Alice Oseman

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"I like Charlie Spring! In a romantic way not just a friend way!"

I liked the first volume so much that I picked up the second one right away!

I loved the way that Alice showed how Nick comes with terms with his sexuality and how hard it actually is. And it also explored the theme of dating someone who isn't out yet. His scene with his mum made me sob so much (even more in the TV adaptation) it felt like a hug to me. My mum never said these things to me, it's just something that every kid who remembers the fear of the anticipation of coming out to their parents and not knowing how they are going to react needs to hear.

Also, I loved that we saw more of Charlie's friends. Especially Tara and Darcy it makes my heart swell in happiness seeing my sexuality being so beautifully shown without any sexualizing, it just means so much to me.

The whole series so far has the right amount of light-reading and feel-good material and makes me hope that, i too, can find true love one day.
Heartstopper Volume 3 by Alice Oseman

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"There's this idea that if you're not straight, you have to tell
all your family and friends immediately, like you owe it to
them. But you don't. You don't have to do anything until
you're ready."


It's so refreshing to see teachers being excellent humans. The trip was so cute and funny. I loved how Tara and Darcy were so supportive of the two and all the representation was amazing. 

Nick's brother has to be the most annoying person on earth, he made me so mad, and I'm glad that both Nick and Tori told him to shut the fuck up. #Deserved.

They are facing some prejudice whilst navigating the minefield that is coming out as a couple. Both are realizing that coming out is something that they have to do over and over again, and it isn't always easy. 

Charlie is also opening up about some mental health issues, which was heart-breaking but beautifully dealt with. And it made me empathize a lot with him since I also deal with mental illnesses since childhood, and I was scared that it would be badly done but as I already said Alice dealt with it in such a beautiful way, and I'm so thankful.

I loved the first two volumes, and Alice is yet to write a book I don't enjoy. I love the world Alice has created.