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maddijean's reviews
320 reviews

Same Time Next Year by Tessa Bailey

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This was such a fun novella! Obviously perfect for the time of year and I loved all the characters! Fake dating and marriage of convenience is always a vibe! 
The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon

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This was so not what I expected at all. I was creeped out quite a bit at the beginning but kind of got over that in the end. Then I got kind of bored during some parts and then I was kind of confused. I wish there was more description when it came to the Winter People because I wanted to be more freaked out by them and I almost wish the background from 1908 would have been closer to the end rather than spread out through the story so there was more mystery. Also I feel like Kathryn just didn't even need to be there?!?! 
Wreck the Halls by Tessa Bailey

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 This was a cute holiday romance! I was however so anxious the entire time thinking about the live stream and their microphones hahah every conversation they had I was worried about the freaking microphones. Also, I am sorry but the main guys name was not Beat it was Adam and that is how I read it. I just couldn't, in good conscious, call him Beat and have it ruin the story for me hahahah 
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

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Absolutely beautiful! They writing was so amazing and it was such a deep look into her life. Definitely recommend!
Garlic & the Vampire by Bree Paulsen

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This was cute but honestly the illustrations took away from the adorableness for me. But still was a cute story with a great message, don't judge a book by its cover <3 
The Tea Dragon Society by K. O'Neill

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 SOOOOO adorable! A very sweet story with a very lovely cast of characters <3 
Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison

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YESSSSSSS I AM OBSESSEDDDD Hallmark movie meets smut, is there anything more you need???!!!??? Friends to lovers, fake dating, A CHRISTMAS TREE FARM <3<3<3 I want to read the next books ASAP!