logarithms's reviews
167 reviews

Sheets by Brenna Thummler

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this was really cute and also made me tear up
i love the art a lot!!!
wish the resolution wasn't so fast but it's a graphic novel so i can let anything slide
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

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/* as usual im gonna add to this later ahaha i have. some thoughts i guess? nothing anyone else hasnt said already which is why im only adding notes to self */

this book is fun and funny and also tried to convince me that maybe love is real actually...
very easy read and very escapist and i dont even live in america
ENEMIES (ish) *kicks leg* to FRIENDS *frontflips* TO LOVERS!!!! *crowd cheering*. oh yea this is the good stuff

no 3+ stars becuase....too horny and ???? writing had a bunch of weird jumpcuts it was confusing.
i've been reading the 1 star reviews and actually yea i agree with a lot of what they're saying but that doesn't change my rating lol...gotta pick and choose what im willing to forgive

Things i've tabbed:
- "He has the personality of a cabbage." yea same also that's hilarious
- "HRH Prince Dickhead. Poop emoji." the full stop. poop emoji. idk why im pissing my pants laughing
- ""Put the turkeys in my room, Mom."
"I'm not putting the turkeys in your room."
"Put the turkeys in my room."
"Put them in my room, put them in my room, put them in my room-"
That night, as Alex stares into the cold, pitiless eyes of a prehistoric beast of prey, he has few regrets."
(THAT CUTSCENE IS SO FUNNT IM GONNA BACKFLIP OFF MY BALCONY) (there are hints of a movie coming about and this scene would literally be the best comedy wise. the execution is fucking perfect.) (also alex is 5 years old actually and also me)
- Nora and June as Alex's entire impulse control. What a dynamic. "You know I love chaos" and I love you, Nora
- "ATTN: I will be wearing a burgundy velvet suit tonight. please do not attempt to steal my shine. you will fail and i will be embarrassed for you." ICON. also same energy as the 'do NOT touch. taking your mum to chilis tonight.' meme
- henry fleeing the country under the cover of night after kissing his crush. do i even have to say it. ICON
- entire convo w/ nora during The Bi Crisis was perfect and again, HILARIOUS. highlights:
"Prince Henry is a biscuit, let him sop you up." "-do not interrupt me-" (i love these little dialogue cues cause u can picture alex opening his mouth to interject but nora is on it) "I don't know man, I was in my junior year of high school and I touched a boob." asdfkjaskdjkda
- after that the book got too horny for me i couldn't tab anything im 12 years old actually and i can't read this. like legally. anyways i had too skim the sexytimes i wish they would just pull a fade to black and suggest smth happened but like. i know its important for their relationship development and people like reading it i guess but ugguhguhg idk i hate reading about it (*peace signs into the distance*)
- "His kimono is dangling off one shoulder so the embroidery across the back reads PRINCE BUTT." i laughed really hard at this maybe i do actually have the brain of a 12 year old U_U
- i love their squad chilling and getting drunk. wow. found family (with a few siblings but still. found family)
- "im going for like, depressed lesbian poet who met a hot yoga instructor at a speakeasy who got her super into meditation and pottery, and now shes starting a new life as a high-powered businesswoman selling her own line of hand-thrown fruit bowls" DAMN I WANNA SEE THE LOOK. nora...is the best hwat is there to say
- henry following it up with "Bitch, you took me there."
- the mom's powerpoint. oh my god. "Alex wonders if it's too late to swan dive off the roof." yea bro same. then again, humerus...
- "I'll let you look at one boob. The good one" nora drops another fantastic line. june saying "they're both good". wlw queens
- "He tells his too fast brain: Don't miss it this time. He's too important." AHHhhhhH ahhhhH yea i felt that
- "WATCH: DC Dykes on Bikes chase protesters from Westboro Baptist Church" this is the timeline we deserve. also where do i sign up

SOme thots:
Ah. Alexander Hamilton. hamilton musical has happened in this books timeline so actually yes everyone knows about hamilton and laurens and people have read and quoted ALL the letters and there is so much fanart of the literal founding fathers its ummmmm askdaksdk. god i wish i didn't know. i wish this book was the first i'd heard of the concept. but i know, im aware.
the fact that they started attaching gay historical quotes to their emails was a super sweet touch tho. much enjoyed.

the idea felt....so incredibly 2012 tumblr/wattpad maybe a hetalia and/or 1d influence but SOMEHOW this author didn't make it too cringy im. pretty impressed.

