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maddiementions's reviews
75 reviews
Ice Crown by Kay L. Moody
*Thanks to Book Sirens and the publisher for sending me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review*
**3.5 out 5 stars!
This novella started out really slow for me which oftentimes isn't a great sign when the whole book is only 100-something pages. However, this story became very intriguing somewhere in the middle and kept on getting more entertaining until the last page! The concept of this story is really cool; the ability to shape elements and an academy where you can learn how to shape these elements. The concept is a lot of fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it. My biggest complaint is that I didn't really feel connected to the characters. I mean, what can you expect. It's a novella, the author doesn't really have time for major character back stories and development. With the time she did have, I feel that the author did a good job of helping us get to know Talise, the main character, the best she could. I am sure we will get more character development (maybe even romance??) in the next books, so that's why I didn't dock off major stars for the lack of character connection. Overall, this was a fun read! I will definitely be reading the next story in this series!!
**3.5 out 5 stars!
This novella started out really slow for me which oftentimes isn't a great sign when the whole book is only 100-something pages. However, this story became very intriguing somewhere in the middle and kept on getting more entertaining until the last page! The concept of this story is really cool; the ability to shape elements and an academy where you can learn how to shape these elements. The concept is a lot of fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it. My biggest complaint is that I didn't really feel connected to the characters. I mean, what can you expect. It's a novella, the author doesn't really have time for major character back stories and development. With the time she did have, I feel that the author did a good job of helping us get to know Talise, the main character, the best she could. I am sure we will get more character development (maybe even romance??) in the next books, so that's why I didn't dock off major stars for the lack of character connection. Overall, this was a fun read! I will definitely be reading the next story in this series!!
Lakeshire Park by Megan Walker
*Thanks to NetGalley and Shadow Mountain for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!*
Am I shocked?? Yes, truly I am. I absolutely adored this book!! It had everything in it that I desire in a historical romance. A strong, capable woman, a handsome, mischievous, charming, and wealthy man. The love interests despising each other at first, but their hatred turns to passionate love. UGH. I am a sucker for the enemies-to-lovers trope (A well-known fact about me).
This book was beautifully written. There was so much plot laced into the growing romance between our main characters, Amelia and Peter. Amelia's love for her sister Clara and her determination to make sure Clara married Sir Ronald so she was happy was so admirable. Her fight against her growing affection for Peter was actually very realistic and even relatable at some points. Peter of course, was just ugh *swoon*. This book was such a fun, guilty pleasure read for me. I am so surprised by how much I liked it and how quickly I devoured it!!
Am I shocked?? Yes, truly I am. I absolutely adored this book!! It had everything in it that I desire in a historical romance. A strong, capable woman, a handsome, mischievous, charming, and wealthy man. The love interests despising each other at first, but their hatred turns to passionate love. UGH. I am a sucker for the enemies-to-lovers trope (A well-known fact about me).
This book was beautifully written. There was so much plot laced into the growing romance between our main characters, Amelia and Peter. Amelia's love for her sister Clara and her determination to make sure Clara married Sir Ronald so she was happy was so admirable. Her fight against her growing affection for Peter was actually very realistic and even relatable at some points. Peter of course, was just ugh *swoon*. This book was such a fun, guilty pleasure read for me. I am so surprised by how much I liked it and how quickly I devoured it!!
A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer
*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, Bloomsbury Books, for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review* (even though I started it after it was already published lol)
*4 out of 5 stars*
First, I would like to say that Brigid Kemmerer is a beautiful writer. Her choice of words and the way she describes scenarios literally takes me to another planet and the only other authors that have been able to have this effect on me are Leigh Bardugo and J.K. Rowling. I really admire Mrs. Kemmerer's writing style and her ability to create a gorgeous story for the mind of the reader.
Now, into the actual story. The reason why I did not give this book five stars is because I simply just missed Harper so badly throughout this story. If you haven't read this book yet, minor spoiler alert: Harper and Rhen are barely even in it and the whole thing is in Grey and our new character, Lia Mara's POVs. We spent the entire first book with Harper being the main character along with Rhen and Grey's POVs throughout. I rooted for Harper, I loved Harper so dearly. To suddenly switch gears and and Harper not be present hardly at all and Rhen now the enemy was hard for my brain to accept.
