maddiementions's reviews
75 reviews

Gravemaidens by Kelly Coon

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*I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

I wanted to like this book so badly. I requested it the moment I got my NetGalley account, yet it ended up not being anything like I imagined. My main issue with this book was the characters.

This is the second book I’ve read recently where the protagonist is willing to throw their life on the line repeatedly to save their really immature little sister. I get it, it's her sister. But that sister kept treating Kammani (our protagonist, whom I truly love) like legit crap and her only visible talent was to act like a spoiled child. Why on earth would you risk it all, almost die three times, and throw away your love life to try to save this kid? She doesn't even want your help! Kammani’s actions were so heroic throughout the book and I applauded her about fifty thousand times. Yet, it made me so angry when her sister would throw a tantrum or yell at Kammani because she didn’t understand that Kammani was literally trying to save her life.

The romance in this story was cute but not a super defining part of this story, which is fine. The love interest was a super sweet guy, but unfortunately really cliche. He's the mainstream super buff guy with a sweet heart that will punch his way to Kammani's heart. At the end of the book, he put his beautiful black hair into a man bun and I laughed for twenty minutes. Why, just why?

Jokes aside, the ending of this book made up for a lot of the points I took away because of the characters. It was an awesome twist, filled with some serious suspense and moving moments. The ending alone made me interested in reading book two when it releases. Yet, it made me sad that the first 75% (lol) of the book was filled with Kummani interacting with these characters that I just couldn't bring myself to like.
The Weight of a Soul by Elizabeth Tammi

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*I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

This book wrecked me. This story was so beautifully written and entwined with emotion. When I finished the last page, I let my kindle fall into my lap and I stared at the ceiling in awe for several minutes. I was truly wrecked and also, heartbroken.

I struggled with the fact that this entire book was about bringing Lena's sister, Fressa, back from the afterlife. Halfway through the book, my mind was screaming, "Who cares about Fressa anymore?! I love Lena and Lena alone! And Amal needs to love Lena as I do!!" And yet, Lena risks her life and reputation over and over again to bring Fressa back from Valhalla, a character we saw for 0.2 seconds.

Oh and the ending, you guys. I shan't say a word about it but just, WOW. I never saw any of the twists coming. If I felt free to say spoilers, I would go more into detail about the ending and how I felt about it. But overall, it was a beautiful but deeply sad ending that left me more sorrowful than I ever expected to be from this book. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that this book will be receiving a sequel? The story ends with many unanswered questions and I dearly hope that Ms.Tammi will write another to answer them.

Overall, a gorgeous, breathtaking, and deeply moving story that truly taught me "the weight of a soul".
Crooked Kingdom: Vingança e Redenção by Leigh Bardugo

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There are absolutely no words to describe how incredible this book and this series is as a whole. This book is one of the most moving stories I have ever read. This story is just as incredible and heart-wrenching as the Harry Potter series itself in my opinion (Yes, I said it). The time and effort that Ms. Bardugo put in to make us readers feel attached and sentimental towards every main character in this story just blew my mind. There are very few books out there that spend hardly any time giving each character depth, personality, weaknesses, flaws, strengths, and backstories. There are six main characters in Six of Crows and by the end of this story, I felt like I had known each one of them my entire life. That is gifted writing.

This series truly was like nothing I have ever read before. The plot was thrilling at every turn, the protagonists and antagonists were phenomenal, the romance was spell-binding and deeply moving (looking at you Kaz and Inej!). I am SO excited to see what Netflix does with this story and the Shadow and Bone trilogy. I already know that when I see the SoC characters on screen for the first time I will probably faint or scream or both lol.

I just pray that Leigh Bardugo will release another book with the SoC characters. PLEASE. Especially Kaz and Inej. I need more!!!!
Onyx & Ivory by Mindee Arnett

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**4.5 stars!!!!** *Also, LIGHT, MILD spoilers!
WOW, this book was so amazing!! I was so surprised at how well-written and incredible all of the characters were! There was SO much plot going on! And when the reviews said "slow burn romance", they meant SLOOOOW BURN, MAN. I almost DIED.

Yeah, you heard me. Kate Brighton can kick butt and the whole world needs to know about it because I love it. I love Kate so much it's insane (Think of Jude from The Cruel Prince but not a murderer lol). She has so much strength, diligence, fiesteness, and emotion. Basically all of the things I love in a female protagonist. She is perfection. Also, in my opinion, I feel like she handles her feelings for Prince Corwin very well and naturally. She wasn't super caught up in them and freaking out about it every 3 seconds.

