leefybeaf's reviews
71 reviews

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

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If Gregor was a member of my family and he turned into a cockroach-beetle-thing, I'd take care of him.

Thanks, Kafka, for making me sad for a bug.
Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White

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Beautifully written and I really loved a lot of lines in the story. I don't have much more to say though. This is a book I'd probably have to reread for a chance to raise my rating higher. However, it was still very enjoyable.
The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan

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I've been pretty exhausted lately and haven't been able to read, so I'm glad I finished this.

I have yet to actually give a book a 5 this year (expect this to change April 23rd). This isn't me saying PJO isn't worth 5 stars because as a whole the series definitely deserves it, but as of right now I am still waiting for something to really move me.

I liked the characters in this book a lot more than usual. I think I just continue to like who is included with each story. Very excited to read the fifth book.
Life Ceremony: Stories by Sayaka Murata

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I'm on break so I took the time to read a little (or a lot I read most of this April 1st).

I've been wanting to read more of Murata's work since I real Earthlings a couple years ago, and I was really pleased with this.

My favorite stories from this collection have to be Life Ceremony, Puzzle, and Hatchling! Life Ceremony really made me think and the narrative was just really interesting to me. Puzzle was trippy and the perspective really made me like it. As for Hatchling, I just really liked the concept!

I've thoroughly enjoyed this and definitely want to read Convenience Store Woman soon.
The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White

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I was tackling my tbr when I was in the bookstore and saw the cover of this book. And I judged it by the cover immediately. Very glad I did.

My personal favorite thing had to be the pacing; it never once felt slow or dull. There was always something happening in the book making me want to keep going.

As for the content, I am also very appreciative of that. I loved everyone (that Silas shared a good opinion of..) and it was another thing that really helped me when reading this book. I just wanted to see them get out!

Also I loved Daphne and Silas as a couple too and also Mary (and Frances), like I reallllly liked Mary.
The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan

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Finally had the ability to get back to reading because the end of the quarter came and went.... (worst 3 months of school ever.)

I liked this one too. I haven't reached a point yet where I can 100% say a PJ book has made me go "Wow. Five stars!" However, I expect it soon. Loved the development.... will have to go buy the next ones though....
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan

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It's been so long, but I liked this book. (Essentially, I waited too long to write this review and forgot everything I specifically enjoyed.)
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

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Coming back to write my review almost a month after finishing this. I obviously had to read this for school, but it wasn't anything I dreaded. I knew the basics of the story, but it was really nice actually reading it and learning things I did not know about such as the book's structure.

Stealing from my own research paper on this (that I coincidentally turned in today), I found the way Shelley uses the creation as a way of depicting Victor's grief. My main focus on this book though was the neglectful parents and missing mother in the text.

Moving away from literary analysis stuff things... I have a love-hate relationship with Victor. I love him because he's crazy, but also hate him for it. As for the creature, I forgive you.

In conclusion: Good. 4 stars.
The Husky & His White Cat Shizun: Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun (Novel) Vol. 4 by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou

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I think 2ha has definitely been one of my favorite danmeis to read, but I feel like the way it's localized is what made this volume feel a little dull compared to others. Technically, this would take place in between climatic scenes, but since this isn't the webnovel... it doesn't really.

I read other reviews and noticed most of the lower ones are due to nothing happening in this volume. I wouldn't say that is necessarily true. Mo Ran definitely becomes a much more enjoyable character as he's grown even more since the end of volume 3. Volume 4 also gives more insight on Chu Wanning's perspective (without his pining for Mo Ran being awkward) following the five years he missed.

I liked seeing their feelings for each other developing and really cannot wait for when they realize it's mutual! It's also nice seeing Mo Ran form good relationships with the people who died in his previous life.

While nothing major happened, I like how they've (Mo Ran, Chu Wanning, Xue Meng) started to question things such as the fake Gouchen. (Especially Mo Ran considering it's linked to his past life... I definitely know nothing...) For more comedic questions: the last little bit with Xue Meng and Mei Hanxue's two faced-ness.

Overall: I don't think it compares to volume 3, but I think it's unfair to judge it like that completely when every volume is meant to just flow into the next one naturally. I guess that's just the reality with making danmei webnovels into physical books.