meegzreads's reviews
1886 reviews

Fast & Reckless by Amanda Weaver

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*3.5 Stars*

Copy kindly received from New South Books for an honest review.

This was a good read and my first by this author. I liked the characters although I wasn't as hooked as I had hoped. I enjoyed reading this and learning about Mira, Will, their families, pasts and seeing how they would navigate this attraction to each other. An enjoyable and easy to read book. 
If You Love Me by Helena Hunting

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*5 Stars*

ARC kindly received for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book. I liked how we got so much more to this story than just the HEA of Lexi and Roman who are great characters in and of themselves - we get all the family and real life feels with this as well. I adored Callie and Fee was great too. And I just loved the Terror family in this one. This book was really just done so well, and the world and character building was fabulous. I definitely felt for the characters and was invested in all aspects of things. 

I also love the set up for the future books and couples in the series, and am really keen to read those when released as well. Connor was way more interesting than I expected him to be, so he's one I'm looking forward to. Loved this and highly recommend.
Welcome to the World, Little Baby by Melissa Greenwood

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*3 Stars*

Copy kindly received from Harper Collins Australia for an honest review.

This is a good record book for those having a new baby, however I think it's more suited to someone who is having a girl. The colour scheme does not really suit those having a boy. Plenty of spots to record all the milestones of your child. Also more suited to people who are very interested in the indigenous culture. 
All the Ways Mum Will Be There For You by Sarah Ayoub

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*5 Stars*

ARC kindly received from Harper Collins for an honest review

This is a very cute story for kids about how they can always rely on their Mum and all the fun things they can do together. Great illustrations too. A lovely book.
Caged Bird by Elle Thorpe

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*5 Stars*

ARC kindly received for an honest review.

I have been waiting for this book for ages, the cliffhanger we got at the end of Killer Kiss left me gobsmacked and I just had to find out how Fawn's story would go.

For the past 5 years being with Eddie has truly been torture for poor Fawn and to think that little Otis has also been witness to this all as well is horrible. There are definitely some horrible things that happen throughout this story and I would not suggest reading if abuse is a trigger for you. In saying that though, I think Elle has written this really well. 

The way that we get Fawn back comes about in a completely different way than what I expected but definitely fitting of the story and this world. There were some truly emotional moments in this book that had me reaching for the tissues and I'm just so glad to finally get this story and have it end up finishing up the way in which it did. 

Returning to Saint View always feels like coming home and this was another fabulous instalment in this world. I highly recommend, but definitely read the rest of the Saint View Strips first for this to make the most sense and get the full depth and feeling of the backstory along with the events that take place in this one. 

Now, how long do I have to wait for more from Elle and Saint View?
The Spy Coast by Tess Gerritsen

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*4 Stars*

Copy kindly received via NetGalley for an honest review.

It's been a while since I've read a Tess Gerritsen book, but I really enjoyed this and am glad I picked it up. The premise of retired CIA agents living in a small town but who get together regularly is really cool. But then when suddenly the past comes back to haunt one of them things get interesting and dangerous. The back and forth between the past the present to give us the full story was done well and I really enjoyed delving into this world. The story surprised me in ways and I definitely want to continue this series. Would recommend.
The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black

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*4 Stars*

I was going through my books looking at what to read next and realised I hadn't finished this series - took a look on Goodreads and realised it's been two years since I read the second book, whoops! I picked this up wondering how much I would remember given the time, but I fell back into this world pretty easily. It was interesting to see both the human world and faerie world again and how certain characters were trying to take over and others trying to win back good graces. I actually liked Cardan in this book and I enjoyed the bits with Jude and her sisters/family as well. Read this fairly easily over a couple of days and liked the ending. 
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.

I tried with this one, I just couldn't get into the writing style. Which is a shame because it sounds like a good book. Hopefully others enjoy this and can get into it more than me. 

The chemistry of us by M. Robinson

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*3.5 Stars*

ARC kindly received for an honest review.

I didn't mind this book - I was really annoyed at first by all the hate talk between the two, and the honestly just annoying way they treated each other. But something still kept me going and by the end I really wanted to see how the story played out. It took a really really long time before we finally understood just what had happened between these two in the past, longer than I would've liked, and the everything wrapped up nicely really quickly, but in saying that, for some reason I was still very intrigued by the story and how things would end. Not my fave, but also not too bad of a read.

The Last Guy On Earth by Sarina Bowen

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*5 Stars*

ARC kindly received for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book - I liked both our main characters and being older characters they were dealing with more adult problems than when books are written with fresh out of school characters. I love a second chance romance and a good hockey book, and so this was great, along with some great secondary characters too. Easy to read, would recommend.