lizzuplans's reviews
736 reviews

Fated by Sarah Ready

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Another great magical realism (my fav) read from Sarah Ready. 
I have already read book 2 in this series, but the books can be read as standalones. I really must read book 1 ASAP, as it is about Fiona’s brother Daniel.

Fiona and Aaron have a wonderful and slightly strange relationship, as he gets to know her while she “is” Becca. 

I enjoyed the book being (mostly) set in Geneva, which is such a “fresh” location when reading a lot of romance books.
I was also pleasantly surprised about the watchmaker’s angle! That was such a new occupation for a FMC to have, really enjoyable. 

I did notice I got some “eat the rich” feelings when describing the wealth displayed at the Christmas gala and Max’ casual making and gifting of jewellery. A very stark contrast with Aaron’s island life.
Thankfully the story did not lean (too much?) on, successful city woman gives up everything to live in a (literal) hut for a man, because true love. Ugh. 

Also, unfortunately the book was too long for me (it could have done with some cutting out of elements without losing the plot) and I was not as invested as I had hoped. 
Still an enjoyable read. 

3.5 stars rounded down.

Read as an audiobook. 

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions. 
Betting On Christmas Prequel: Betting On Christmas Collection by Zee Irwin

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Cute prequel novella that left me wanting more!

The Christmas Wedding of country girl Chelsea and billionaire hotshot Rex is coming in five months and TEN books (+ one prequel) by TEN authors will cover the whole thing. Oh my gosh how cool!

Even though this was a short story, the scene is set and I am looking forward to reading more.
The introduction of each character was a bit much in only a few pages, making things a bit flat and fleeting unfortunately. But, I can already see how things will unfold: small town lovely wholesome bridesmaids versus big city snarky broody billionaire groomsmen. Cannot wait to see if they all end up with each other... Boy I do wonder what will happen! ;) 

I looooooove interconnected books and this multi-author series is right up my alley. Excited to read more books about this Christmas wedding by all the different authors!

4 stars rounded up to 5 stars because LOOK AT THE COVERS! Adorable!

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions.
Fool Me Once by Ashley Winstead

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An enjoyable read. 

I had to grow liking Lee, but Ben was it for me immediately. 
Also I appreciated the way the romance was set to the background of a green energy bill with all the legislation and political intrigue. 

I really enjoyed how romance and dealing with trauma and bad decisions were intertwined, realistically showing struggling with changes you need to make and going through things on your own and together. 

The friend group was spectacular, I enjoyed the dynamic between the two sisters, and the relationships between all the various colleagues were well written. 

It was very refreshing to not have dual POV for once! I liked how the reader did get a sense of Lee’s inner thoughts while it did feel as if there was a narrator who was just hovering at Lee’s shoulder. Nice for a change!

Off to read The Boyfriend Candidate next, all about sister Alexis!
The Grimoire Grump by Kat Lapatovich Healy

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Another fun one in the Homesteader Hearth Witch series. 
I enjoyed this book a lot more than the previous ones: there was a lot of movement in the story, all the seeds planted previously were picked up and used, and I really enjoyed reading all about the interpersonal relationships. 

Arthur for the win, but damn Mr Wolf is a very close second. 

Evil cliffhanger. Off to look for the epilogue now and then fingers crossed for a speedy publication of the next book!

I would have appreciated an ePUB file for ARC readers, instead of a A4/letter sized PDF that was hard to read. Came across almost as a bit “unwelcome”!

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions. 
Find Her by Tessa Bailey

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That was baaaaaaad. Spectacularly bad. 
One star rounded up to two for the author. 

Thank goodness I got this book for free.  
Wicked Beauty by Katee Robert

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Enjoyed this one a lot more! I liked the Ares trial and was skipping over the ahem other parts to get back to the story ha!
Interesting how there is more of an overreaching story appearing!

3.5 stars rounded down. 

Read as an audiobook. 
Bass-Ackwards by Eris Adderly

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TikTok recommendation that had me noping out so fast. This is not romance, this is non con on basically page 3. 
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune

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That was the loveliest of books. A warm hug that squeezes you in just the right way. 

Linus, Arthur, all the kids, Zoe, the villagers… exceptional. Really enjoyable read.

(It took a while to get into things and to keep my attention, but other than that, no notes.)

4.5 stars rounded down.
Bride by Ali Hazelwood

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I cannot believe I am giving a knotting book 5 stars…!

LOVED this book. 
I was a bit hesitant going in, both because of it being a vampire/werewolf/omegaverse/knotting book and me not being too sure about this author, but turns out I was very wrong on both accounts! 

Misery was the queen of snark, I am very sad I do not have a Lowe in my life, the whole story was perfection, and gosh that ending!!!!!! I cackled!

Generally I had the best laughing, feet kicking, gasping, and blushing time with this book. 

Also- Lowe is an architect?! Instant 6 stars. 
The Accidental Dating Experiment by Lauren Blakely

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That was a really fun read! Julia and Monroe were believable together and gosh that was hot!
The story was a bit thin, but I am usually not a second chance nor brother’s best friend kind of reader but this had both and I really liked it. 

Going to read the others in this series for sure!

Read as an audiobook.