mandasachs's reviews
132 reviews

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life by Barbara Kingsolver

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I enjoyed reading this. Too me the idea of my family and I actually doing it would be extreme but it had planted the idea to be aware my food is coming from and supporting the local community around me.
Summer Breeze by Nancy Thayer

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It was ok. We read this book in book club to have an easy fun read after MiddleSex. Well... it reminded us of a grown up version of babysitters club..... We enjoyed it but it gave us a chuckle at what we were reading.
My Father's Paradise: A Son's Search for His Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq by Ariel Sabar

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Good story of a son discovering his father's past and childhood. His father carries an inspiring past and his story of growth and overcoming his environment has you cheering him on.
Defending Jacob by William Landay

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This book was so great. The story kept me interested and as a parent I could feel what the characters were experiencing. The twist at the end of the story left me dropping an f-bomb but a good one at that. The book left me feeling stunned yet satisfied.
The Godfather Returns by Mark Winegardner

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Good. Not as good as the first book. The first book pulled me in and kept me there the entire book. I kinda lost interest in the middle of the book but it kicked back up towards the end. I'm still planning on reading the third but not right away.
Lady Gone Bad by Sabine Starr

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Eh. It was ok for a steamy romance book. Just a quick transition read in between other books.
Anchored in Love: An Intimate Portrait of June Carter Cash by John Carter Cash

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Just read June Carter Cash Anchored in Love in about 24 hours... It was a short and quick read. I sought it out because I a place in my heart for Johnny Cash music as well as June.

I knew about John's addictions but I did not know about June's or their kids. Very interesting read to me.

I follows June's life and then how it is intertwined into John's life with their kids and their struggles.
The Milk Memos: How Real Moms Learned to Mix Business with Babies - And How You Can, Too by Cate Colburn-Smith, Andrea Serrette

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Read this in less than 24 hours. I skipped most of the breastfeeding tips as I was only reading this for the journals that were being written back and forth. It took me back to the same struggles, joys and issues I had as a new first time working/pumping momma almost 2.5 years ago.
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

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Pretty good book. Good insights to how habits are formed and how they take over our lives without us even knowing. Seemed to loose me towards the end in part 3 but pretty good book full of information.
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

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Loved this book! I feel in love with the characters. Every one of them. From the main characters to the minor characters. I enjoyed the flow of the book and growth of Lilly's character. At times I thought she was a little too immature but is what it is.