if i had to read this book in the characters accents that wouldve been quite something...southern and british. a nightmare

from now on i will only be reading chaotic bisexual protags with adhd (i think author confirmed this but dont trust me i have adhd i couldbe seen that tweet in a dream and decided that yep thats reality) this was literally so fun to read also very aha *peace signs* relatable
Curioddity by Paul Jenkins

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the epitome of debut novel male author

it was fun at first but got boring quick....there was no substance to it...just random bs

also just racist for no reason? 1 whole chapter trashing korean people for their food? paul..............why

some humour was good (I tabbed "[Marcus James] proffered a hand. "And you are...?" "I am, yes," said Wil")
Wild by Cheryl Strayed

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definitely a book i needed to read right now
made me cry but also felt comforted

Quotes i tabbed:
"I was twenty-two, the same age she was when she'd been pregnant with me. She was going to leave my life at the same moment that I came into hers"
"Blood is thicker than water, my mother had always said when I was growing up, a sentiment I'd often disputed. But it turned out that it didn't matter whether she was right or wrong. They both flowed out of my cupped palms."
"I would be free and nothing would be my fault."
"I was crying over all of it, over the sick mire I'd made of my life since my mother died; over the stupid existence that had become my own. I was not meant to be this way, to live this way, to fail so darkly."
"But then it was something else that woke me: the silence. The irrefutable proof that I was out here in the great alone."
"I'm a free spirit who never had the balls to be free."
"If he could do this, I could, I thought furiously. He wasn't tougher than me. No one was, I told myself, without believing it. I made it the mantra of those days; when I paused before yet another series of switchbacks or skidded down knee-jarring slopes, when patches of flesh peeled off of my feet along with my socks, when I lay alone and lonely in my tent at night I asked, often out loud: Who is tougher than me?
The answer was always the same, and even when I knew absolutely there was no way on this earth it was true, I said it anyway: No one."
"I shot off the log, shouting louder than I had when I'd seen the bear and the rattlesnake, batting at the harmless ants, breathless with an unreasonable fear. And not just of the ants, but of everything. Of the fact that I wasn't of this world, even if I insisted I was."
"Of all the things I'd been skeptical about, I didn't feel skeptical about this: the wilderness had a clarity that included me."
"Here it could be the fourth of July or the tenth of December. These mountains didn't count the days."
"Our top speed was perhaps twenty miles an hour as we crept around bends in the road, but it still felt to me as if we were moving unaccountably fast, the land made general rather than particular, no longer including me but standing quietly off to the side."
"The thought of my youthful lack of humility made me nauseous now. I had been an arrogant asshole and, in the midst of that, my mother died."
"It had only to do with how it felt to be in the wild. With what it was like to walk for miles for no reason other than to witness the accumulation of trees and meadows, mountains and deserts, streams and rocks, rivers and grasses, sunrises and sunsets. The experience was powerful and fundamental. It seemed to me that it had always felt like this to be a human in the wild, and as long as the wild existed it would always feel this way."
"This was once Mazama, I kept reminding myself. This was once a mountain that stood nearly 12000 feet tall and then had its heart removed. This was once a wasteland of lava and pumice and ash. This was once an empty bowl that took hundreds of years to fill. But hard as I tried, I couldn't see them in my mind's eye. Not the mountain or the wasteland or the empty bowl. They simply were not there anymore. There was only the stillness and silence of that water: what a mountain and a wasteland and an empty bowl turned into after the healing began."
Tales from Planet Earth by Arthur C. Clarke, Michael B. a. Whelan

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im sure it was interesting for its time but it was a pretty bland read for me now. a few good ones though! faves were: the deep range, if i forget thee oh earth, the next tenants