I will admit, I kind of wanted Grey and Harper to be together. Don't get me wrong, I love Rhen! However, there was a spark between Harper and Grey in the first book and I was really looking forward to that attraction being delved into in this one. But alas, enter Lia Mara. I can't hate her because truly, there is nothing to hate. She is a strong character and a beautiful person as a whole but dang I just couldn't ship her and Grey's relationship. Their romance annoyed me for some reason I can't quite explain and even in the end, I still just couldn't get into it. *Sigh* I really miss Harper and Rhen and Grey before Lia Mara.
I know it seems that all I have for this book is complaints even though I rated it four stars. Yes, the story line upset me quite a bit. However, the reason why I can't make myself dock off more stars is because as a whole, this story is just wonderfully written. It's entertaining, there are twists and turns at every corner. Even though I struggled with the romance, all of the characters have very well-written development and backstories. Overall, it was a great book. I am very excited (and nervous?) for the final installment in this series. I am sad that I have to wait until 2021 to read it, but please take your time Mrs. Kemmerer!
*4 out of 5 stars*
First, I would like to say that Brigid Kemmerer is a beautiful writer. Her choice of words and the way she describes scenarios literally takes me to another planet and the only other authors that have been able to have this effect on me are Leigh Bardugo and J.K. Rowling. I really admire Mrs. Kemmerer's writing style and her ability to create a gorgeous story for the mind of the reader.
Now, into the actual story. The reason why I did not give this book five stars is because I simply just missed Harper so badly throughout this story. If you haven't read this book yet, minor spoiler alert: Harper and Rhen are barely even in it and the whole thing is in Grey and our new character, Lia Mara's POVs. We spent the entire first book with Harper being the main character along with Rhen and Grey's POVs throughout. I rooted for Harper, I loved Harper so dearly. To suddenly switch gears and and Harper not be present hardly at all and Rhen now the enemy was hard for my brain to accept.
I will admit, I kind of wanted Grey and Harper to be together. Don't get me wrong, I love Rhen! However, there was a spark between Harper and Grey in the first book and I was really looking forward to that attraction being delved into in this one. But alas, enter Lia Mara. I can't hate her because truly, there is nothing to hate. She is a strong character and a beautiful person as a whole but dang I just couldn't ship her and Grey's relationship. Their romance annoyed me for some reason I can't quite explain and even in the end, I still just couldn't get into it. *Sigh* I really miss Harper and Rhen and Grey before Lia Mara.
I know it seems that all I have for this book is complaints even though I rated it four stars. Yes, the story line upset me quite a bit. However, the reason why I can't make myself dock off more stars is because as a whole, this story is just wonderfully written. It's entertaining, there are twists and turns at every corner. Even though I struggled with the romance, all of the characters have very well-written development and backstories. Overall, it was a great book. I am very excited (and nervous?) for the final installment in this series. I am sad that I have to wait until 2021 to read it, but please take your time Mrs. Kemmerer!
Northanger Abbey, Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sanditon by John Davie, James Kinsley, Claudia L. Johnson, Jane Austen
*Thanks to NetGalley for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review!*
Jane Austen truly is the queen of wit and romance. This story was so beautifully written and laced with so much wisdom. The main character, Catherine, is so sweet and naive!! I wish I could view the world as optimistically as her! She is so innocent but also kind to everyone she meets. She is definitely someone I look up to. Mr. Henry Tilney is a dream, basically. I believe him to be the man of every girl's dreams hahaha. I do wish that this story would have had more romance in it, more passion, like Pride and Prejudice. We know that Catherine loves Henry all throughout the book but no actual romance comes into play until the last chapter. However, this is a minor complaint. I thought the story was amazing, exciting, and hilarious. I also love the new cover for this book, it is adorable!!
