litsleaze's reviews
115 reviews

They Never Learn by Layne Fargo

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Do you want a book about the female rage? A book that sinks it’s teeth into you from the first couple of chapters? That’s fast paced? A great plot twist that makes you audible say “oh shit”. Well then get this book. I loved it.
The Cloisters by Katy Hays

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this had a very interesting premise and I was excited to read it. but upon coming to page 167 I then knew nothing was going to happen.

story is slow and very atmospheric, I’ll give it that. There isn’t a lot of dialogue which leaves you guessing how is the story even progressing. you rely mostly on inner thoughts of the main character.

If you like really slow books that are revolving around tarot cards then this might be for you otherwise I was bored to death, and wouldn’t want you to be bored to death with me.
Head Like a Hole by Andrew Van Wey

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Why are the chapters 2 pages long. I couldn’t get into the story with how each chapter was a different POV.

Bunny by Mona Awad

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The movie “Mean Girls” meats surrealism and psychedelic academics. Pretentious. Funny. The story definitely takes a turn towards the end but it’s good!

Oh yes good.
So good.
Book of Night by Holly Black

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I’ve been staring at this book on my nightstand for the past three days after I started it. Trying to find a reason to keep going but I cannot.

I read just eight chapters and I still don’t even know what the hell the story is about. There was a lot of random chatter about eggs I think and literally nothing flowed or ebbed in a way a story should.

Are usually don’t have a problem, connecting with the main characters/protagonist but in this book, I literally had nothing to hook into. There was nothing likeable, nothing memorable.

DNF at 10%