heres what i wrote about each one in notepad (no i cannot be bothered editing these):
the road to the sea - I liked it (though it was a bit long winded even for a short story) but if I was presented the same choice as brant no way in hell would I choose to stay
hate - I thought it was going to be epic but then it was just cruel and pointless
publicity campaign - funny and sounds true. people believe mass media over anything else
The other tiger - oooo I'm so smart look at me conceptualizing CRAZY EXISTENTIAL SHIT OOOOO -_-
the deep range - sweet. I love the ocean. the space travel of earth. porpoise dogs <3 as usual acc is like wow humanity. we r so advanced and great. sigh. did don die at the end or am I stupid?
if i forget thee oh earth - oh this one is good. moon colony longing for earth accept that they can never return in their own lifetime
the cruel sky - blah blah mankind defeats physics with incredible feats of science I guess
the parasite - mind parasite...from the future...
"and perhaps they are immortal, and that must be their real damnation. through the ages their minds have been corroding their feeble bodies, seeking some release from their intolerable boredom." ah so the parasite wished to experience death
the next tenants - YES. YES. TERMITE MAD SCIENTIST. "There is another possibility. Man has no rival on this planet. I think it may do him good to have one. It may be his salvation."
Saturn rising - elegantly written, but not exactly exciting. hotel on titan! yeet
the man who ploughed the sea - hard debate on whether this is actually environmentally viable, but interesting nonetheless. it does kind of annoy me how many of Clarkes stories are about getting rich from a new big idea. it must have been a fantasy of his...atleast hes somewhat self aware. the character described as a conservationist tells the big oil millionaire: "poetic justice, too - you'll be able to repay some of the damage you've done to the land. Too bad it'll make you a billionaire, but that can't be helped."
the wall of darkness - atmospheric, with dark commentary on the existence of other universes. the wall only has 1 side, mobius strip world
the lion of comarre - twas....ok. I'm getting tired of this man and his lack of fresh ideas (obviously not even in the general sphere of sci-fi, just within like...this collection itself)
on golden seas - no idea what that was about tbh

quotes i tabbed:
"Away from all this, out into the darkness and loneliness - in search of what?" "Remember, I have already spent a lifetime away from Earth."
"He stepped back from the ladder, and the world of sun and sky ceased to exist."
On Saturn: "This," he said - and there wasn't a trace of flippancy in the words - "is where the angels have parked their halos."
"Civilization was completely mechanized - yet machinery had almost vanished. Hidden in the walls of the cities or buried far underground, the perfect machines bore the burden of the world."
Phosphorescence: On Awe, Wonder and Things That Sustain You When the World Goes Dark by Julia Baird

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ill b real i didnt read the blurb or subheading so i thought this was gonna be a pop-sci book about jellyfish when i picked it up. read the contents and was like what? awe? huh!?

but anyway interesting read. not very cohesive, reads more like a series of blog posts filled with tangents (which is fun once in a while and very australian lol). the writing is sometimes clunky (like whenever smth is quoted, the quote is punctuated with: they're right. i agree. yes. it feels out of place - like if ur quoting someone in your book, naturally we can deduce that you like what theyre saying, no need to point it out every time P:)

doesn't really bring up any original ideas or thoughts, but i enjoyed reading about the authors life experiences

**my notes are in the black and blue notebook**

obligatory meme(s) (see p39 for context):

"(Bathing in nature was found to help) Danish soldiers with PTSD; Koreans who have suffered strokes, neckaches or chronic pain; Swedish dementia patients; Chinese hypertension sufferers; Israeli school students with learning difficulties; Japanese diabetics and cancer patients; stressed Florida office workers; Lithuanians with heart disease; and depressed American retirees." (which lemon demon song is this??? (jk its redesign ur logo. everyone will see it. every demographic))

"Without [the moon], [...] many creatures of the night - bats, possums, and university students - would be lost." this got a good chortle out of me. back to uni in a week babey!!! live by the sun, grind assignments by the moon U_U
Earthlings by Sayaka Murata

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that was um. you know, uhh
i was like ,,, yes i understand wait do i oh it's a metaphor wait is it
the first half was so uncomfortable and distressing that it numbed me to the 2nd half (does that count as meta commentary)
i have no idea what to make of it or who i could recommend this to but it had me hooked thats for sure
Be Prepared by Vera Brosgol

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a little boring, unfortunately. sometimes....life experiences don't translate super well to a novel
the art was super cute tho!!! :D
Managing Oneself by Peter F. Drucker

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can't say how useful this information was but honestly it was so short that i dont really care
ive already studied these concepts in management but this felt like a nice revision lesson P:
here's a line i liked:
"But taking pride in such ignorance is self-defeating. Go to work on acquiring the skills and knowledge you need to fully realize your strengths." (thanks for putting nicely into words the way i always feel when ppl brag about how unnecessary a certain skill is and how great it is that they don't have it)
Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia

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hmmm this was extremely bland, but compulsively readable (i read it in one sitting so)
i feel like ive already seen the concept so i wish this brought something new to the table. after reading an absolutely remarkable thing it just out-does all 'internet fame' books for me :(
hmmm the art was fun and i liked em and max....
literally nothing to say it was SO BLAND