maggiegil's reviews
5 reviews

The Grip of It by Jac Jemc

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loved the writing style and was genuinely very creeped out by this book. was hoping for a slightly more exciting ending but I didn't dislike it and this was such a fun and creepy quick read that I cant complain
And Her Smile Will Untether the Universe by Gwendolyn Kiste

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I love short story collections but they almost always end up feeling sort of repetitive to me (especially reading them in under a day like this one lol). I definitely kind of had that problem with this book (particularly with how many stories are told from 2nd person pov... which isn't a flaw and I like 2nd person narration in some cases it just felt a little repetitive and didn't totally work for me in every story lol). but overall I really enjoyed this... I know I'll he thinking about some of these stories for a very long time. Standouts to me were: ten things to know about the ten questions, skin like honey and lace, and the tower princesses
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

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when I first finished this it felt a little bit underwhelming but I think thats because it was such a quick read. I honestly really liked this and I feel like I got something out of it after thinking about it though. I do wish this were either a little shorter (it felt kind of like a long version of a good creepy short story) or a little longer (preferably longer bc as I said I did enjoy reading this and I would have liked to learn more about the characters/see the relationship develop more). overall I liked it and I really enjoyed the email/IM format
Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica

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very beautifully written and interesting. genuinely most depressing book I've ever read though on top of most disturbing 