library_of_a_trashpanda's reviews
178 reviews

Far From Neverland by Rylee Hale

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I’m giving this a solid 3.5⭐️ rounded up. Spice a 3.5
Four Ever by Sloane Kennedy

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Whoo. This is a slow and emotional burn, but when you get there, it engulfs you in flames.

I went into this not knowing anything but what the blown told me. I expected some angst and maybe some drama. What I got was soul wrenching angst and emotional damage. But in the best way possible.

Killian and Zack have obvious relationship problems from the start. Liam and Noah too have their different issues. These four men are brought together and find a way to mend themselves and each other. I enjoyed the multiple point of views, especially with Noah having a disability. Add in a host of rescue pets and you have a wonderful chaotic dynamic that works itself into a HEA.

The story starts out very low spice. But when the spice hits, holy moly does it hit. And it’s delicious and everything you could really hope for. I only had one real issue and I don’t want to give it away. And it doesn’t affect the story, just something I wished was included.

Overall great story, I absolutely devoured it in 24 hours. If you want an emotional slow burn, this is the one.
Into The Night by D.K ., D.K .

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This book. Let me tell you how much I loved it. To the universe and back. For a debut book, it doesn't act like it. DK knocked it out of the park with this one.

So it's got my favorites, masked stalkers, why choose, dark story, HEA, but a cliffhanger, and it's a doozy. We follow the story of Winver, lover of Halloween and living in a small town. She ends up with some stalkers that just want to have a little fun. Maybe. Or mess her all up.

I loved Winver. She's one tough cookie and gives as good as she gets. Her story is riddled with trauma so beware your trigger warnings. Her boys, well they've been through it too, and maybe they need to realize they really aren't enemies. Harley, sweet sweet demented Harley, and Motley, our almost equally demented boy. They are delicious. I love Axel too, but those boys, woo, you're in for a ride.

The spice was so very nice. There's some MM in there, MF, MFMM, all the goodies. There were a couple scenes that absolutely made me sweat. DK knows how to write some smut.

Overall for a debut book this is stellar and I cannot wait for book 2. It needs to be out like yesterday.

I received a copy for an honest review
Vicious Cycle by L. Eveland

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While this book is good and everything I love from Evelend, and it gets its very hard earned HEA, it is not a fluffy love story. It is chaotic and covers some very traumatic events. PLEASE read TW.

My heart goes out to Xion. He has lived a hard life and deserves so much love. And bless Boone for being that person to show him he’s more than worth it. The relationship they build out of the rubble is beautiful we get some spotlights from characters from previous books and I loved it.

Evelend did a great job with the mental health nod. The spice was spicing. There were some new dynamics I hadn’t read before but I enjoyed it.

Overall this is a great continuation of the Wayward Sons. I loved Skin Deep but this might surpass it. But please please write Xavier, Xander, Leo and FBI Daddy. I need both of those stories in my life.
One Is Never Enough by Kali Noir

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I read Only for Tonight not realizing the cliffhanger I would get, so to say this was a highly anticipated book is an understatement.

We meet Oliver (Oli), Toby, and Jace in Only for Tonight and we get to see the beginnings of what could be an amazing romance. Then we meet Aiden, insert some drama and it all comes crashing down around them. Aiden is Oli’s sister’s ex who has now slept with Oli and that is the trigger for The angst. I do wish that would have been used more, maybe not resolved as it was. We hinged a lot on that point of contention and I felt like it didn’t have as much of an impact as it could have.

I love all the boys, they each have their trait that makes them an individual, and they each provide Oli and each other with their needs. The spice and smut is absolutely top tier and in abundance. The list of kinks is long, and Olis celebration scene is absolutely
Uncle Zach by Bey Deckard

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This is a short but spicy as h*ll read. There’s no real story line, if you’re reading it, it’s for the smut.

This book definitely is top tier taboo. It is absolutely not for everyone so please please check your warnings. There’s group activities, which I am so here for, water sports (not so much for me) breeding, DP, all of it.

The spice was deliciously well written and almost made me blush as I read it on a 4 hour car ride
Sober Dope & Sundays by Nordika Night

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So I am already a big fan of the weekly weirdos series. To say I was highly anticipating this book is an understatement. Holy cow am I glad it’s here.

Going in you know the books about a recovering addict. But what you find in Gage is so much more. The way Nordika writes his struggle while explaining where he came from was beautiful. You truly get to understand what’s going on in his mind. The struggles, the self doubt, extreme feelings of unworthiness. Then there’s Alexei. Hes sure of himself, his control, is blunt and honest to the point of being rude. But he’s perfect for Gage.

I’m not usually an insta live kind of person, but it’s done so well. Their Soulmateship is wonderful to watch unfold. Gage is terrified of hurting his family, Alex, himself, you name it. But Alex helps him see himself, to love himself so he can live and trust Alex. This book focuses on intimacy over s*x. There is some spice, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not the highlight, which I enjoyed.

This book is absolutely fantastic. I’m definitely already fiendish for the next book. If you haven’t read Red Flags and Tuesdays, I highly recommend that book as well!!
Bridesmaid Undercover by Meghan Quinn

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I do not now how to explain how much I enjoyed this book.

So we have Hardy Hopper, the laid back businessman who wants a chance at rekindling a relationship with his Ex. Then you have Everly, they bridesmaid for hire assistant to the maid of honor, his Ex. Everly takes on the role of matchmaker for a Hardy, even though she has a massive crush in him. What could possibly go wrong?

The banter. THE BANTER. It is absolutely top tier and left me gasp laughing more times than I am comfortable admitting. Everlys character had so much sass, wit, and charm, I wanted her to be my best friend. Hardy, the poor guy, has no idea he’s smitten, for all the same reasons I was. Their relationship builds so well and the chemistry is lethal. I wanted to dislike Maple on the premise alone.

The story is well written, well paced and the perfect length to button it all up, with hints of the next story?? Needless to say, I loved it. I absolutely recommend this to those wanting a rom com kind of vibe and who just want a genuinely good romance.

Thank you to Meghan Quinn and Hambright for the chance to read and review!
The Rycke by Lily Mayne

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I am absolutely in love with this series. This book has just helped solidify it.

Aury. Sweet lovable Aury. And the Ghost. They both come to be a healing balm for each other. I loved the subtle anxiety rep in this story. Because man, I get it, that’s how I present. I really related to how Ghost feels and his overactive mind, his need to always say yes.

We get to see a new angle in this book, we are with Ghost who lives in a raiders camp. I liked seeing how it differs for them in the wastes than coming from or still being in the military. Again the world building is so wonderful. Lily explains things so well in the story without you even realizing that’s what it is.