Jane Austen truly is the queen of wit and romance. This story was so beautifully written and laced with so much wisdom. The main character, Catherine, is so sweet and naive!! I wish I could view the world as optimistically as her! She is so innocent but also kind to everyone she meets. She is definitely someone I look up to. Mr. Henry Tilney is a dream, basically. I believe him to be the man of every girl's dreams hahaha. I do wish that this story would have had more romance in it, more passion, like Pride and Prejudice. We know that Catherine loves Henry all throughout the book but no actual romance comes into play until the last chapter. However, this is a minor complaint. I thought the story was amazing, exciting, and hilarious. I also love the new cover for this book, it is adorable!!
Star Wars The Last Jedi: Bomber Command by Jason Fry
And this book is basically the Reylo fans' sacred texts. Jason Fry took the small Reylo scenes we had in the TLJ movie and dug deeper into them, adding the details that I desperately longed for. The romantic tension between Rey and Kylo in the movie was obvious but the book made it so *chef's kiss*.
What can I say about this book? It's the novelization of The Last Jedi (which I love with a passion). It's a fantastic movie turned into a fantastic book with added scenes and more details in which the movie couldn't express. The book version adds more character development, romance, and action. All the little details you wondered about that were missing in the movie? Answered in this book. Ok maybe not all of them. But most of them. Anyway, I love this book. Can't wait for The Rise of Skywalker novelization. I'm ready to die all over again.
And this book is basically the Reylo fans' sacred texts. Jason Fry took the small Reylo scenes we had in the TLJ movie and dug deeper into them, adding the details that I desperately longed for. The romantic tension between Rey and Kylo in the movie was obvious but the book made it so *chef's kiss*.
What can I say about this book? It's the novelization of The Last Jedi (which I love with a passion). It's a fantastic movie turned into a fantastic book with added scenes and more details in which the movie couldn't express. The book version adds more character development, romance, and action. All the little details you wondered about that were missing in the movie? Answered in this book. Ok maybe not all of them. But most of them. Anyway, I love this book. Can't wait for The Rise of Skywalker novelization. I'm ready to die all over again.
Force Collector by Tony Foti, Kevin Shinick
*5 out of 5 stars!*
This book is a secret gem! It ended up being so much better than I originally thought! This book has an awesome and super moving story line. Plus, it's packed full of Star Wars easter eggs from previous movies!! The main character, Karr, now has a special place in my heart and he must be protected at all costs. I don't really want to dive into the plot and characters for this review, but I did want to point out one thing. I don't really understand why this book is considered "Journey to Rise of Skywalker". Usually that means the story line of the book will lead up to the movie. That didn't happen in this book. Karr's story isn't connected to the new trilogy besides the fact that he's alive during it. Perhaps there will be another book on Karr and then we will get to see the story lines connect, but for now he's on his own. I guess maybe I was just hoping that Karr would somehow accidentally run into Rey haha. Other than that, this book was awesome. It's a great coming of age story and I hope that we will see more of Karr in the future!!!
This book is a secret gem! It ended up being so much better than I originally thought! This book has an awesome and super moving story line. Plus, it's packed full of Star Wars easter eggs from previous movies!! The main character, Karr, now has a special place in my heart and he must be protected at all costs. I don't really want to dive into the plot and characters for this review, but I did want to point out one thing. I don't really understand why this book is considered "Journey to Rise of Skywalker". Usually that means the story line of the book will lead up to the movie. That didn't happen in this book. Karr's story isn't connected to the new trilogy besides the fact that he's alive during it. Perhaps there will be another book on Karr and then we will get to see the story lines connect, but for now he's on his own. I guess maybe I was just hoping that Karr would somehow accidentally run into Rey haha. Other than that, this book was awesome. It's a great coming of age story and I hope that we will see more of Karr in the future!!!
Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren by Charles Soule, Will Sliney
*5 out of 5 stars*
Apparently drawing Adam Driver is more difficult than we assumed??? *sigh* I guess beauty at his level just can't be recreated on paper...
But no seriously though, at certain points in this comic I was like "This looks like Adam Driver's distant, distant, distant .... distant cousin." However, I wasn't flocking to this comic just to gaze at off-brand Adam Driver. This story line is incredible and blows up every theory you had about what happened the night the Jedi Temple burned. This comic series also adds new characters and details that I have been praying for since The Last Jedi. Oh, and praise the lamb, this series is CANON. THANK YOU Marvel and Disney!! I can't wait to start #2 and I recommend this comic to any Kylo fan, Reylo fan or just in-general fan of the newest SW trilogy.
