library_of_a_trashpanda's reviews
178 reviews

Edin by Lily Mayne

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This is book 2 of the Monstrous series and if i wasn’t hooked by Soul Eater, I certainly am with Edin.

This book follows the namesake, Edin, who we get to meet in Soul Eater. He happens upon a human and decides he’s going to help him get his friend back, with the help of Wyn and Danny
Unwanted by Marley Valentine

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I read this book since it came in a book box I ordered. Holy Sh*t I wish I’d found it sooner.

This books starts you right in it. The prologue gripped me and drug me through the book. This book deals with addiction and the price it costs those around it. It also teaches us love is possible, even when we think we don’t deserve it.

Frankie and Arlo have a tragic start to life and their love. After 4 years apart they are thrown back together and need to figure out if there’s a future for them, and if there is what it looks like.

The way she wrote about addiction and the struggle of sobriety was done very well. It’s believable and you can feel the fears and self doubt. The found family was wonderful to see and how they all connected and affected each other. (Especially seeing future books being set up).

I’m glad I happened upon this book and will absolutely be reading the others in this group.
Iced Out by CE Ricci

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I was worried this wasn’t the book for me, it started a bit slow and I set it down to read something else.

I was an idiot. I cane back and read the rest of it in one sitting.

I am an avid lover of enemies to lovers and this delivered. Oakley and Quinton, there is no love lost there. They are hockey players on the same college team, but they have the ultimate rivalry. How they go from haters to players who are feeding the superstition gods, well that’s the journey you need to read.

I loved the give and take with both Oak and Quinn. The 3rd act breakup was pretty obvious but it was done so so well. I highly enjoyed the ride and the HEA they earned at the end.

I can’t wait to read more of the Leighton U series.
Soul Eater by Lily Mayne

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Ok, I’ve just started dipping my toe into monster romance, and this was recommended. Holy mother am I glad I listened and dived in.

The story grabs your attention instantly. You start with Danny and his realization he’s just become cannon fodder. The military is hunting down the impossible to catch and kill Soul Eater, Wyn. After a series of events leads them to be traveling companions, love is in the air.

It’s hard for me to imagine that this is Lily Mayne’s debut novel. The world building and back story is so well written, you can imagine yourself in this world. It’s depicted so clearly and beautifully. There is angst, violence, compassion, and love, so much love. And don’t forget the hot, hot spice you will find in this book.

Wyn and Danny work hard for their love, and there’s a meddling giant purple monster (I see you Edin) who ‘helps’. You truly get to see them build and learn to see each other, to see past the titles ‘human’ and ‘monster’.

I am so glad I took the plunge and am super excited to continue on in this universe
Chasing The Wild by Elliott Rose

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So I have sat on this review, trying to figure out how to put into words how I felt. In short, it was F*cking amazing. I was so incredibly excited for this book, anticipating its release and it delivered.

Sure, you can find small town, age-gap, cowboy romances. But then you can find this. I was absolutely intrigued by Colt the moment we meet him at a gas station. Like damn, where do I find one?? Layla is doing what she can to build a better life, she just hasn’t had the luck she needs. Until a random trip to drop her Exs stuff off turns into finding her everything she needs.

The build up was insane, and it has one of the hottest we kind of had s*x but didn’t scenes I’ve ever read. IYKYK. The chemistry was pure
Corrupt by Penelope Douglas

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I am loving my Penelope Douglas era. I started with Birthday Girl and decided to go darker with the Devils Night series. It was worth the plunge.

These books are definitely on the twisted side, so check TWs. We start be meeting Erika or Rika, she’s lived a somewhat charmed life even if it’s not what she wants. She has the boyfriend, the money and the safety that all brings. Enter the four Horsemen. She made a mistake and it cost them dearly. After being released from jail, they want their pound of flesh.

Part of me really wanted to not like Rika. But she really grew on me. Her development was top notch and you really get to see it between the past and present views. Micheal. Sometimes I really wanted to hate him, but I couldn’t. The more you read the more you realize his position and why he is the way he is.

As for the other horsemen. They all have their crazies, and jail time definitely changed them.

I really enjoyed Rika and Micheal’s relationship. It’s on the slow burn side, the tension is there but it more than just about s*x. Even though that is incredibly hot.
Fear of Flying by K.C. Elle, K.C. Elle

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What a sweet love story.

I’m not usually one for insta love, but I found myself really enjoying this. It was a quick read, perfect for sitting in the hammock and enjoying some sun. (Or hiding inside while it rained).

Zach and Drew were so perfect for each other, I felt like I glimpsed myself in Zach’s anxiety and how he felt when Drew comforted him. It also deals with a coming out crisis that I felt was very well presented and it felt real.

I definitely recommend this book for anyone looking for a lower angst, HEA guaranteed, fast paced read. I appreciate being able to read and review!
Infamous Park Avenue Prince by Ella Frank, Brooke Blaine

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I completely devoured this book in one sitting. It’s like the adult version of the movie She’s All That, which we all wanted. The end was a bit predictable but only because you know the angle and how it kind of had to go. It doesn’t take away from the story though.

JT is the Deans son. West is the proverbial problem prince on campus, so he has a history with the Dean. He makes JT his target for a bet with his friends, enter the fun and drama. West shows him his side of life, money, luxury, parties, and getting whatever you want. JT shows him that’s not all there is to life. They inevitably end up falling for each other and not fully realizing it until it’s too late.

The end felt a little rushed, not nearly enough begging on his knees. But it is a HEAT and I’m excited to get to see them in the following books.

This definitely isn’t the spiciest book I’ve read, but it’s got some scenes that will leave you flustered. Overall I liked this book a lot and look forward to getting the other friends stories.
Rookie Recovery by Lex Easton, Jemma Croft, Lex Veia

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What an absolutely cute, low angst read. It was a great refresher after the heavy stuff I’ve been reading.

You have Jamie, ex hockey player who needs to be in control. Enter Archie the golden retriever hockey player who only wants Jamie. The banter is absolutely amazing. Like the best I’ve read in a bit. Archie is hilarious in his attempts and Jamie absolutely doesn’t know what to do with him.

There’s slight angst and miscommunication, but not the kind that drives you crazy. It is a slow burn and only mildly spicy, but the spice you do get is
Bad Wrong Things by C.P. Harris

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This book. This book gripped me from chapter one and drug me through it. In the best way.

It’s a bit taboo, father figure kind of thing. But you can’t help but hope for Raven. Raven had a rough start to life, then he met Clint. Clint took him in and raised him along side his son, who becomes Raves best friend/brother. Raven gets older and realizes, he is in love with Clint. Enter the angst. Their relationship is not what it should be. But dear goodness is it everything you want. The last quarter of the book about killed me, but it is so worth it. Clint and Raven learn so much about themselves and they claw their way to a HEA. The story focuses mostly on them with small appearances from a couple others. But it really doesn’t need the background noise, which I think is portrayed intentionally.

The s*x. Wowey. It is spicing hard and I loved it. It’s not always for the feint of heart, so know that going in. But it’s absolutely