But, can we talk about Prince Corwin for a sec? What a man, you guys. Prince Corwin basically said, "Boring, stereotypical guys with no emotion? I respect it but it ain't me." This kid is so awesome. He's mature, kind, strong, and he's so in love with Kate he doesn't even know what to do with himself. I loved that we got chapters from Corwin's POV. It helped me understand who he is on a deeper level than what we would get if he was just a regular side character/love interest. There are so many things I could say about this guy's character that's just so awesome but we'd be here all night and I'd ruin the story sooooo... moving on!

A few things I struggled with:
What's the big deal with the horses? Horses are basically spiritual beings in this book and it was a little weird lol. I get it. Kate can look into an animal's mind with her magic and control them and she loves horses to death, so why not. But why'd she only perform her magic on horses for half the book? And why is everyone in the kingdom of Rime so obsessed with horses? Not a major issue, just odd to me.

•So, like I said, Kate only uses her magic on horses for half the book. Then suddenly, Master Raith says, "Hey did you know you can persuade people's minds as well?" and Kate is like, "Oh snap, for real?" And by the end of the book she's knocking out an entire army and even kills someone with her mind, with minimum training. Literally, her entire life she's only used her magic on animals, had no idea she could use it on humans, trains that skill for 0.3 seconds and now she's unstoppable. Sorry...what? It just seemed a bit unrealistic, even though it was super cool.

Anyway, to summarize, this book was incredible. I loved how much politics, romance, magic, and danger was carved into the plot of this story. I was sucked into the book from the first page and stayed stuck up until the last one. I require book 2 immediately!!!
The Memory Thief by Lauren Mansy

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*3.5 Stars*
*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review*

I truly enjoyed this book! It kept me entertained and I enjoyed the concept very much. The idea that memories are basically currency and some people have the ability to steal memories, give memories, etc., was really cool to me. The characters were very likable (except Madame of course, I want to throat punch her.) and I think the author did a great job of character backstories and developement. Man, the plot twists in this book were crazy. I did not see any of the twists coming and I thought they were fantastic. It actually is super hard for books to keep me entertained and I get bored in about 85% of the books I read. This one kept me entertained the entire time. I'm not sure if it's because the book is shorter than most and the author had to make things go quicker, but all I know is that I don't remember being bored one time.

Etta is a fiesty little thing and I'm just drawn to that lol. She has a dark past which... I'm also drawn to for some reason. At first, I didn't really want to like her but she grew on me over time. She has personality and emotion and I think she matured wonderfully as a character. She used the pain of her past to actually help her love again and cherish her family, and that's really beautiful to me.
Reid. Man, I tried to not like him too lol. Of course, he fell in love with Etta over a whopping expanse of four days. If you know me, you know I don't like "insta love", but I didn't mind this romance as much. It was actually very sweet. Reid himself is super mature and loving. He also has a really cool power and was an awesome warrior. In the end, there really wasn't anything to dislike about him.

This story was really cool and to me, really unique. To me, it seemed like the author left a possibility for a book 2? I definitely wouldn't mind reading more from this universe!
Into the Crooked Place by Alexandra Christo

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*Thanks to Amazon Vine for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review!*

*4.5 STARS*


Just WOW. I adored this book! I fell so in love with Wesley and Tavia and the city of Creije that I don't even know what to do with myself. At first, I thought this story was going to be extremely similar to Six of Crows (The series I sold my soul to basically). However, even though it has its similar traits, this was a completely original story filled with adventure, romance, and dark magic. The plot was just incredible. The final few chapters had me completely freaking out.

My only minor complaint? Saxony and Karam. 2 out of the 4 main characters. Wesley and Tavia are amazing and I'd die for them. But Saxony and Karam just... felt like the same person. There wasn't really a personality difference between the two of them and I (for real) would oftentimes find myself confused between which one of these chicks had which back story and which one did this and just what? They were literally the same person. And if I am completely honest, I skimmed through some of their POV chapters because I just got...bored.

