mattieee's reviews
24 reviews

Fantasticland by Mike Bockoven

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Something was missing….
Also what is up with the whole- this all happened because they didn’t have social media? Just cut that out, that made no sense
Voyage of the Damned by Frances White

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Was the writing good? Nope, not really. But did I have such I good time I was able to ignore that (for the most part)? Yeah, good time I recommend 
Dreadful by Caitlin Rozakis

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Had such a fun time, it was a super cozy and fast read with lovable characters and interesting plot. 
The Duke and I by Julia Quinn

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Daphne sucks but I had a good time and will continue 
You'd Look Better as a Ghost by Joanna Wallace

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Unexpected piss kink, also the plot was all over the place I’m just confused and not in a cute way.
The London Séance Society by Sarah Penner

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Very good!!!! Super twisty and fun- I enjoyed the characters and it was quite fast paced.
Also! If you want to have a bit of fun, take a shot every-time a rhetorical question is used (perhaps you’ll be drunk by the first 50 pages?).
Come & Get It by Kiley Reid

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Was a hot mess, plus a dog was graphically killed. Not worth it.