Apparently drawing Adam Driver is more difficult than we assumed??? *sigh* I guess beauty at his level just can't be recreated on paper...
But no seriously though, at certain points in this comic I was like "This looks like Adam Driver's distant, distant, distant .... distant cousin." However, I wasn't flocking to this comic just to gaze at off-brand Adam Driver. This story line is incredible and blows up every theory you had about what happened the night the Jedi Temple burned. This comic series also adds new characters and details that I have been praying for since The Last Jedi. Oh, and praise the lamb, this series is CANON. THANK YOU Marvel and Disney!! I can't wait to start #2 and I recommend this comic to any Kylo fan, Reylo fan or just in-general fan of the newest SW trilogy.
Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater
*Thank you to BookSirens and the publisher for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review*
To describe this book, imagine The Cruel Prince by Holly Black and then sprinkle a little Jane Austen magic on it. As soon as I saw the words "faerie" "handsome magician" and of course "romance" while reading the blurb, I knew I had to read this immediately. This entire book is filled with enthralling magic and has that historical fiction charm that I adore. How could I resist?!
Our protagonist, Theodora Ettings, I fell in love with rapidly. Who would have thought that someone with only half a soul could possess so much beautiful humanity? Although she cannot feel certain emotions, her heart is purer than snow and I adore that about her. Her bluntness and lack of fear and shame somehow made her even more likable. A character like her is a breath of fresh air in a world where many female protagonists are starting to feel identical. I was so angry with Dora's aunt and other "hens" (as this book wisely calls them) throughout the story for pushing Dora to the side but that's where Elias comes in... (and Albert... what a doll he is)
Feisty boys with magical powers are my favorite type of boys in books, and Elias is one of them. Just like with Theodora, I instantly loved Elias. His lack of manners, his crudeness, and his slightly inappropriate jokes are hilarious yet lovable. His friendship with Albert was woven with fierce devotion and their spunky banter made me long for more scenes with them together in the book. But let us not forget Elias' love for Theodora. So swoon-worthy! He loved her even with half a soul; moreover, he loved her because of her half-soul. That was very powerful to me and I found their romance to be so enthralling (I won't share more details for fear of spoilers). Just like Theodora, Elias' character is a breath of fresh air in this world of identical protagonists.
Lastly, I would like to point out that one thing I loved about this book was the language in which it was written. A serious pet peeve I have is when the characters in a historical fiction book do not speak like their era. I was so pleased that the characters in this story spoke like someone would in their time, without the language being too overwhelming. Not only is this book written beautifully, but it also felt accurate and I admire that very much.
I was so sad when the book was over, but I am ecstatic that there will be more books in this series to come! Like I stated above, this book would make a fantastic movie!! I loved this story more than I can even describe and I cannot wait for more!
*Thank you to BookSirens and the publisher for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review*
To describe this book, imagine The Cruel Prince by Holly Black and then sprinkle a little Jane Austen magic on it. As soon as I saw the words "faerie" "handsome magician" and of course "romance" while reading the blurb, I knew I had to read this immediately. This entire book is filled with enthralling magic and has that historical fiction charm that I adore. How could I resist?!
Our protagonist, Theodora Ettings, I fell in love with rapidly. Who would have thought that someone with only half a soul could possess so much beautiful humanity? Although she cannot feel certain emotions, her heart is purer than snow and I adore that about her. Her bluntness and lack of fear and shame somehow made her even more likable. A character like her is a breath of fresh air in a world where many female protagonists are starting to feel identical. I was so angry with Dora's aunt and other "hens" (as this book wisely calls them) throughout the story for pushing Dora to the side but that's where Elias comes in... (and Albert... what a doll he is)
Feisty boys with magical powers are my favorite type of boys in books, and Elias is one of them. Just like with Theodora, I instantly loved Elias. His lack of manners, his crudeness, and his slightly inappropriate jokes are hilarious yet lovable. His friendship with Albert was woven with fierce devotion and their spunky banter made me long for more scenes with them together in the book. But let us not forget Elias' love for Theodora. So swoon-worthy! He loved her even with half a soul; moreover, he loved her because of her half-soul. That was very powerful to me and I found their romance to be so enthralling (I won't share more details for fear of spoilers). Just like Theodora, Elias' character is a breath of fresh air in this world of identical protagonists.
