I. Absolutely. Loved. This. Book. It is so fun and so funny. A great twist on alien romance and the start of what will be a wonderful series. Kimberly is killing it with alien and monster romance.
I was so excited for this book and am so disappointed.
Awesome things - Panama - I want to go badly! - the discussions of gentrification and tourism were so thoughtful - the discussions of boundaries and work life balance
Not my fave - the pacing was so weird. And it was essentially insta lust. I wish we’d gotten some of the 4 months of Adrian driving Gen - the sex scenes were not emotional or engaging really - the plot of Gen and her mom
I had a lot of fun with this book!!!! Like it was surprising and funny and tense. The background of a PTA nightmare was really fun and realistic but also frustrating as a Black woman in nonprofits because it’s stuff we experience all the time. I loved the growing relationship with Jack and Mavis but honestly this isn’t a romance. It’s a rom com thriller and so fun. Even though it’s predictable I still enjoyed the reveal.
Mavis was wonderful as a character and I want to read more from her!
This book???? What an ending! I loved how Tuli wrapped up so many things - Tyr, Everan, Heart, the empyrean, zerra, Rion?! Like it was so freaking cool. It was quite long and I don’t know if it needed to be BUT I had so much fun in this series and this world. I don’t want to leave it. Didn’t want it to end.
I didn’t think I’d laugh, be disgusted, and be horrified all in one book. Like Lacey is unbelievably funny - she’s a weird little lesbian in the 80s and I loved her. But I do think the book is quite slow. The first half was awesome, although the momentum starts extremely slow, ramps up, slows, and then is super fast paced. I was ready for the fast forward and that uunfortunately didn’t pan out the way I wanted - it felt slow, the tension sort of leaking out.
Lacey’s character was wonderful. The complexity of her parents and her sister, especially as they changed throughout the book, was also intriguing. I struggled with Gwen’s character and need to read others reviews and thoughts because she ended quite selfish for me. And idk if that was the point?
Overall the vibe of the satanic panic was so well done and I enjoyed the setting.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This book and series has me in a chokehold. This one changed the game completely. The past and present timelines???? The history look???? SO REVEALING. And also I had no clue what was gonna happen. As it unfolded I was both surprised and excited, even in parts of predicted.
Gabriel’s ’ storyline was awesome and I love him. Lot and Nadir????? OBSESSED.
It's hard for me to rate this book so I will just say read it. The more I sit and reflect with it, the more complicated I feel. I loved the focus on Black community - across the world, diaspora, ancestry. I was frustrated by the daughter, while understanding she is a product of her experience and life with whiteness. And I still felt like it centered whiteness. But I think that is the point. That even without white people we are still living within white ideals. And what is white? What is "normal"? I haven't stopped thinking about it.