leesha_nyaa's reviews
57 reviews

Beach Read by Emily Henry

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Throughout the book, I felt like I was on the brink of crying. I felt my eyes watery and the sadness creeping up my throat. Then the letters chapter happened and the floodgates opened! Anything that happened after that, triggered me to start crying.
At first, I didn't understand why the cult conversations were a part of the story. But I liked the comparison to how people in cults stay when things get extreme, to Gus's mom staying in an abusive relationship. I'm sure there could have been another way to discuss that, but it was fascinating. If Gus's book was a real thing...I probably would want to read it. 
I also enjoyed how January thought Gus never believed in love but never said he did. He was just pragmatic about relationships because of his trauma. He didn't want to be put in a situation where people left him, didn't choose him, and stopped wanting him (God, I'm crying thinking of it. ). It broke my heart. 
Then January...I loved how no matter the struggle and depression she was going through, she still wanted to try to write her love stories. What she experienced was sad and I don't understand how she could get up in the morning, especially knowing the romantic high shelf she put her parent's relationship on. 

Ugh, I love this book so much. It's one of those books where you want to experience reading for the first time over and over again. 
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

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It took a while for me to get into this book. The beginning was boring and I almost stopped multiple times.  But I kept reading because I knew everything would be important eventually. 
Then it instantly got intense after 200 pages or so and I thought it would stay that pace, but I was wrong. 
Because this book is basically 2 stories in one, it was more annoying to be in the present and everything is happening, but at the same time, the second story isn't popping off the same way. 
For instance, we learned about why the FMC is afraid of butterflies, then we shift to the other story and we learned about the MMC's grandfather's shoe factory. 

I think the magic is really interesting, but it wasn't enough to keep my interest. I don't think I'd pick up the second book. 
For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 28%.
Not that I didn't like the book. It's just that I realized I read it already. I didn't feel like reading it again. 
Arsenic and Adobo by Mia P. Manansala

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I had a theory going in. Although I was partially right, I was so angry that I was still wrong. WAY WRONG. That annoyed me so much. If the conclusion was foreshadowed at all, it went past my head. 
I rarely read strictly mystery novels. Mainly because I usually come up with a theory in the way beginning and I have to force myself to not go straight to the ending to find out if I am correct. 
This book was good. I really enjoyed it, and I think the main character is very relatable (as someone who is from a culture similar to Filipino), however mystery isn't for me. So I probably wouldn't pick up the next books in the series.  
Finding Gene Kelly by Torie Jean

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He puts other book boyfriends to shame. TO SHAME! 
I hated every second Evie's pain prevented her from doing something or made her feel like she couldn't. How her disability almost made her lose practically everything she wanted. 
What is more romantic than flying across the world for someone? TWICE!! It happened twice! Liam flew across the world for Evie and Evie did the same for him!! Are you kidding me?!
I can't imagine anyone hating this book. I cried, I laughed, I wanted to yell at Evie for not going for what she wanted. I cried for Liam every time he tried to show Evie his love because he tried so hard!!

I consumed this book! 

Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

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I'm so glad these books became shows because the shows are far better than the books. 
I was so disappointed in Collin and Penelope's story. 

I think I disliked the Bridgerton series together, but this one I think put the nail in the coffin. Throughout this series, the FMC felt like she wasn't the most appealing or attractive and this one man out of all the men in London will look so closely at them and see that they are beautiful. Like they are some painting with a hidden message. And sure, it is great for someone to see that in them, but the fact that they didn't feel that about themselves was so annoying. 
At least Penelope knew she was good at something, I'll give her that...
Bride by Ali Hazelwood

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I loved Misery. I loved her stoical personality to everything going on. I loved how stupidly brave she seemed to be when she had always been surrounded by people who wanted to tear her apart. 

The mystery of all it was really so good. I had a couple of theories, and I was pleasantly surprised when I was completely wrong! 

What I seem to have liked the most was there was no epic battle that took half a chapter to read about. I think it was nice how it all ended but it was a fade to black situation. 

I think the mystery was at the forefront of this story, but I wasn't mad about it. 

This book was only a little less than 400 pages, but I took an entire day to read it. I was savoring every chapter because it was so good. I didn't know who the bad guy was and characters that I should have been suspicious of, I wasn't. I felt like an idiot when it was revealed. My heart broke when it was supposed to and I was yelling when it happened. It shouldn't have happened (that is what I was yelling, I'm glad I wasn't in public)!! 

Savvy Sheldon Feels Good as Hell by Taj McCoy

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
Not that I didn't like this book. I enjoyed it for the most part. I think everyone wants friendships and family members like Savvy has. And the problems she has come across are so relatable to me that it made me want to continue reading. 
However, I like reading romance novels for the main characters. I want to see their romance at the forefront of a story. So when Savvy and Spencer constantly came across each other I thought that was cute, but it took them almost close to 100 pages just to have a full conversation. 
I'm not DNFing this book forever, and maybe when I want an uplifting and happy story I'll come back to it, but for right now. It's not for me. 
Sanctuary of the Shadow by Aurora Ascher

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This book is a standalone fantasy romance novel! I was so surprised when it didn't leave on a cliffhanger. I almost wanted it to end on one because the magic system is really interesting, and I wanted to explore it more. It had the potential to be an epic magic system if there was more to the story. Isn't that crazy to want? 
It isn't the feeling of wanting to know more about the main characters, because I think their happy ending was perfect for them. It is more of a feeling that the story could have been greater. 

Ultimately, I loved it. I loved the characters so much! I kept wondering if the people who constantly said they were doing the right thing, were the good ones. And I kept questioning if the "villain" in this story was truly the villain who wanted the world to suffer because they were suffering or because they just like it when people suffer. 

It was so good!

Not Your Crush's Cauldron by April Asher

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This series I'd consider my cozy fantasy series. The magic system wasn't over the top or difficult to follow. It wasn't even the main focus. The ROMANCE was. The romance didn't feel forced or too fast. I loved how they were friends, and Bax would openly flirt with her. Olive wouldn't just brush it off as him messing with her either. That was great. 

I loved this series. I'm hoping that it isn't the last, just because the Maxwell sisters were all matched. Would I love a book about Harper? HECK YES, I would!