litsleaze's reviews
115 reviews

The Good Demon by Jimmy Cajoleas

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Book was just alright. I found myself skipping over the description of the imagery a ot because it was redundant. None of the characters stuck with me. The story had a lot of potential.
Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson

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Now I feel a bit cheated and gaslighted in the synopsis of this book. I was told about a coven of witches, in a government fighting some type of evil… yes cool sign me up.

Instead I got the author’s political agenda shoved down my throat for 20 chapters it seems.

Now I absolutely believe in having LGBTQ+ representation in books…heck every book should but that should not be the entire plot of the book unless that’s what it was meant to be. Honestly, I started thinking of this book as someone personal memoir experience with coming out and finding themselves which then made it seem a bit more enjoyable.

But in the end, I picked up the book because of the premise and I got that for about 10% of the book and the rest was eh. Also it is set in modern age. One character was even described wearing a sports bra from TK Maxxx— like if that doesn’t pull you out of a story setting I don’t know what is. Lots of gen x references and pop culture that just seems suuuuper forced.

I did preorder the second book (lol) because I’m holding out hope that now that the author got that all out of the way in the first book, maybe the second will be the story I’m looking for. Also the UK covers are pretty sweet.
Maeve Fly by C.J. Leede

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DNF at like 30%.

I now know to never read American Psycho. This was so bad.