m3greads's reviews
63 reviews

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

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adventurous mysterious


I wanted to reread this before diving into the starless sea because it’s been like 6-7 years since the last time I read this and I wanted to familiarize myself with her writing.

Reading this was like experiencing it for the first time again

The writing is so descriptive you feel like you’re actually there. I’d love to see this adapted on the big screen but also I’m afraid that somehow they won’t do it justice 

I liked the romance a lot, I felt more attached to Celia’s character more so than Marco. People would argue and say the romance felt forced but it’s important to remember that the inception of the circus and its travels take place over several years. It may not feel like that because of all the POV shifts and time jumps.

My only gripe is that the ending felt so abrupt. I know the challenge was a test for endurance and not an all out fight but I guess I wanted a bigger climax. 

I’d definitely recommend reading. It is an experience 

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Bride by Ali Hazelwood

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I was this close 🤏🏻 to DNFing but I finished it out of spite

I want to thank libraries…for existing and allowing me to read books that I would have otherwise spent my hard earned money on and would have wasted on books like this.

Considering the only other book I read of hers was The Love Hypothesis, I think Hazelwood should stick to contemporary romances. The fantasy world building was absolute ass

The writing, specifically dialogue, was abhorrent. If every other word out of your character’s mouth is “fuck”, I don’t find them to be particularly intelligent or interesting. 

You could not get me to care about the characters or the were/vampYre/human politics if you tried

The knot…I don’t know what to say about that other than that fact it exists and I read it. 

Not recommending. Though I’m willing to give her another go at her YA romance Check Mate. 
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers

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hopeful inspiring reflective


This was such a lovely feel-good story and a nice reminder that just existing is enough :)
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

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emotional reflective


it’s really something when an author is able to make me illicit such emotional feelings towards an A.I. robot especially right now

this would be a great book for book clubs or to be read in a classroom setting
Jackal by Erin E. Adams

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dark mysterious tense


this started out as a 3.5-4 star book but by the end it’s downgraded to a 2.5

I was pretty immersed into the mystery for the most part and I thought the writing was pretty solid but then somewhere around the 70% mark I started losing interest

I think when the plot started to heavily lean into the supernatural aspects it was sort of lost on me. And by the end I kinda just wanted to be done with it


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Where the Dark Stands Still by A.B. Poranek

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dark emotional mysterious


I’m starting to utilize my kindle more often and now that I’ve finally got a library card, I borrowed this through Libby and I’m so glad i did not waste $20+ on this

This was the most underwhelming lackluster romantasy I’ve read and for a YA book, it’s very disappointing

The entire story is riddled cliches with the most formulaic plot lines. The “romance” is severely underdeveloped. (The pet name got old VERY quickly) These characters have zero substance

The only reason why I’m not rating this lower is because 1. It was free and 2. I’d recommend this if you’re like 12 and this is the first fantasy book you’ve ever encountered
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

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dark mysterious tense


Thank god I haven’t been spoiled for this because that would have ruined my entire reading experience, now I’m immediately watching the film adaptation 

*spoilers sort of*

This book is the epitome of “supporting women’s wrongs”

I have no idea who I dislike more by the end of this book, however I will have to say that “cool girl” monologue is so rich
The Twelve by Justin Cronin

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adventurous dark tense


Alright two down, one to go

Again like I said with the last book, lots of characters to memorize. And I can’t say I even remember a few minus the main cast because some don’t carry any uniqueness to their personality. Although it doesn’t help when you’re reading the same book for about a year

Let’s hope I don’t take as long to read the last book

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The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

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dark emotional sad


This was one of my required readings for my English class and I’ve been wanting to revisit it since then, mostly because I could not remember anything that happened 

Now reading it again, this is definitely a must read

Morrison’s writing can be a bit dense and overly poetic when trying to distinguish whose POV were in but it’s not a criticism to her at all and more so just me trying to get used to her style

It’s clear why this is on the banned books list and I think it’s great at opening discussions about race, class, abuse, poverty and privilege 

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The Most by Jessica Anthony

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emotional reflective tense


The book…lacking. I’m most confused as to why this received so many awards and accolades