Lastly, I would like to point out that one thing I loved about this book was the language in which it was written. A serious pet peeve I have is when the characters in a historical fiction book do not speak like their era. I was so pleased that the characters in this story spoke like someone would in their time, without the language being too overwhelming. Not only is this book written beautifully, but it also felt accurate and I admire that very much.
I was so sad when the book was over, but I am ecstatic that there will be more books in this series to come! Like I stated above, this book would make a fantastic movie!! I loved this story more than I can even describe and I cannot wait for more!
Scythe by Neal Shusterman
*5 out of 5 stars!!!*
Wow. Just wow. I understand the hype over this series now. I was concerned about the morbidness of this series (I mean, it's literally about the art of killing). However, this book wasn't nearly as dark as I expected. The plot is amazing, the characters are amazing, the twists are unbelievable... this book truly blew me out of the water. Also, the concept of this story is so unique and invigorating. I've never read a story similar to this one.
Rowan and Citra had incredible character development. We got a great back story for both of them and I truly was not expecting the changes in their personalities throughout this story. Creating a deep emotional connection between reader and protagonist is very difficult, but I believe Neil Shusterman did a fantastic job. Also slow burn romance?? My FAVORITE. The ending of this book was so full of insane twists that I couldn't stop smiling for ten minutes after reading the last page. I cannot wait to read the next installment!!
Wow. Just wow. I understand the hype over this series now. I was concerned about the morbidness of this series (I mean, it's literally about the art of killing). However, this book wasn't nearly as dark as I expected. The plot is amazing, the characters are amazing, the twists are unbelievable... this book truly blew me out of the water. Also, the concept of this story is so unique and invigorating. I've never read a story similar to this one.
Rowan and Citra had incredible character development. We got a great back story for both of them and I truly was not expecting the changes in their personalities throughout this story. Creating a deep emotional connection between reader and protagonist is very difficult, but I believe Neil Shusterman did a fantastic job. Also slow burn romance?? My FAVORITE. The ending of this book was so full of insane twists that I couldn't stop smiling for ten minutes after reading the last page. I cannot wait to read the next installment!!
The Court of Miracles by Kester Grant
*Thank you to NetGalley and Knopf books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review*
2.5 out of 5 stars
*sigh* I loved quite a few things about this book. The era, the similarities to Les Mis, the concept of the Guilds hidden away in secrecy. I loved the way it was written. But for some reason, I couldn't quite connect with this story. I didn't feel as connected to the characters, especially Nina, as much as I wanted to. I felt that it moved too quickly at times, and too slow in others. I wish there would have been true romance, instead of Nina kissing a few boys throughout the story. At the end of the book, it just sort of ended abruptly and I felt a bit unsatisfied. Yes, the mission was accomplished but it felt like it ended immediately after the climax. I wished there could have been more falling action and a resolution. Overall, I loved the concept of this book and thought it was well-written. I just wish I had felt more emotionally invested in it.
2.5 out of 5 stars
*sigh* I loved quite a few things about this book. The era, the similarities to Les Mis, the concept of the Guilds hidden away in secrecy. I loved the way it was written. But for some reason, I couldn't quite connect with this story. I didn't feel as connected to the characters, especially Nina, as much as I wanted to. I felt that it moved too quickly at times, and too slow in others. I wish there would have been true romance, instead of Nina kissing a few boys throughout the story. At the end of the book, it just sort of ended abruptly and I felt a bit unsatisfied. Yes, the mission was accomplished but it felt like it ended immediately after the climax. I wished there could have been more falling action and a resolution. Overall, I loved the concept of this book and thought it was well-written. I just wish I had felt more emotionally invested in it.