maeashah's reviews
265 reviews

The Worst Best Man by Mia Sosa

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I was apprehensive about this book because of the whole brother thing in the plot. The whole "I almost married your brother and now we're into each other" thing didn't seem like something I could get past. But, I had heard some good reviews and also really liked the cover so I thought, what the hell? Let's try it.

And, in the end, the whole brother thing was dealt with better than I thought but was still not something I could fully get past?? I don't know. It's just that, what would the family dinners with Max's parents be like? It's not the most crazy relationship out there but it's still a bit iffy for me.

However, looking past that, I did actually like the chemistry between the two love interests. They made me root for them and the whole book was a fun ride. Other than that, I don't really have a lot to say but if that whole brother's ex-fiancee thing doesn't bother you, then the story is really cute and fun so you could pick it up! I will suggest the audiobook because both narrators did a really good job. The narrator for Max did not do a horrendous job when it came to female dialogue so points for that lol.
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man by Tamora Pierce

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The first half of this book was a bit hard for me to remain interested in, but it was nice to see who Alanna is away from the court. The pacing is still too fast, in my opinion, but I'm getting used to it and can kind of look past it now. The actual events of the plot are interesting in all of the books in this series so far, but it's just that I constantly feel as though I'm running after the story. There doesn't seem to be a seamless transition between each big scene. Still, I'm quite excited to pick up the final book in the series and see it all tie together.

I was so saddened by the way Jon was behaving. He felt very out of character and it just kind of broke my heart to see him be so ignorant of Alanna's choices. When he just assumed she would agree to his proposal and leave with him, I was infuriated on her behalf.
Alanna seemed to get together with George a little too quickly, and I felt like a handful of reasons why George was better was thrown at me a bit suddenly. Like I was supposed to just switch to shipping them instead. I can see them becoming a great couple but I hope it progresses naturally. I do love George a lot, though, and it's clear he loves Alanna very much so I'm intrigued to see how their relationship progresses. But more importantly, I'm hoping Jon sorts himself out.
The Wizards of Once by Cressida Cowell

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The story takes a fair amount of time to speed up and become interesting, but by the end, I was having a great time.
Initially, I found Xar to be quite annoying but he slowly developed into a lovable character, and I enjoyed watching the friendship form and grow between him and Wish.
The final quarter of the story is truly where this became a 4-star rating for me. I think this book was a good setup for the next one. I'm really excited to see what happens and to find out who the narrator is.
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata

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This was so beautiful. I love the way Mariana Zapata does slow burn romance. It was so much fun to see Vanessa and Aiden's relationship evolve. I do, however, wish that we had gotten to see part of the book from Aiden's POV because his proclamation of love felt a tad random, and I would've liked to see more of a build up. With her other book, Kulti, even though we didn't get his POV, his feelings for Sal still showed through over time. I just didn't fully feel that with Aiden. Don't get me wrong, I love him and I love him and Vanessa together, but I just wanted a little more from him. When did he realise he loved her? How did he deal with it? I just want more Aiden to be honest. 
In addition, the only other problem I had was how unnecessarily long this book was. A lot of it was just too much description in my opinion. 
But other than that, this book made my heart so full. I loved Vanessa. I loved her back and forth with Aiden, her friendship with Zac (who was adorable) and I'm just so happy with how the story ended.