leesha_nyaa's reviews
57 reviews

Happy Place by Emily Henry

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emotional hopeful slow-paced


Normally, Emily Henry's books leave me in a pile of tears. Sometimes there are sad tears that eventually become happy and there are times when they are just all happy tears. Happy Place was the first one. 
I enjoyed this story so much. I loved every relationship Harriet had. I loved how it was so relatable. If I didn't have to sleep, I probably would have binge-read it an entire day. 
A Touch of Malice by Scarlett St. Clair

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challenging dark emotional sad


A Touch of Ruin by Scarlett St. Clair

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I don't know how Scarlett St. Clair manages to fit in so much sex in a serious situation. 🤣
So many things were happening and every moment Persephone and Hades could have alone, they were being very spicy. 🤣
My dislike of Persephone is intense. But I think it is because she's so naive that makes me dislike her. That was my issue with the first book. She doesn't realize when she's being selfish or letting her temper get the best of her, so she lashes out. It's so annoying. 
However, Hades in this story is just as bad. I understand it is coming for a protective place, but how will his relationship with Persephone ever grow if he just keeps trying to keep her in a bubble? 

The story is addicting. Hades and Persephone's fate together is addicting. I'm rooting for them. 
A Touch of Darkness by Scarlett St. Clair

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When I first read this book almost 4 years ago, I thought Persephone was immature and annoying. Today, I feel like I still think that. Her anger always got the best of her and she would lash out immaturely. It drove me up the wall. 
As much as I disliked Persephone, the story was really good. I think it was a good starting point for the next one. It's a growing relationship between her and Hades. I love how it is a fast-paced instant love romance, but no epilogue moved to them being married with little Demi-Gods running around in the Underworld. 
Persephone slowly learning how to stand up for herself and grow up is a struggle. I have never disliked an FMC as much as I do Persephone. If I didn't enjoy the love story between her and Hades, and if I didn't have hope she wouldn't be so naive in the next books are the only reasons why I kept reading the series. 
I have to say, Scarlett St. Clair knows how to write a spicy scene as if it's like breathing. Even though I despise the phrase "bundle of nerves", it was still very good. 
If You Ask Me by Libby Hubscher

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This book wasn't for me. I think I lost interest after the eBay scene. Mainly because it started so strong with the MC burning all her cheating husband's things, then the guilt (unjustified guilt) settled in and I didn't want to read about her feeling bad about her feeling angry. I hated to see her back pedal every time her anger got the best of her. 
It wasn't a bad story. I think I just wanted more angst and revenge. 
My Roommate Is a Vampire by Jenna Levine

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
I just couldn't get into it. I wasn't in the mood to justify why everything about the situation should have screamed "stranger danger." Especially if she was most likely the only one to go for the roommate ad. 🤣
There wasn't anything I could say that would be negative about this book. I just think I wasn't in the mood to read it.  
All of Our Demise by Amanda Foody, C. L. Herman

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dark hopeful sad tense


It wasn't as good as the first one (which I loved and gave 5 stars). There was so much going on, and the characters kept flip flopping on what the right thing to do was. As much as that added to the tension, it frustrated me. I couldn't get in the story as much as I did the first one. 
I loved Gavin and Alistair's story. I loved how they were truly enemies then they became something more. To be honest, I think that was my favorite storyline in the entire book.
A Love Catastrophe by Helena Hunting

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The story had funny moments and some typical romantic comedy scenes. For some ridiculous reason, I felt it needed a third break-up scene. I guess I'm not used to not having one (I'm just used to the drama). The story was fluffy and a good palette cleanser if you were on a dark romance binge and needed something to lighten your brain. 

The story was cute, but I don't think it was for me. 
Mrs. Nash's Ashes by Sarah Adler

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emotional funny hopeful sad


People suck. 
That was the conclusion I came to as I was balling my eyes out towards the end of this book. 
The world is a cruel and sad place and history makes me sad. 
Elsie and Rose's story almost broke me. 
It's like the first time you watched the Titanic movie. You learn that the Titanic was a real ship that went down and Jack died, but then you learn that Jack and Rose weren't real. Then you're heartbroken because you wish they were real, and that Rose was real and just found a way to make room on that stupid floating door for a few more minutes...

Elsie and Rose are my Titanic love story.
My floating door scene was Elsie not accepting that Rose wanted everything with her.

Millie and Hollis's story was no better for me. The fact that Hollis attempted to do something so cruel made me dislike him. Regardless if he came to his senses. Why would he do that knowing what Millie's ex did to her?
The fact that he tried to make a profit from Elsie and Rose's story made me so angry
, that I almost threw the book across the room! 

Overall, I loved this book. It. made me feel so many emotions that I can't fathom reading another book for a while. I need time to process that it ended. 

Forget Me Not by Julie Soto

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I think the title is a version of the "loves me, loves me not" thing. It is clear in the story that the main characters were strongly affected by their breakups in both timelines and never stopped loving each other even after 2 years. It also sounds like a flower name, so it plays well into the themes. 
In all honesty, I almost didn't finish the book. I felt like the main characters were falling flat. Elliot was a walking contradiction to when we first met him. I didn't understand anything in his mind, whether it was about the flower shop or Ama. 
Ama told him in the beginning that she didn't believe in marriage. When Elliot proposed to her (Regardless of perfect timing), I felt she had every right to say no. She had the trauma to back up her answer, but he asked anyway. It was selfish.

Ama was a walking disaster waiting in motion. I hate how she never really asked her mom about the marriages. I would have loved to explore that. I also hate that she had the gall to
tell Elliot she was falling for him and not expect to see any kind of progression, regardless if she told him that she didn't want a marriage. Even though I understood why she refused, she should have never said she loved him. It wasn't right. Especially when she believed that all relationships end eventually. She firmly believed they would always end.
I'm not a fan of the "He falls first, she falls harder" trope. So this book wasn't for me. I think it had potential that's why I'm not giving it 1 star, but I just didn't really like this book. It felt like there was missing information that I would have liked to know about.
For instance, like Elliot's dad's death. I would have wanted to see the turmoil that he had about having to quit school and do something he thought he disliked more. I would have liked the drama of Ama confronting her mom about 16 marriages.
But I didn't get that. So it felt empty for me.