leclerc's reviews
147 reviews

The Tea Dragon Tapestry by K. O'Neill

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i'm sad that it is over. i actually need 10 more books of this. the whole story was sweet, and i loved the art.
The Tea Dragon Society by K. O'Neill

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so where can i get my own tea dragon ? i want one.
The Tea Dragon Festival by K. O'Neill

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this was so cute. i loved seeing the backstory, also the representation was beautiful.
Solitaire by Alice Oseman

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3.5 stars

"All I know is that I'm here. And I'm alive. And I'm not alone."

I really liked Tori as a character. I connected with her and I also related to her. Reading about her was like looking into the mirror which was both a weird but a beautiful experience.

A lot of the characters annoyed me so much, and it made me wonder how Tori didn't snap much sooner because I wouldn't have had the nerve to talk to these people more than 5 minutes each day and that's already an extradition.

I loved the way how Michael and Tori's relationship was established through the book, even though they frustrated me a lot and I really wanted to throw my book against the wall at some point, I still loved them and wished that we would have seen more of them, but again "This is not a love story."

Overall this book was good, not perfect but good. Solitaire is a book you either like or don't, I think it depends on if you relate to it or not because from my observation most people that liked it also deeply related to Tori. This book was indeed for kids who have no idea who they are but are figuring it out together, kids who are sad and empty and lost and trying to remember where they used to fit
in the world. Once again Alice but out a beautiful novel and to think that she wrote this when they were 17, impressive and motivating.

Nevertheless, Alice never fails to capture my feelings in a way no one else could. All their books feel like a warm hug.

"But books–they’re different. When you watch a film, you’re sort of an outsider looking in. With a book–you’re right there. You are inside. You are the main character."
Cheer Up! Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier, Val Wise

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i live for the sunshine gf x grumpy gf trope
Please Look After Mom by Kyung-sook Shin

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"you will never think of your mother the same way after you read this book.", i can confirm that this is true.

the book made me cry. i couldn't help but think about my own mother, and what she had to go through in her life.

it's been three days, but i still have to think about it. i honestly don't think that i will ever get over it. such a beautiful, and well written book.
The Nursery by Sue Watson

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when your circle is small, but you are all crazy.
Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon

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honestly, i'm kinda jealous that their relationship took that turn because back in high school i had an academic enemy as well, and i hoped that we would have an enemies to lovers moment but that never happened, he continued to hate me … OKAY, enough with oversharing.

very fast paced, and everything happened over the span of a day which was kinda unrealistic. nevertheless, it was really cute, nothing special but it was enjoyable. one thing about me is that i will always be a sucker for enemies to lovers.