lizzuplans's reviews
738 reviews

Bride by Ali Hazelwood

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I cannot believe I am giving a knotting book 5 stars…!

LOVED this book. 
I was a bit hesitant going in, both because of it being a vampire/werewolf/omegaverse/knotting book and me not being too sure about this author, but turns out I was very wrong on both accounts! 

Misery was the queen of snark, I am very sad I do not have a Lowe in my life, the whole story was perfection, and gosh that ending!!!!!! I cackled!

Generally I had the best laughing, feet kicking, gasping, and blushing time with this book. 

Also- Lowe is an architect?! Instant 6 stars. 
The Accidental Dating Experiment by Lauren Blakely

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That was a really fun read! Julia and Monroe were believable together and gosh that was hot!
The story was a bit thin, but I am usually not a second chance nor brother’s best friend kind of reader but this had both and I really liked it. 

Going to read the others in this series for sure!

Read as an audiobook. 
Well and Truly Pucked by Lauren Blakely

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Entertaining book while spending hours on various trains. 

Good thing she was a yoga instructor because I was trying to picture the logistics and could not figure it out, ha. 

Did not feel as a hockey / sports romance. Yes there was some talk of trading and field positions, but it felt as if it was a slapped on label (perhaps as I have not read other books in this series).

2.5 stars rounded up for lolz and the punny title. 

Read as an audiobook. 
Swap and Smell the Roses: A Romantic Comedy by Karen Booth

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The moment I saw this cover, I knew I had to request this ARC. 
While it was a fun, entertaining, sexy read, I noticed I was not really engaged in the latter half of the book, which was too bad because things started off really well! 

I liked Willow and Reid together and I especially loved the small town vibes. I wish I could escape to Connecticut and work in a bakery while enjoying life with a hunky ex chef turned farmer. 

I did not like the way Bailey treated Willow and I also was not keen on Gabe. I will read the second book in this series which I am sure is about Bailey and Gabe. It will be nice to read about what happened to them while in NYC. 

3.5 stars rounded up. 

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions. 
The Stage Kiss by Amelia Jones

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I was exciting going into this Pride & Prejudice retelling set at the staging of a musical version Pride & Prejudice. Especially the cover drew me in!

The first quarter of the book had all the enemies to lovers vibes, with a fab slow burn. 
The first half was entertaining. 

It unfortunately went a bit downhill for me. Eden was a bit of a whine, Brennan was cute enough but at the same time I did not really care about him. Or anyone. 

The book dragged on and I was not really motivated to finish. 
Still, a fun read and I really enjoyed the theater setting!  

Published before as “Enemies to Lovers”, which I blindly picked up in The Works (UK), a fun coincidence to notice. 

3,5 stars rounded down. 

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions. 
The Diva Code: Miss Piggy on Life, Love, and the 10,000 Idiotic Things Men Frogs Do by Jim Lewis

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Fabulous and fast read. 

“Every diva needs to know that it is better to live beyond your means than beneath your standards.”

Miss Piggy dropping some truths right there. 
The Postbox Topper by Liz Hedgecock

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Cute read. More fun and engaging than the first book in this series. Still not my fav writing style and I also feel this is not really a book or novella, as it was very short and did not really have a full story or well rounded characters. 

2.5 stars rounded up. 
The Book Swap by Liz Hedgecock

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Cute enough, but very short, written slightly in a “and then… and then…” tone, and the ending was very abrupt. This feels like 3 chapter of a full book, before editing.
The Boot Camp by Kate Harrison

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I guess I should have read this book ten years ago. It is very much a story of its time and while entertaining, not one of my favourite reads this year.