But other than that, this book is incredible. I am so surprised by how much I was consumed by this story. I'm also PISSED because it ended on a cliffhanger and now I feel like the sudden end of this story will keep me up at night until I have book 2. I NEED IT.
The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

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How do I...where should...wh- HOW DO I EVEN REVIEW THIS BOOK?!?!?
This whole freaking series MAN. I've never read a series that has had me so in love, so desperate for more! I remember how I absolutely devoured the first two books earlier this year and was sitting in anguish all summer and fall just desperately waiting for this last book. And oh boy was I worried. I was so afraid that this book was going to disappoint me (as many later books in a series do) but OH MY GOD. THIS LAST BOOK WAS PERFECT. It had everything I was hoping it would have in it! I won't say anything so no spoilers are released since this is a new book still but wow...just wow. The conniving twists, the romance, the politics, the emotion. I don't even know what to say. I seriously don't know how to review this. All I can say is that it was absolutely phenomenal and I wish the book had been longer because I NEED MORE. MOREEEE.

Uhmm, speaking of more I saw that epilogue there Miss Holly Black, I saw the room, the possibilities you wrote in for more content...we all saw it....
A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer

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WELCOME TO MY ALL-TIME-FAVS BOOKSHELF, BRIGID KEMMERER!! And boy, let me tell you, getting on my favorites shelf ain't easy!!!
This book is absolutely phenomenal! A beautiful modern re-telling of Beauty and the Beast, but darker and honestly so much cooler. How do I express my overflowing love for this book!? I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I started this! All I knew was that this story has been getting a lot of attention and I see it featured a lot in book stores. YA GIRL KNOWS WHY NOW. Guys, the romance, the darkness, the politics, the magic, the betrayals and secrets!! This book has it all!!

Harper is now officially in my "top YA female protagonists" list, right smack dab next to Jude from The Cruel Prince and Inej from Six of Crows. Harper is strong, intelligent, stubborn, and dang that girl is feisty! She also has cerebral palsy and I adore that she doesn't let it hold her back in any way throughout the story. Honestly, I just adore every part of her. She wasn't easily swayed by Prince Rhen and even in the end, I still wasn't sure if she was actually in love with him lol!

Rhen tho... he is so head over heels for Harper and it's the sweetest thing I've ever seen (I mean read) in my life. GEEZ, the swoon-worthy quotes I highlighted on my kindle from this boy are ugh *chef's kiss*. Rhen is so sweet but also super feisty just like Harper (which means we got tons of cute bickering scenes with these two all throughout the book). He's also a super strong character as well, willing to sacrifice everything for his people and of course, Harper. His character development was beautiful and he really just turned into an incredible hero.

Grey...I dont even know what to say about him because that ENDING THO!! So imma just do a spoiler thingie real quick-
Listen, we saw the scene where Grey low-key confessed he had feelings for Harper to Rhen, we saw the way he acted with her, nOW HE'S THE TRUE HEIR?! AAAAND The final scene with Rhen and he asks Harper if she's in love with him aND SHE THINKS ABOUT GREY?!?! We SEE YOU, HARPER! OK TEAM GREY POP OFF-

Anyway, am I pissed that I have to wait until January 2020 for the next book? YES. But, I will wait patiently. I'm so excited to see what Ms. Kemmerer brings to us next!!!
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff

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OKAY. First off, I will say that I didn't like this book hardly at all for the first half. The super unique format for this book was cool but sometimes straight up annoying at times. At one point in the story I literally had to turn the book upside down to read the words and I actually just laughed like, "what even is this?". I wasn't a big fan of the "chat transcript" format or whatever you want to call it that was used very frequently throughout the book. At times, it felt cheap and because it's in "chat" form that means less room for details and things that make a book good.

HOWEVER. The last 200 pages of this book literally blew my socks off. I mean I could NOT put this book down for the life of me. It sucked me in and refused to let me go. The story line took a sharp turn that I honestly didn't see coming at all. The pure intensity of the climax of this story is absolutely phenomenal. I don't even know how to explain. It's basically just straight up insanity from like page 370 all the way to the end. I went from not liking this book to being addicted to it. My mind is blown.
Black Canary: Ignite by Meg Cabot, Cara McGee

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*Thanks to Amazon Vine for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review*

This was actually the first graphic novel I have ever read! I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself into the world of graphic novels with a DC superheroes one. This novel was so cute and such a fun, quick read. The art is AMAZING. The style is so adorable and fun! I love the main character, Dinah. She's spunky, feisty, and independent. She knows exactly what she wants and I love that trait in characters. For a kid's novel, this was awesome. I can't wait to see the other books!